Session Twenty Nine: To finding the missing women

General Summary


  It's been an eventful afternoon. You’re enjoying your "Keepers of the Flame" with a side of drama. Kiasuh explained to Tristan that she met his sister when tending her injuries. Tristan would like to know more. That's where we ended the last session.  

Still at lunch...

  Tristan asks Kiasuh when she patched Elizabeth up and what the injuries were. Kiasuh estimates they met between a few months to a year ago when Elizabeth broke her toes. She came in with a halfling Jorasco who insisted he heal her himself. Elizabeth wanted professional help though. She came back 4 more times with the same injury. Tristan is very confused.   Vence asks Kiasuh how Elizabeth broke her toes. Kiasuh says it involved dancing. Tristan asks about the Jorasco person. Kiasuh describes someone named Genti whose mother works at the Spire of Life. Looking at Malak, she suggests he’s Sadie's child. Malak shrugs, unsure. Kiasuh confirms that he is. Vence also confirms this fact, peaking Kiasuh’s curiosity. She wonders how Vence knew. He moves the conversation to a different topic. He asks who else was with Elizabeth. Kiasuh only saw the two but mentioned hearing they were traveling with more.   Silmer believes she had a clumsy dancing partner. Vence suggests to Silmer she took up ballet. Dancers who practice this get injured regularly. Silmer deems this weird. Kiasuh agrees, but she’s seen people practice it before. Like Cissa.   Tristan asks if Cissa got injured as well. Kiasuh is unsure, but also mentioned Cissa flies half of the time. It’s likely she was cheating.   Kiasuh tells Tristan that Elizabeth is fine. She then announces she’s off to work soon. It’s settled that Tristan can come back to ask her more questions later. She then asks Malak what his plans are tomorrow. He mentions meeting the princess. Griff mentions she is a close friend of his. Kiasuh explains her husband is friends with the prince of Aundair. She isn’t surprised he made a good impression.   After Malak declares wanting to visit his mother to get information, the group discuss what to do the next day.   Griff asks if anyone else can sing the song that made his arm glow. He could try, but his singing won't sound very good. Kiasuh gives it a go. There is no sign of a glow.   When Kiasuh gets up to leave for work, Griff offers to help her at the Spire of Life. Kiasuh agrees if he doesn’t get in the way. Griff quips that he is good at following orders.   Nesza talks about the mark on the map. He asks if Malak knows how the house can be connected to his issue. Malak knows a good way to find out. He explains the concept of knocking. This annoys Nesza as there was no need to "move inside to discuss the approach", as was previously suggested by Malak. Nesza mentions it might not be that simple. He asks if Malak knows anything about the house. He does not. Nesza wants to investigate the statue again. Malak suggests it’s fine to go back if people don’t talk to the Veiled Ones again. Vence mentions the group was being watched at the Orion station. The Veiled Ones may have already been keeping eye on them. Nesza agrees.   He wants to go there at night to have a look. Silmer offers to help as backup. Griff would love to come along, but there are plans to drink at the Lazy Bull as per Vence’s suggestion. Griff invites everyone to join. Malak believes going to the house tonight is better than tomorrow as there will be fireworks then. Nesza asks if there might be extra guards. Malak seems unsure. But he suggests it unwise to knock on the door at night as the inhabitants might be sleeping.   Nesza feels he could sell the story of an Aasimar on a journey of worship. Malak suggests the tale would be more believable carried out during the day. Griff mentions having seen guards around town and wonders if it’s normal. Malak mentions the guards were likely escorts of the Veiled Ones. He asks if Kiasuh has seen other guards around. Nothing stood out to her. She asks if Griff is ready to go. Before they leave, April asks where to meet up. Griff mentions he will be back at the Inn and going for drinks later from there. They agree to meet there at 7. Griff heads off with Kiasuh. Tristan walks up to Griff at the door. What Griff said about his sister was not OK. Next time he won’t be polite about it. He asks if this is clear and Griff confirms.   Nesza asks Vence about the copper cup at the statue. Vence mentions it was seen at the shrine of the Traveler and then again at the Inn where Almentash was working. He has marked the cup on him to check if it appears in the future again.   Malak explains he needs to go past work and the Cathedral and asks if anyone has other plans. Tristan asks if anything was discussed upstairs that the rest of the group should be aware of. Vence unveils a conversation about the lyrics of the “glow song”. He mentions it was written for Myranna by Luscinia, but he has no idea how the two are connected.   After Malak is asked to clarify, he mentions the second verse of the song describes Myri and how she went to war. He’s unsure how this is relevant to Luscinnia. It is explained that she is Corvus’ mother. Vence sings the last line of the second verse, making Nesza’s mark flicker in the process. Vence points out to Malak that the songs calls Myranna the Silverbird. When he sang, her hair turned Radiant silver. Malak says that’s indeed what her hair looks like. She got that from him. Silmer mentions the Silverbird was spotted above Breland. Malak asks if it’s his sister’s airship or the actual bird. Silmer takes a moment to think and realizes it’s likely the airship.   Silmer then continues the previous conversation, mentioning the arrow in Thaliost. Malak asks if the great cost of it all might be the sickness. Tristan mentons Griff told them about the greenery being all fucked up now. Malak says it makes sense. Tristan summarizes the Luscinnia connection. Malak confirms and explains that Luscinnia also cured Mia. It’s agreed that more verses need to be collected.   Vence mentions that Nesza has seen the Silverbird and that he, Tristan and Griff all have a Mark. He asks when they got their Marks. Nesza got his before the silverbird incident. April asks if it just appeared and if it’s more than just a tattoo. She wonders if there was a selection process and how far it extends beyond soldiers. Nesza mentions seeing others with a Mark that might not have seen battle. Tristan confirms and adds that a lot of refugees who left Cyre also have it. Malak explains that it’s recent. His wife and mother both fought in the war and they don’t have one. Nesza asks what they did in the war. Malak explains they were in support roles. His mother fought 49 years ago and Kiasuh around 30 years ago. Malak tells the group he thinks it’s not linked to the Flight of the Silverbird. Griff wasn’t there and neither was Prince Wrogar. April asks how Mia got her Mark. No one knows. Malak is asked if he knows when she was healed. He mentions it being after the mourning.   Answering April’s question, Tristan explains he was in Cyre, 6 to 8 months before the end of the war. Nesza mentions he was outside of Methrol. So was Tristan.   Vence speculates whether the common relation was being in Cyre during a specific part of the war. Tristan relays that Griff wasn’t. Wrogar was though.   Silmer asks if anyone has a map, so things could be put into better perspective. None of these cities are coast related. He specifically wants maps from Breland, Aundair, Thrane and Cyre. Silmer mentions that according to rumour there is an unknown ship going to an unknown island north west of Fairhaven. He assumed it would be his sister. But her ship was spotted in Breland. According to Malak, Cissa and Mia are likely on the unknown airship. Another captain with another ship could be flying them. Maybe Mia is flying an airship. Silmer mentions he should send a message to his sister. He assumed she would be helping Cissa out. Nesza asks Silmer if he can check if George is OK as well.   April asks how close one can get to Cyre borders. Tristan says he is unsure but they say to walk into Cyre is to willfully die. April wants to get close enough to take a dirt sample. Vence mentions you can get in via Breland or Karrnath.   Vence turns to Tristan and says according to management, the bards will be heading to Breland soon. Malak asks if Elisabeth is with Taliashana. Vence confirms this and mentions Genti and some human male who he doesn’t know are also traveling with them. When it’s asked who Genti is, Malak explains that it’s Sadie's kid.   Vence asks how close Sadie and Malak’s mom are. Malak mentions they were close friends until Sadie passed a couple years ago.   Nesza asks if Malak can accompany him to knock on the door of that house, followed by the Spire of Knowledge. Malak says he would like to go do that right now as it’s on the way to work. Nesza asks if anyone else wants to join. Vence wants to go to the Spire of Inspiration with April and Silmer. Tristan needs some alone time.   After a plan of action is discussed, Vence asks April about the newspaper she found. Tristan is reminded that Apri said something about her mother portrayed as a witch? April pushes the newspaper in his face. The group discus how far off their pictures are. April mentions an article about the Wardens. Tristan reads the newspaper and asks April if it’s correct in saying her mother seduced her father with a love potion. Silmer jests that it sounds right. April explains that her mom makes potions and that her parents love each other. Tristan mentions to not take everything you read in newspaper so seriously.   The group slit up. Tristan goes off on his own. Nesza and Malak go to the marked house first while Vence, April and Silmer move towards the Spire of Inspiration.  

Tristan – Casually climbing up tower walls like a spider

  Tristan walks into town alone looking for a high building with an alley besides it. He finds a clocktower and climbs up the wall to get inside. When all the way to the top, he sits down and looks out over the city. He grabs for something in his shirt and starts talking. He mentions it’s been a while since he’s checked in. It’s been an interesting few days. He’s in Flamekeep and he almost got arrested on his first day.   He sits back and looks at the sky. Squints his eyes as if he is trying to remember a memory. Something is triggered and he takes out paper to start writing.  

Griff – Proving he can also heal Thranians

  Kiasuh gives Griff the option to check in with the druids or help in the ER. Griff wants to prove he’s not a murderer like she previously deemed, so would like to show he can make a difference in the ER. Kiasuh assigns him to one of her assistants, Cassidy. Griff helps the rest of the day curing people.  

Malak and Nesza – Statue, house, Statue and off to the library

  They arrive at the statue. Nesza investigates the statue. He finds the cup that was there earlier today is gone. Malak checks if the statue has broken toes. They are not. He wears a feather, in the same way Cissa does.   They leave the statue and move to the house. Nesza asks Malak how well he blended in. Malak tells him he didn’t blend in well at all. As Nesza asks for tips Malak gets impatient. He steps forward, uses the door knocker and steps back. Nesza postures up expectantly. Nothing happens. Nesza knocks the door. When he touches the door, he hears a voice in his head speaking Celestial. As Nesza is told he needs a key, a keyhole suddenly appears in the door. Nesza asks if there are any clues to where he might find it. The voice tells him the key is in "his study". Nesza tries to ask the door who he is. There is no reply. He takes Malak to a private area. After an explanation, Malak mentions it might be his uncle.   They look over the statue again for clues. There is no key but Malak notices some books at the base that are part of the statue. One of the books is titled “Ancient Relics”. Malak thinks he might have seen it at the Spire of Knowledge.  

The 3 Musketeers

  Vence pulls April and Silmer to the side before they go in. He explains that Emir might help in getting information given his relationship with the Circle. He mentions that the newspaper articles about food and wine have caught Emir’s attention and he could use them to explain how he found April and why he wants to help. First though, he’s going to get the key to Cissa’s apartment so he can change into Emir. He’ll then come down to meet them in the lobby.   Greeted by Molly, he asks for the key to Cissa’s room and directions on how to get there. Molly explains he can just open the door. He also asks where the circle office is located. Vence then sends the duo waiting outside a message they can come in.   As Vence enters the apartment he notices an unusual smell. Vence does not associate it with Cissa, but the scent is somewhat checmical. As if it’s been fabricated. He assumes April might know more. As Thaen he casts sending to Ressina.   Thaen: In Flamekeep a few days. Thrane for longer. Could we meet. Like to discuss happenings in Athandra and general Len. And to your happy retirement?
Ressina: Well this is a surprise. Very confusing instance. Not in Thrane so can’t meet. Perhaps talk at a House Sivis station tomorrow.   Thaen: That will work well for me. How about tomorrow at 3. Do we need a secure channel?
Ressina: Leave the channel to me, 3 is fine.   Then as Emir he heads down, only to be encircled by a crowd. A little girl walks up and asks for a signature. After a bunch of signatures, April asks him to sign a potion bottle for her.   Emir asks if he knows her. April mentions she has an urgent question for him and wonders if he would mind joining her in the corner for a bit. Emir responds confused. April says she has a friend she’d like him to meet. In shuffles Silmer looking like a bad ass half elf with a facial scar. Emir asks if he wants an autograph. Silmer says no. Emir says he looks imposing. The crowd checks up on Emir to see if he’s OK. April says the crowd is scaring him. Emir says it’s OK. Emir makes a motion and walks off to the side. April asks him if his life is normally like this. Emir starts talking in hush tones and says this is why Vence exists. Emir says that the next time he asks her who she is she should say her name, pointing at her newspaper so he can reference that. April presumes to screams her name out loud and that she makes the best wine in Khorvair.   Murmurs start. Emir waves a hand over the crowd and points at the most well-traveled bard he sees to come join them. An older man comes over. Emir says he’ll be his biggest fan if he can help him place why he might have heard of April Highthorn and Windshire. The bard makes up a song on the spot around the contents of the newspaper.   This is a song about Windshire
April's parents were in it
Her mother was abducted and her dad is hexed
And they made wine together and other stuff I should not say because she is here   April twitches at the song. He gets up awfully close to her, making Emir step in and ask to give her space. April says she has not said yes to the tea yet yeah. He replies with yeah. Silmer is wondering what’s happening. After signing the man’s (Gobby’s his name) lute, he takes April and Silmer to the Circle office.   The three of them sit with a half elven bard named Martha. Emir says he is looking for information. He found April Highthorn and heard her mother was kidnapped. April says the only clue she has is Athandra. Martha asks why Athandra is mentioned. April mentions General Len. Martha sits up and mentions it’s a name she hasn’t heard in a while. April asks why she recognizes the name. Martha says she knows the name, but he is not much of a general. There are stories of a Valenar elf marching on different cities around Khorvair. She believes it has something to do with the marked soldiers. Martha mentions that in the Name of Gazeer Len bards have also disappeared. She has no idea why. Emir asks if she names of those captured. Martha agrees to look into this. Silmer asks why he isn’t being stopped. Martha mentions that there is no proof. Word of mouth isn’t good enough for royalty to make a move. The funny thing as well is that whenever it’s looked into they are suddenly gone. Emir says it sounds like there might be a mole on the inside. Martha says that might be possible, but she hopes not. April asks what the last place is he was spotted at. Martha says she thinks it was somewhere in Breland. Emir asks if she could do more research into this. She agrees and tells the group to come back in 2 days.   April asks if there have been abductions from farms. Martha sadly says there is only one known case. April asks if he is after soldiers with the mark. Martha says it seems he is indeed using them. She asks Emir what his interest in this is. Emir mentions that the finest winemaker has gone missing and no one is aware of this. At this point she’s found out to be a d’Lyrander and she wonders why Silmer seems familiar. Silmer plays it as coincidence.   Overhearing them discuss whether to mention a tortle, Martha confirms there is indeed one that stops by from time to time named Krul. As they say their goodbyes, Emir turns around and asks about the rumors of a dancing statue. Martha explains a court Bird was playing music at the statue. Though she is unsure who it was, they likely conjured an image of Cissa and the statue dancing together. April mentions if there is anything she can do for her to just get in touch. Martha says that if there is anything that April can do for her, she will find her. April says she is not hard to miss with the red hair. Martha waves them off.   Emir asks for help with something in Cissa’s apartment. He leads April and Silmer upstairs. Silmer notices frescos against the walls, especially one of a woman with long black hair holding the hand of a child. They assume the woman is Cissa.   Silmer takes off his hat and introduces himself. Emir mentions he knows what Vence knows. Silmer asks why they are there. While they are chatting, April recognizes the chemical smell. It’s the scent of a lady that came to visit her mother. The lady was striking. As she enters the room, it seemed as if the room dimmed as she radiated. She visited more than once. April’s mother created other types of concoctions than just potions. This includes perfume with magical properties.   April brings it up. Silmer asks if she remembers the name. April thinks long and hard. As she looks around the room, she sees the painting of the woman and child it hits her. It’s Cygnus. Cissa’s mother. Silmer asks if it’s a good thing she was here. He also wonders why they are in the apartment. Emir says he needed April’s with some clothing selections.  

Malak and Nesza – To the Library!

  Molly greets them as they enter the spire. She mentions there is a message for Malak from Corvus. There are also 4 sealed messages for him to pass on. Malak says he is looking for a book called “Ancient Relics”. He remembers seeing it around somewhere. Molly mentions there where 2 copies. One was removed and the other is in Hawk’s study. Molly mentions he has access as next of kin. Molly gestures to the 7th floor. Nesza asks if there are books about General Len. Molly says no. They move along to Hawk’s office. In the elevator they talk about what Molly does and does not know.   At the end of the hall there are 2 doors, 1 labelled Aria de Caracas and the other says Baxon Hawk. Nesza sees a lot of other names on doors but recognizes none. When Nesza talks to the door there is a small zap as it opens.   Nesza discovers arrowheads that look really old. Malak finds some bookcases filled with trinkets. They find lyrics to a love song with a little green feather attached, a letter from an establishment in Breland called Lucy Etiam in Aeri, Cum Crystallini, thanking him for his generous donation, a golden key, a journal, a book on ancient relics and a letter from Sarah saying she misses him.   Nesza gives the book to Malak and takes the key and journal out. The journal is locked, and he can’t open it. Nesza contemplates giving it to April to unlock. Malak says he was considering giving it to Cissa. Nesza believes it’s not for him to read. Mallak tells Nesza it is wise to leave the book of ancient relics here as Molly might also not be happy with it leaving the spire. Malak starts cleaning up the office with prestidigitation.   Malak asks if he understands this might mean the voice in his head is Hawk. Nesza thinks the other female voice in his head might be the paladin in the song of Hawk Cissa showed them. Malak points at Aria’s door. He mentions the office hasn’t been used almost as long as Hawk’s. Nesza tries to open Aria’s door. It won’t budge.   Malak takes Nesza to the area he works in, where they find Walter and Seraphina packing up. Walter mentions nothing has changed since he left. Malak mentions Nesza is looking for a challenge with his bow to test his mettle. But all he has been able to find are some children in Thaliost. Walter asks Malak if Nesza would be a proper challenge. Malak says that Nesza would like to think so. But Kiasuh doubts it. Walter says he can set something up the next two days.   They go back down to Molly where Nesza asks about Aria. It is implied by Molly that Aria is still alive. Malak mentions he might be able to find out some more information on her via the church.  

Griff and Kiasuh

  She thanks Griff for his help. Griff says it’s better to be useful than to just go drinking. It was a nice afternoon. He mentions he can’t help tomorrow, but would be allowed to walk in to help if there’s time? Kiasuh says he is always welcome.  

Tristan waiting for Malak to come home

  He arrives at Malak’s house and knocks on the door. There is no reply. He sits down somewhere nearby. As Kiasuh heads back she runs into Tristan. She pauses and walks up to him with slumped shoulders and asks if he wasn’t going drinking. Tristan mentions he was just waiting for Malak so he could have a word before going. Kiasuh mentions she does not know Malak’s plans but mentions they will need some alone time tonight. Tristan says he’ll talk to him later then. Kiasuh asks if there are any questions for her. She invites him in and he follows. Tristan mentions he has been looking for his sister for 2 years and wonders if injury is normal with ballet. Kiasuh does not normally heal dancers but she believes it makes sense. Kiasuh mentions it’s a craft that takes years to learn properly. If his sister learned this in a week then that says more about her than anything else. But this isn’t the only thing ailing him, is it, Kiasuh wonders. He mentions that 2 years ago she disappeared. He was under the assumption that someone took her. He dislikes how she just left a thing behind for him and now he has to go after her. He does not know why any of this is happening. To save Myranna he guesses, but how does she even know about her? Tristan mentions there is something he has been thinking about and realizes it’s a big ask. When he was a soldier there were many things he had to do and sometimes he had to find people who were taken or missing and bring them home. He found that if he knew the person or had a clear image of them that it helped him care more. Kiasuh asks if he wants to see Myranna. Tristan says yes. He is taken up to see Myranna. Tristan asks if she hears the songs and reacts to them. Kiasuh says she only reacts to the one. The other makes her glow. Tristan agrees that’s not a reaction. He wonders if she can hear people talk as well. Kiasuh says it’s possible, but she never reacts when she talks to her. He asks if Myranna is kept up to date on what is happening with Malak’s search. Kiasuh confirms she does. Tristan imagines if he would be stuck in a magical slumber, he would appreciate people keeping him updated on what is going on. Tristan mentions that Vence only sang the chorus of the traitor song. He could sing the entire song and see how she reacts. Kiasuh wants him to do this, but Malak needs to be there too.  

Drinks! At the Lazy Bull!

  Everybody, except Malak, gather in the hallway. April is dressed in high class Aundarian fashion. The group tells her it’s appreciated but that she might be over dressed. She then wears her cloak over it. Vence explains the pub might be seedier than those in Fairhaven, but they have the best Bacon and Eggs in Khorvaire.   The group head towards The Lazy Bull . They are greeted by a half orc called Muffin . She welcomes the group and asks what she can do for them. Silmer asks to be directed to the restroom. Muffin gestures to the restrooms and Silmer takes off. As this happens Grace and Cody walk in. Silmer removes his disguise in the restroom, waits a bit and then comes back outside and sits at the table. Muffin greats him warmly she advices Filthy Orcs for drinks. She also mentions despite being well-known for their Bacon and Eggs, they should try their pancakes. Vence asks if the Bacon and Eggs are served with pancakes. She explains there is a legacy dish which they have no say in. And now her sister, Pancake , wants a legacy dish. The group orders food and drinks. Griff introduces Grace and Cody. Their nicknames, “The Princess of Perfection” and “The Eager Earl", bring about a round of questions. He also explains to the two that Jenny, the little sparkle of joy, has been taken. They also took April’s mom. Grace says she’s sorry about the situation.   Griff invites April and Silmer to come along for the ride in the woods with the Princess. Grace isn’t sure about adding more people to the already big group. Griff mentions Silmer is really alert though. Grace explains that this ride with the princess its unheard of. She wants no unwanted attention.   Vence looks over Tristan as he mentions keeping secrets as a living later in the conversation. The Eager Earl notices this and asks if he’s checking Tristan out. Vence mentions he has great fashion sense.   Nesza unveils that he investigated the statue again. He confirms that he’s related to Hawk. Griff explains to Grace and Cody that Nesza is the son of the beautiful woman with the halo that kept him alive during druid training. Talk of Hawk and the statue are put on hold as members of the party don’t want another Veiled Ones incident. Shifting the topic slightly, Nesza mentions he knows where he wants to go next tomorrow and everyone is welcome to join. The group talk about timings and when to go. Grace mentions they should be back before 4 o’clock as the princess has her own royal duties to perform. Grace explains that the princess has an important duty to Aundair. To bring the countries together. Unfortunately, she has no interest in getting married, not that she has a choice. Even worse, her fiancé has no interest in her and has been sleeping around since she arrived in Flamekeep. Grace says that while it’s awful, she would be sent home if she was caught sneaking away. Silmer suggests the princess borrow his hat. Silmer mentions getting it as a gift from a friend. Nesza mentions he can help with magic to hide the group from any means of detection.   There’s something that’s been on Griff’s mind when it comes to the Princess. He explains that Sassek took his daughter and son to their camp in the war. Corrinne was small and stepped into the Griffon pen. Grace adds she was unattended. He explains that as she stepped into the pen, all the griffons bowed to her. She climbed on Godric’s back and the griffons took off. Grace mentions she was only 4 years old. Grace explains that this happens with all animals near Corinne. She explains all creatures seem to see her as a higher being. Griff explains he suspects she is a druid and is unaware of it. Grace mentions that the Princess would love to meet a tortle. Griff agrees. Vence asks if him being a tortle would not draw attention. Silmer mentions he could stay behind as he is not sure a Griffon can carry him.   Grace mentions the horses are rather strong, so will able to carry him. Tristan asks where they would all meet. The stables is chosen as their meeting spot. Their drinks arrive, but while Cody is eager to drink the night away, Griff explains he has a meeting with the Veiled Ones as well the Princess so can’t have too many. Grace wonders if he did something wrong but April clarifies he’s in the situation because he tried to help her out.   As the food arrives, April whispers to Tristan and asks him if he’s feeling better. Tristan wonders why she asks. April mentions he seemed shaken when he left Malak’s house. Tristan mentions he is better than he was. April says he looks like some weight has been lifted off him. Tristan mentions it’s good that he knows his sister is alright even though he doesn’t know what she’s up to. April says he’ll find out eventually. Tristan sighs and then he and April cheers. Grace asks what the cheering is for. April simply says, “to finding missing women”. The table cheers.   On the subject, Griff wants to know more about Valarie. For someone they’re saving, he’s hearing her name very little. April explains her mom seems to be secretive now, but strong willed with a strong heart. She wants what’s best for her local people, husband and daughter. She has been a great tutor. She taught April a lot of what she knows. She’s just lovely, although she sometimes has a bit of a temper. Silmer adds she’s persistent. Tristan asks if they know why they took her, that’s a bit fuzzy. April explains the wine making business of Windshire and how it was borne from her father’s side of the family. She explains that during the war the community worked hard to make extra food for the troops. When they stopped, marked soldiers came to demand the rest of their resources. They were only a small community versus veterans. So they started to be creative. They looked for fields offshore while farming goodberries on the shore. The island they found was safe as there was something important on it – something she promised to tell Trstan more about at the Inn. Valarie is one of the people that knows the location of the island.   Griff mentions he has noticed April not being OK for the last few days. Griff explains he lost his sister once. It took him a while to find her back. She came back though, and he wants to make sure the same happens with Valarie. Tristan says everyone here is there to help. Vence says no child should be without their parent. April thanks everyone. She would like to amend her cheers to “welcoming back all the women”. The table cheers.   Vence reminds Griff that he brought gifts suddenly. Griff takes a box out of his pocket and gives it to Grace with a wand of magic missiles. She opens her coat and shows rows and rows of wands and finds a spot and puts it there. For Cody, Griff has goggles of dark vision.   Tristan leans into Vence and says he sadly isn’t his type. Vence says he is still making a decision.   Nesza asks Vence if he removed the cup at the statue. Vence says he hasn’t been back there. Nesza mentions it was gone when he was there and to do with that information what he must. Vence looks at the bottom of the cup on his belt. It looks the same as always. Tristan asks if this is related to the Traveller. Vence mentions it does have to do with that. Tristan says it seems important to him and he has zero context. Vence tells the following story:   "Long ago there was a woman named Jes, and she had one hundred children. Her rivals conspired against her and swore to kill her children. Jes begged the Sovereigns for help, but their only answer was the wind and rain. In the depths of her despair, a lonely traveler took her hand. “I will protect your children if they follow my path. Let them wander the world. They may be shunned and feared, but they will never be destroyed.” Jes agreed, and the traveler gave her his cloak. When she draped it over her children, their old faces melted away and they could be whoever they wanted to be. And so it remains. Though the children are shunned by all, the gift of the Traveler protects them still."   He says the Traveler stands for change, chaos and creativity and that even some artificers follow him. Griff asks if they found out why the statue was dancing when they investigated that. Vence says a court bird made an illusion of Cissa dancing with the statue. Tristan says that makes more sense. Nesza asks if that might have been Corvus. Grace is triggered by this and explains Corvus visited them the other day. Nesza says it then might have been. Vence says that’s what he was thinking. It is explained to Tristan that Corvus was the court Bird of Aundair. He’s also a close friend of Malak.   As they eat, Griff slaps himself in the face with a pancake for combining the Bacon and Eggs with pancakes. He upset aunty Eggs. Tristan turns to Muffin and asks if Eggs ever causes problems. Muffin explains that she never causes trouble. The only 2 exceptions are when Bacon and Eggs aren’t enjoyed by themselves and when bards play a certain song wrong. Tristan asks what song that would be. Muffin says she does not know what the song is. But there are two versions and neither version pleases Eggs. Vence asks if Muffin can hum her the tune. She hums the Song of Hawk.   They hear some heavy boots walking down the stairs. They see a purple poncho and a purple wizard hat. A friendly voice says: “Hey Muffin, can you please take it down a notch. Seems like Egg’s upset again.”

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Player Journals
It's confirmed! by Nesza
Report Date
13 Feb 2021

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