Session Thirty Five: All Eyes on You

General Summary


  You are all at the Ishim Residence. Kiasuh is about to go up to check on Myri. But as she heads for the stairs, she pauses for a moment and then turns around to face Malak.   "Flame. I just a received a call from the Spire of Life. The ER is short staffed tonight and it's getting very busy..." She sighs deeply. "Like every year, the young ones don't understand how dangerous explosives are..." She shakes her head. "I'm so tired of treating third degree burns and removing shrapnel. I thought that would only happen in the war...I don't know what time I'll be home so please take your rest."   She asks Malak to otherwise go check on Myri. As she is about to leave, she puts her hand on Vence's shoulder and tells him to keep safe. Griff offers to come and help, but she says there is no need. She waves goodbye and leaves  

T. A. N. G. O. and TANGO was his codename-o

  Tristan brings up the use of the name Tango. He mentions to the group that he understands why they are amused by the name. But it was actually used as a codename. The whole group had one. They had these to ensure that they could not be identified behind enemy lines so that the people they interacted with would not be able to seek repercussions on their friends and families. He asks the group to therefore not use it again.   Griff makes the observation that the code names are all dance themed. He won't call Tristan Tango anymore but would love to know the story behind why the names are all dance-themed. He muses over his own troops and their really random names.
Griff then tells Tristan that he and April will come up with a new nickname for Tristan. April smiles and Tristan agrees.   Tristan mentions to also be a little careful with the "bear thing", seeing how people look at lycanthropy. It’s not the same thing, but people won’t be able to tell the difference. April apologises for making light of it. She thought it was cool and was unaware of possible repercussions on it. Tristan says it will be fine and laughs when April calls this skill "Flippin' awesome".   Griff wonders if Tristan is a druid but Tristan denies it. He mentions it’s something he picked up a couple of years ago.
Malak realises that he has no idea what Tristan is even on about because he was a bit distracted in Dal Quor. Tristan explains that he transformed into a half-bear. Malak says that it was such a chaos, he "bearly noticed" anything but perhaps he was more of a "bearwolf". Tristan says no. The two then briefly banter about misconceptions between Karrnath and Thrane.  

Joinin' Miron's Tears

  April tells the group about the events that led to her being invited to Miron’s Tears back at the the Cathedral. She asks everyone for their opinions as she's unsure if she should join. She thinks that joining would be beneficial to her and could mean getting assistance. While giving Malak an awkward glance, Vence mentions that, as he sees it, the church is something of a political faction. Miron’s tears is a faction within the Church. Ergo April would be signing up with a political faction while living in Aundair. When aligned to political entities they tend to hold debts.   Malak mentions that Miron’s Tears doesn’t answer to the church. As far as he knows, they don't answer to anyone   Silmer asks what Miron’s Tears actually does and what April would be doing. He mentions that it sounds like a cult. April shares everything she has been told by Daellien and Sister Merry in regards to what she would be doing. She has very little details, its all a bit vague. They would tell her everything would she decide to join. Silmer tells her to just be careful to not join a cult.   Tristan tells her that Miron's Tears sound less culty than the Feathers and does not think it’s a bad idea to join them. They are a potential source of information. But he also tells April that she doesn't need to make the decision immediately.   Malak mentions that he thinks that the Feathers are part of Miron’s Tears. Tristan says that he thinks that they are two different entities with overlapping interest that work together at times. Everyone has been completely vague on who does what. Malak agrees with that statement.   Nesza says that if April feels that she can trust these people and what they stand for then go for it. But if she doubts them or their ideals at all then maybe it’s not such a good idea. But he will support her either way.   April thanks everyone for their input and trust. She agrees with Tristan to wait with making a final decision. She initially wanted to make a quick decision in order to be of help to the group.


  Griff has concerns about putting April in a position where she might be named responsible for the things going wrong in Windshire. That the idea of reforming thigs might have actually made the matter worse. Griff mentions that he told Sister Merry that Sicklemen are being put to work. They are helping restoring the town. But it seems like Sicklemen are actually in control of it. And he doesn’t know why, but Jossac is part of it.   Tristan asks him if Jossac is willingly part of it. Griff does not believe so, he does not believe any of them are. Tristan says that they’ll find a way to help her to. Griff mentions that the next time she’ll see him, she’ll kill him. Tristan says she’ll try...   Griff muses the Jossac is smart. She knew he was with the group and could have easily led him to trap the group. But she didn't. She simply told him to go on holiday. It's as if she was trying to tell him something else.   April wants to know how the civillians... and her father... are doing but Griff does not have this information. All that he can deduce is that Jossac is working with the Eyes. She does not believe that he can do anything to help her. She also called him insane for saying the Mark can go away, so Griff thinks that the Mark might be the reason why she's working for them.   Griff mentions he can’t rely on the people he knows in Aundair for information right now. He does not want to put them all in danger, though he feels that they have the right to know. One thing that's obvious to him was that, while Jossac was threatening him, it felt like she had eyes on her. He feels that Josac’s basically telling him to do what he is doing and to save these ladies. But she is compromised.   Malak wishes that Griff had told them before they went to talk to Corvus because one of the Princes was there as well. As he knows Jossac, Jurian could have been a good source to check if there was something up with Jossac. Malak mentions that he also found a letter from Jossac when he inquired about the Sickness. Back then, he did not know what to make of it. All it said was “I’m Sorry”. But now he’s thinking that it might be somehow related to their current situation. It's clear that there is a relation between the Marks, the Sickness and Perhaps something else. Malak mentions he has a good relationship with Jurian and a complicated relationship with Wrogar.   Speaking from personal experience about reading between the lines about what commanding officers say and actually mean, Tristan agrees with Griff that Jossac is trying to communicate something different that what she's saying. He is also curious which of the princes Jossac answers to. Griff explains they are all related through the Vadalis bloodline. But she was stationed at Wrogar’s camp during the war.   Griff is considering to provide he’s going to be providing his contacts with false information. Nonsense. But Tristan suggests to then not involve either of the princes until we know who we can and can not trust.   Malak trusts Jurian with his life. Tristan tells him to be cautious as Griff felt the same about Jossac until yesterday. However, Griff feels that Jossac will probably leave at least Cody and Grace alone seeing as Jossac still seems to be loyal to Corinne. But he's unsure how deep within the military this goes. Griff looks at Vence and asks he how good he is at code. He wants to send a coded message to Jossac. Vence says that he can help.   With regards to Windshire, April concludes that she can contact her dad through Vence if she really needs to check up on him. Vence agrees.  


  Changing the subject, Griff tells Silmer that he has only just realised who Tatalla was. The name never rung a bell to him because he never called her that. He used to call her Freckles. They were never formally introduced He explains that he's really bad with names. Silmer mentions he will formally introduce him to her when they have a chance to meet.   Griff then mentions that he’s seeing Cody and Grace in the morning. He’ll ask Grace because she has a better memory than him. He probably bored her to death with his story so she would probably remember it better than him. Silmer appreciates the offer.  

Stuff from Hawk’s house

  Nesza asks if there is anyone that can Identify magical items. He explains he found some items in Hawks house but is unsure what they do, but they sure do look fancy. Malak offers to help.   Nesza hands Malak a pendant, a golden arrow and some fancy boots. Malak casts detect Magic to see if they are Magical. They all are magical. The arrow is an unbreakable arrow, the boots are boots of false tracks. The necklace itself is not Magical but inside of it there is a magical component that seems tethered. Malak sees a silverish goldish strong pointing south east. School of Magic is Transmutation.   Nesza gives Silmer the boots so he can also conceal his footprints. Silmer tries them on and they magically become fitting.   After this all happens, April asks Malak to contact Daellean and ask if she is ok with giving April an extension on agreeing to join Miron's Tears. Malak writes to Daellean in his book asking her if it's ok. She replies it's fine and he passes the message on to April.  

Cup Guy

  Griff mentions that he is concerned about being chased by a guy with cups. He showed up in the house and then later on again. The cup is in the house, then not in the house and then at the statue and then Vence draws on it and then stuff happens with it. Griff finds it confusing. He thinks Alementash is his name.   Vence puts his face in his hand and explains that no one is chasing them. He shares his experience with the copper cup. He mentions he is unaware what it means, but at the moment it’s not his priority to deal with. He’s got the one that has been following him around on his waist.   We will figure it out another day. April says right, at one point we’ll have to talk about how many fingers Almentash has in the whole proverbial pie here. The guy is everywhere. He was helping with Hawk as well, we need to talk about him at some point.   Before parting ways Tristan makes some distance between the group and him and Griff and quietly tells him to say hi to Grace for him tomorrow. Griff has a big smile and says he will. Tristan says thanks and moves along as if nothing happened as they say goodnight to each other.  

Vence/Emir at the Spire of Inspiration

  Vence shifts to Emir, goes into his bag and pulls out one of the bottles of wine. He sets it on an end table with a note and writes on there “Cygnus, maybe one day we can enjoy this together, Emir”. He then casts sending to Cissa   Emir: I hope you are well and having a pleasant time. I miss you dearly. We will have a lot to talk about when you return.   Cissa replies rather enthusiastic. Something he has not heard in a while.   Cissa: Oh Dove. Mia has picked up the ukulele. She is practicing consistently. She needs it. But I miss you and I cannot wait to return.  

Nesza peers into the void

  When Nesza gets into his room he casts Silence and proceeds to meditate. He tries to focus on whether he made the right choice in the dream realm. Nesza sees nothing. He sees a white void not unlike the nothing where he met Hawk. He does not hear or see anything else other than the white void. He sees nothing.   Nesza goes to sleep. His dream is a white void. He sees nothing, he hears noting and he senses nothing. When he wakes the next morning he is refreshed but there are no dreams.  

Tristan and April

  Tristan asks April if she is fine sleeping alone. April asks him if he is fine sleeping alone sir. Tristan says he will be fine. April asks if he doesn’t need some in the room, just in case. Tristan asks if he should just grab his bag and sleep on her floor. April nods.   That evening April mulls over things she wants to ask Tristan which she all never ends up asking him.   While April remains surprisingly quiet, Tristan tries to focus back on the singing in Dal Quor. He focuses on the voice of his sister appearing in his head and the feelings that came with it. As he remembers the song, painful memories come flowing back in. Not because it inflicted bad memories, but because Elizabeth used the song to take those painful memories away. As the song progresses, Tristan goes through a wave of different emotions. First confusion then anxiety, fear, sadness, grief and then he starts to feel a calm come over him. A feeling like someone is there with him watching over him. As the song slowly comes to an end, instead of flashes of the war, he sees memories of the summer where the two of them snuck out in the middle of the night on their birthday. Where he escorted her to her various elite performances, just watching her with pride. He just remembers good moments, happy moments and as the song comes to a close his mind is at peace. Tristan tries to linger in the feeling as long as he can. After the bliss subsides he is just calm.  


  Silmer meditates on Chelon in his room. He finds himself in a whirlpool walking forward towards Chelon. He sees Chelon doing familiar breathing exercises. As Silmer tries very hard to get closer he touches his shoulder. The vision ends as he turns around and smiles at him.  

Malak at home

  Malak goes upstairs and checks on Myri. He sits besides her bed and talks to her about what happened in Dal Quor and how he felt when he saw her there. She suddenly gasps and Malak falls over gasping also. He gets back up and starts telling her things more energetic. He sees her chest rise and fall, almost as if she is hyperventilating. As his story comes to an end a tear rolls down her cheek. Malak tells Myri that this whole ordeal reminds him of something a stranger once told him. “No man has ever worn a scarf as warm as his daughters arm around his neck”. He tells her they will get her back and stays with her and falls asleep besides her. Kiasuh comes back very early in the morning and ushers Malak back to their bedroom.  

I seeeeeeee you going up and down these stairs

  After Emir wakes up he looks around the room and he notices the wine and card where not touched. Emir turns into Vence and heads to the spire of knowledge and on route casts a sending to Nesza   Vence: Going to spire of knowledge. Reading books. If needed, ask molly to find me. If you decide to go to Hawk's, let me know. Nesza: Ughh, what time is it. I have the archery thing at one but I will come join you. I will see you wherever you at.   As Vence takes the stairs down he bumps into Gobby. Vence wants to leave but Gobby confronts him and asks him why he came from Cissa’s room. He mentions that he saw Emir and two others go in there before. He mentions he’s curious. Vence asks him why he is following people. Gobby mentions he is not following, but Vence just keeps going up and down these stairs. Vence tells him goodbye and he walks down the stairs, every so often checking if Gobby is watching him. Gobby doesn’t move but his eyes are locked on him. As he leaves the spire Molly says goodbye Thane.  

K is for Kalashtar

  Sure he has lost the gaze of Gobby Vence asks Molly for books on Kalashtar, things on Quori and things related to missing Kalashtar. Molly mentions he has no access but eventually points him to K is for Kalashtar in the anthropology section. Vence asks if there are also pictures of the Royal Court of the last 150 years. Molly tells him he does not have access. Vence tells Molly that when a man called Nesza shows up to tell him that he is in the Anthropology section. Molly says yes. When Vence arrives in the antropology section he notices it’s a much smaller spire compared to Fairhaven. The antropology section here is made up entirely on books written by Julliona Godfried.  


  He wakes up and goes straight to the Spire of knowledge. As he arrives Molly he is in the anthropology section. Nesza goes to Vence.  

April & Tristan

  Tristan and April wake up and discus plans for the day. The decide on meeting up with Elijah together and see what they day brings from there.  


  At breakfast April and Tristan encounter Silmer and Griff who are already eating. As Griff finishes his last plate he casts locate object and tries to see if he can detect the cup. Griff notices its not in motion and it’s in the direction of the spires. Griff says goodbye to April, Silmer and Tristan and leaves.  

Heads Cup

  Griff finds his way to all the way to the top of the spire of inspiration while chasing the location of the cup. It seems to behind a locked door. Behind Griff Gobby shows up asking him why he is here. Griff mentions he is looking for a cup that went missing yesterday and that seems to now be behind this door. Gobby asks him if the bard stole it. Griff spins a story about how he forgot to put a coin in it yesterday and wanted to put one in today and now it’s there while he has no idea who this bard might be. Gobby mentions the door is Cissa’s and a lot of people have been going in and out of it lately. They together try and open the door without any success. Griff asks him about the bard that went in. Gobby mentions it was Emir Kaarde. Griff tries to act as if he is unaware who this Emir Card is and asks Gobby for his name. Gobby introduces himself as The great Bard"Jazz Hands" Gobby. Griff asks him if he can sing him a song. Gobby asks him about what. Griff mentions he would like a song about lost ups which Gobby then Performs.   This is a song about cups
But I don’t know what else rimes with cups.
We’ll find
Cups The Great Bard “Jazz Hands” Gobby   They shortly discuss if the room does not also belong to Emir. Griff offers Gobby a hand to shake him but Gobby dives in for a full on hug. Gobby calls him his best friend and asks him for his name. Griff tells him he can call him Junior. Gobby mentions he will tell him all his secrets, turns around, says bye and then leaves.   Griff casts Animal messenger to send a message to Vence:
Creepy as PEEP guy in front of Cissa’s door. Cup is behind it. He decent singer though but still very much creepy as PEEP. Bye.
Vence mentions he’ll need to talk about this with Griff later.  

Spire of Life

  Griff meets up with Cody and Grace, before they go inside he ushers Grace towards him and tells her Tristan said hi. She asks if that’s all. Griff invites them along for drinks so she can ask him herself. They leave to escort the princess.  

April, Tristan and Silmer to the Orien Station

  April, Tristan and Silmer discuss the plans for today at breakfast and move towards the Orien station.   April pulls out Elijahs card and he appears before the receptionist even finishes calling him. They great each other and Elijah takes them upstairs into his office. He asks them what he can do for them. Silmer mentions that Elijah mentioned he could take them to Sunny. Elijah tells them to please call him Hawk or he’ll be mad at him. But he can take then whenever, he could take them right now if they’d like. He mentions he would be able to take them all however. As they say their goodbye Tristan tries to assure April he wont be far away. Ellijah laughs and says they will as he grabs April and Silmers hands and teleports away.  

Gnarly old tortle in a gnarly old forest surprises Silmer

  The three of them find themselves in a forest. It’s not like any of the forests they have been in. The foliage is bizarre looking. It's gnarly, dense and sticky. There are tiny black mushrooms growing on everything. And even though, they can just about make out the odd one or two rays of daylight through the canopy, it's very dark. Between the trees they see a flickering of a light that could possible be a camp fire and walk towards it (just about keeping up with Elijah).    Elijah calls out for Hawk. And, what appears to be a large boulder, moves and greets him. It turns out to be a tortle. The tortle is sitting down, but they can estimate he is about 8 foot tall. He is almost as wide as he is tall, he’s built like a brick. His scales are a reddish browns, with his skin being more sandy and his shell being more brown. His eyes are black with red brown pupils. He has two thick leather bands over his shoulders, crossing over his chest and shell, which his weapons are fastened to (the big ones on his shell, the smaller ones hanging in the front). One of these leather bands is decorated with scales, the other with spikes of some kind. On his right shoulder sits the skull of an Triceratops he killed, functioning as a sort of pauldron. Just underneath on the same side, the upper arm is bandaged off down to the elbow. He also has quite a few scars over his body. The most notable would be a vertical cut over his left eye (which is still functional, unlike his right, which is covered by a leather patch), a vertical gash over his front shell, and the imprint of several rows of what looks like they might be shark's teeth on his left leg. He’s wearing a necklace and various armbands, consisting of different types of teeth and claws of creatures he's hunted, and a dark brown cowboy hat.   Elijah introduces Hawk to the "baby tortle", Silmer. Silmer tries to do the perfect greeting for tortles he read in Julliona’s book “The Tortles of Agar”. He stops mid greeting realizing Hawk is not from there and says "Hi".    After a brief introduction, Silmer explains that he would like to learn more about tortles as he's never met one before. He explains that he was traveling by boat most of the time or was staying in Stormhome. There were never any Tortles around. He explains that he is sort of part of House Lyrander and is a sailor by trade.   

When a mommy tortle and a daddy torle love each other very much....

  Silmer asks where they are. Elijah waves the question away as "not important". They are the only two tortles in this area. Hawk explains that he's not from around here. He’s a monster hunter by trade and is currently on a hunt. Silmer asks if that’s normal for tortles.   Before answering, Hawk asks to see Silmer's shell and Silmer twirls for him. Hawk then explains that he might not be able to give Silmer all of the answers seeing as they are not the same type of tortle. Hawk is from Q’Barra and Silmer, by the shell markings (and possibly his build), is from Sarlona. Hawk explains that the "Kin tribe" lives in Q’Barra but he not sure what they call themselves in Sarlona.     Silmer explains that he was told that he was stolen as an egg to be traded away as a luxury item. But it was pirated, which is how he ended up in the Lhazaar Principalities. He does not really remember much of his early years, but was very happy once he met his father and master.   Hawk mentions that it's unusual for tortles. He explains that usually, when tortles near the end of their lives, they get an urge to go home and produce eggs (Elijah puts his hands over April’s ears). Hawk then explains that, after that, about a year after the eggs are hatched, the parents die (Elijah removes his hands from Aprils ears).   Hawk then talks about the Kin. Some stay in the villages and camps all their lives and raise the young every year. Some get wanderlust. We tend to go out in the continent. And, since they are a warrior tribe, they mostly do mercenary work or monster hunting. Silmer tells Hawk about the Commodor Infantil and its location. April is hesitant in sharing this at first but gives in after Elijah explains that they are friends and there are no secrets here. Silmer asks if Hawk would be able to help with defeating it. Hawk explains that it is not his typical fair of monster, but that doesn’t mean he’s not interested. Hawk mentions he’s already kind of on two hunts so, if he survives it does sound like something that could be a challenge. And he does like a challenge. "If you are as close to the end as I am, you do kind of want to go out in a blaze of glory." (Elijah rolls his eyes).  

When Hawk was the prey

  As they talk, another version of Elijah appears, all white. Elijah asks Snowlijah if Hawk’s doing ok because Hawk apparently thinks he’s going to die. Snowlijah says that Hawk is fine. He’s eating fine and he’s looking for that beholder and he walks a lot.    Elijah then explains to Hawk that one of the reasons for the visit is because something evil general took April's mother. Silmer just tells them most of the story about what they have been up to since Fairhaven. However, he leaves out the Goliaths, he embellishes the fights in Windsire and he leaves out Dal Quor.   When Cissa is mentioned Elijah’s brows are slightly raised. When they get to "the Eyes", Hawk looks down and starts tracing at the sand. Silmer looks down at drawing and sees "the same stupid eye they see everywhere".  Hawk thinks and then explains that he's actually on two hunts. The first hunt he is doing here is relatively standard. The second hunt he’s doing is for a creature that got away 70 years ago. Hawk is trying to find this creature to right some wrongs.  He explains that he went back to the cave where he initially encountered it. Obviously wasn’t there, he wasn’t expecting it to be. But he found this symbol scribbled all over the walls. He thinks it was a beholder but he can't be completely sure. It was hidden in the dark of the cave. But could see its eyes and hear its laughter.    Hawk explains that he was young and cocky. This was his first big job. In fact it was so big he wasn’t the only one on it. There where 3 others. He thought he didn’t need them so when he got close he ran ahead into the cave. And that was the first time he almost died. And the others weren’t so lucky. When he ran into the cave he saw these eyes looking back at him, just laughing. He felt its strength and he knew in that moment he was wrong, he couldn’t take it. He got scared he turned and ran. Passing the other hunters he told them to run to. But as he did so, one turned to stone, a ray of energy hit another and turned them to ash. He saw a 3rd lifted of the ground and flung into the cave wall where he got his head caved in. And, as he was looking around, he saw a 4th beam of energy coming towards him. Luckily as he wasn’t looking where he was going so he tripped. The energy grazed his arm (he gestures to his bandaged up arm). It melted the flesh. If the beam had hit him, he would have been dead right there. After that, he just heard it’s laughter as he ran. Three people were dead because of him. So he needs to find it and kill it. And Silmer telling him about these Eyes worries him greatly.   Silmer asks if all of the Eyes were in the lair too. Hawk says that there may have been people there but he didn’t see them.  Silmer explains how these Eyes were in both Windshire and in the cave near Thaliost. And also in Athandra. April mentions that Athandra is where her mom is being kept. And Jenny.    Hawk mentions that he needs to wrap this hunt up because this manticore is going to kill more people if he doesn’t. He’ll try and do that today. He then asks them if they have a plan for Athandra.    Silmer tells Hawk that they don’t have a concrete plan yet. They have a plan to go to Athandra and scout about first because according to their information there is an entire army that can disappear in one or two days. April mentions they are still in the process of getting more information.    Elijah adds that he did some scrying for them. Hawk asks him if he’s going with them. Elijah says it depends on what they need. He gives Hawk a cocky grin and asks him if he ever said no to a fight. Hawk retorts that he doesn’t even when he should. He mentions he’s going to look into some things, but asks Elijah to reach out him when he gets to Athandra. Elijah agrees to stay in touch and will stick closer to the group now.    Silmer and April appreciate the extra help.  


  Elijah narrows his eyes a little bit. Hey Hawk, with legendary monsters like these, they usually have a name. What is this monsters name. Hawk says Sickle.    Silmer says that this might explain all the Sicklemen we’re encountering then. He explains the concept of the Sicklemark and the people who have them.incorporatedHawk mentions that Sickle did seem intelligent.  Elijah takes out the piece of paper they gave him about the teleportation circle. He asks if Silmer means this and Silmer confirms this. Hawk mentions that was in the cave near Griffonclaw as well.    Silmer also explains that they’ve just heard from Griff that his superior officer is also working for them but not on her own will. He also tells Hawk about the Valenar elves. Hawk mentionsthat 70 years ago Griffonclaw was part of the Plains. It was a halfling town then. But these days it’s part of Valenar and it’s bigger than it was. He’s beginning to think that maybe there is a link.  

I need an adult D:

  Silmer mentions he wishes the group was there to discus this further. Elijah says it’s just Silmer and he’s leading this conversation. "It’s your time to shine."   Elijah explains that, while neither of them really know anything about this, they do have a network. Maybe it’s time to work together again. Hawk agrees. "Riding together like the old days." Elijah then sways Hawk to go to Flamekeep once he's done with his hunt. Hawk initially does not want to go because he might bump into "someone".   Silmer connects the dots and asks if they are talking about the female tortle. Hawk explains that she his daughter. But he also is not very keen on Thrane. Silmer agrees. Thrane is not his favorite area at the moment either. It feels a bit stifling in there.  Silmer then mentions the "silly hat" and whether Hawk would need it in Flamekeep. Hawk says that he won't but he’s grateful for Silmer looking out for him. He's a familiar face in Thrane.   April tells Mr Hawk he shouldn’t let the burden of those who died drag him down. They went in knowing they had a job to do. And it was part of the job that they could die. He shouldn’t let that weigh him down. It will only make him feel worse. (Elijah says "ain't she charming") Hawk says there is no need to call him "Mr". And he told himself the same thing about it should not be weighing him down. But ultimately, if he done a better job, they might have been alive. Maybe they could have all escaped together. Maybe they could have even taken the beast down and prevented god knows how much anguish.  April tells him to think of it as they saved his live, let that not be in vain. Hawk tells her she’s a good kid. Elijah agrees.    Elijah explains that he needs to get them back home. They have a friend still waiting back in Flamekeep and Cissa will most likely have his head if anything happens to these kids. Hawk asks if she’s looking out for them to. Elijah says that’s right. Hawk says that then they are in good hands. They are probably wards.  They then part ways. Hawk bids his farewells and says that he'll be in touch soon.    

Tristan at the house Orien station

Daisy gets in touch with house Deneith for Tristan. Hal is not there, but they mention something about the palace. His contacts are also not there. Tristan writes letters and sends them from the house Orien station.  

Back at Orien

Elijah, Silmer and April process what just happened. There are no conclusions but they all feel they are a step closer. They explain to Elijah that they are leaving tomorrow and Elijah offers to escort them from now on. He’s more than happy to skip some boring board meeting to help them out. They come up with a plan involving Tristan as a reason for him leaving here and now.   As they walk downstairs April checks for mail, which she did not receive. Elijah walks up to Tristan and explains that they’ll help him get to his girlfriend who is stuck. He hooks his arms and April and Silmer take the other side of Tristan and they leave. Elijah tells Daisy he doesn’t know when he’s back.  


Malak wakes up and he goes shopping for some divination materials. He finds some statuettes shaped like Coatl wrapped around a Silver Flame. After he gets this he heads to work.   At the Spire Malak asks Molly for books mentioning Dal Quor and The Silver Flame or Tyra Miron or Cloinger. Molly mentions he has no access. Malak asks if there is anything on Dal Quor. He is pointed to K is for Kalashtar in the anthropology section.  

Vence, Nesza and Malak

Vence and Nezsa read K for Kalashtar together. They learn the following:
  • Kalasktar don’t dream when they sleep, instead they see memories or visions of their Quori.
  • Quori naming conventions.
  • The largest population of Kaleshtari originates from Cyre.
  • Most of them migrated to New Cyre.
  • There is also a large amount of them that moved to Aundaire.
  • Bonds between Kalasktar and their Quori, but nothing on how to harm or kill a Quori.
  Nesza looks for Q is for Quori, its not there. Vence looks for C is for Changeling. It’s also not there. Vence finds a book on Cyre by Julliona Godfried which she wrote after the war:
  • Descriptions of the spire of inspiration
  • Descriptions of the city (What City?)
  • Cyre housed a lot of Leonin prides.
  • Cyre was one of the countries that deployed Warforged during the war.
  • Cyre was a country of creativity, imagination and inspiration.
  • Cyre valued beauty and creativity above all else
  • House Kannith was one of the main ruling houses there.
  • It was a haven for bards and creatives (Architects, musicians, artist, inventor, etc).
Malak joins them later and reads K is for Kalashtar. They discuss how the library here is not as good as the one in Fairhaven and how the Church restricts a lot of Information. Malak can also not access that. Malak is informed of all Nesza and Vence learned.   Nesza mentions he’d like to go to Hawks house. Malak explains that the Archery thing is coming up soon. Nesza decides to go do the archery because he is a man of his words. Vence tells him there is always still tonight.  

An archery contest?

They pick up Walter and Seraphina and go for lunch at a little cafeteria they usually lunch at. After lunch Walter guides them to the Archery range nearest to Malak’s house   Nesza takes off all Magical aids on Walter’s request and takes two practice shots. Vence wagers with Malak. If Nesza wins he gets to ask him a question that must be answered truthfully. If Walter wins the same counts for Malak. Malak Agrees.   Walter shoots 3 arrows. One in the second to last ring and two dead center. With the 3rd cleaving the 2nd arrow. Nesza shoots 3 arrows. One 2 rings down, one in the ring besides the bullseye and one on the rim of the bullseye.   Walter after beating Nesza tells him he has the eye but requires more practice. He looks at his form and gives him a few tips for improvement. On his way to the Vadalis station Griff casts locate objects to check on the cup. Its still in the room and he sends a bird to Vence.   A bird messenger arrives from Griff telling Vence: “Seems to still be in the room”   Malak finds this horrifying. Vence hastily explains about Griff’s messages over the day and the cup again.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
22 May 2021

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