Session Sixty Two: Looking for love in the Wroat places

General Summary

It is THE Emir!

  Vence doesn't miss a beat after "Emir" passes by telling the group with surprise, "Did you see that? It is THE Emir!" To some confused faces he explains Emir is a famous bard in Breland and is again emphatic it is "the Emir". Many are still confused by whatever is going on. Chantilly, still new to the whole concept of Emir, finds this worrisome. She moves away to find some information on this "new Emir".     Vence, hearing a musical lull, wishes to which Tristan gives him an inspirational slap on the ass as Vence strikes up a tune. Emir is now dancing on top of a table and Chantilly takes the opportunity to try and trip him by sneakily rolling a bottle under his foot. But Emir remains unfazed by using the possible "trip" to show off a graceful backflip. Silmer, however, is curiously studying Emir's dance moves and notices martial art influences. In talking with Briar Malak comments he heard Emir was more musical than dancer.  

More confusion

  Chantilly, ever on the move, tries to find Emir's viol case near the stage. Vence noticed her looking through instrument cases asks her to, "leave it be, it is _the_ Emir" and to get herself a drink. Chantilly changes tact and gets a round for the table.   Griff meanwhile has been staring between Emir and Vence, confused. He tells Tristan he doesn't think this Emir is the real one, but Tristan tells him, "Vence isn't fussed, so lets not make a deal of it." It is noted that this Emir is much happier than normal...but Vence seems about the same as ever. Griff does wonder if Emir is "free".   Briar and Malak seem to hit it off and as Silmer joins they decide they need a secret handshake, but one w/ more "cha-chonk". They are now "besties forever" and "so cool". As Chantilly returns with their hefeweizens Emir begins dancing on the table and even touches Briar's hand, which makes her blush.  

Unrealistic expectations

  Griff decides to join in dancing with 'Emir' and does quite well! At one point Emir does a handstand on Griff's raised hands. Thaen/Emir are upset as it sets unrealistic expectations for future shows.   'Emir' however looks terrified as Griff whispers, "She misses you too you know?" Hurriedly Vence casts messages to Griff and Piesk. Telling Griff that it is their brother and telling 'Emir' everything was okay, which causes Emir to relax again.  

Piesk Faldren

  As the show ends there is applause for Emir who shares it with Griff. 'Emir' deflects on autographs this evening but promises some tomorrow. The bartender keeps eyeing Vence, much to Vence's confusion, and Griff almost as a reflex goes to help clean up behind the bar. 'Emir' asks if Vence enjoyed the show and even calls him "brother". 'Emir' shifts into his typical human form and introduces himself as Piesk Faldren. He's Thaen's youngest brother. Briar looks disappointed it isn't Emir.  

Risking all for love

  Some conversation ensues and it turns out Piesk is in town for love. He heard that Gisleia, half-elf bright pink hair, from the Dancers of Desmenes is in town. They parted ways a while back because Piesk was too scared risk it all and join her on the road. He decided to take the risk now and see if she'd still have him. Vence suspects she and her troupe will be in town until the festival is over and others offer to ask their contacts to help find her.   Vence tells him about Tessie staying with the family and they imagine Dris, their sister, is likely very thrilled. Piesk teases him by saying that "If you wanted to be Dris' favourite brother, you only had to get her a kitten!"   Silmer talks a little with Piesk about where he learned his dance moves and forms. Piesk admits he is entirely self-taught, but there are a _lot_ of bards in the family too so maybe part from that. Silmer is not deterred but wants to learn more from Piesk and they arrange to meet tomorrow morning to train together.  

Not strong like Wies, not sweet like Dris

  Chantilly asks, "Why Emir?" As it turns out it is Piesk's first time for home and he was only doing it to earn money in the evenings. Malak comments about another Emir potentially throwing people off their trail. There are some loose discussions about the dangers possible. Piesk is taken aback about the dangers.   Vence and others explain about Emir being part of the feathers. Vence explains that says they had to leave 4 people behind and that Talia was Thaen's and Cissa was Emir.   It dawns on Piesk that this is why their mom was being so cagey and protective of Wies and Dris (older brother, baby sister). They were Vence and Lady's choices and their mother seems to know about it. It obviously stings Piesk a bit. He's usually the one overlooked as he's not as assertive as Wies and not sweet or smart as Dris. He had noticed something was off when their mother suddenly confided in _him_ on things that she never included him in on.   After a hug from Griff and a comforting word from Malak, Piesk admits that he would not have known what he'd have done in VETT's position and does not take offence.   Vence gently explains that he couldn't pick between his brothers and flipped a coin. This seems to ease Piesk's mind on the matter somewhat.  

A girl worth waiting for

  Piesk says he was able to leave home, the Dragon Eyes, due to Cissa visiting so foot traffic to the tavern is fine. So, given events at home Piesk felt it was possible to "take that risk" and go find Gisleia and maybe even VETT.   Tristan takes Briar aside to discuss the note she had given him the night before. It seems Elizabeth was trying to help 'him' escape and couldn't go with her, so he slipped her the note.   Meanwhile, Malak is asking Piesk about Gisleia. He tells Malak they met at a special event in the Dragon Eye. She pulled him from the crowd for a demonstration. Must have gone well because he was involved in many demonstrations. A clearly twitter-pated Piesk comments wistfully, "She smelled like muffins..." Malak smiles, "Ah, a girl worth waiting for."  

The tavern trend

  Piesk remarks he was surprised and pleased that Thaen was able to make so many friends. Griff tells him Vence is actually the social one while Malak quips they have an understanding with "management" but do like the others. Tristan says he is grumpy. Piesk says that makes sense, Thaen is too.   As the party recount how they met one another, they all realize that they each met VETT in a bar and alcohol was involved. Piesk even mentions VETT was born in one.  

Off to the Gold Dragon Inn

  Before the group moves over to the Gold Dragon Inn they plan tomorrow’s events. It is agreed they'll split up for the morning's activities, but meet up again around lunch time to reconvene and most will go to House Denneth to talk about the prisoners.   Piesk asks the party to not their brother die and Chantilly says, "That is what I'm here to keep from happening. Tristan too." Piesk takes the opportunity to remind VETT about dropping mom's name at a certain bar as they part ways to head to the Gold Dragon Inn.   Along the way to the Gold Dragon Inn Tristan holds Griff back to let him know he is annoyed with him. He tells Griff that Briar is his best friend and he wanted to tell her about Grace. Griff asks what she knows, he only said they were dating. Griff goes on talking about how Tristan is going to be family and there will be a big BBQ. Tristan tells him, "Let me tell friends about things." Griff acknowledges the request   Chantilly pulls Vence aside quickly to discuss the Last Lantern. She explains she is used to being eyes and ears but isn't really getting any direction or what to expect. Vence explains he had no idea of what was in store for them but would do so in future. Somewhere along the way Malak and Tristan tell Briar they can get her a meet and greet with the REAL Emir.  

Go to bed people

  Once at the Gold Dragon Inn everyone heads off to their individual rooms, Malak having been upgraded to a king suite.   Vence takes the opportunity to send a number of messages to people. 1) V->Tatalla: He tells have left town and Silmer is safe and doing well. He asks her to tell Mia something but it cuts off. Tatalla thanks Vence for the update and will send Mia his handkerchief.   2) E->Orillo: Emir checks in with Orillo to see how they're progressing. Orillo tells him they've entered the mournlands and are now at a temple made of glass.   3) Th->Berren (Dad): Thaen apologizes to his dad about sending Tessie their way and tells him he has ran into Piesk. Berren says Tessie is a darling and everyone is happy to have her but she needs therapy. He also is surprised about Piesk.  

Sweet Dreams

  Malak pulls out his book and writes to Kiasuh telling her they've arrived in Wroat, met "interesting people", and that he'll find her some sweets. Kiasuh grumplily reminds him of the time, having been roused, but thanks him for the sweets and tells him she is looking forward to them. Malak grumbles about getting scolded for checking in with his wife.   Before going to sleep however Malak has an idea. What if he casts Dream to communicate with Gisleia, would it work? Piesk did show what she looked like and talked at length about her after all. Casting the spell Malak falls asleep and enters a black void...   Upon entering the dream Malak chooses to make it a nice one, a pleasant space for them to casually chat with two chairs and a table. He then sees a half-elven lady curled up in a ball covering her ears, rocking back and forth. Malak sees a red thread coming from her wrist. When she notices him he smiles reassuringly.   He introduces himself as a friend of Piesk's and that he has the magic to communicate in dreams. She is surprised that Piesk is looking for her. She asks where she is and Malak tells her "Il-lashtafar" the land of nightmares. This makes sense with her experience so far. She tells Malak on the first day of the Lantern Festival she was dancing in the street and next thing she knew, she was "here".   Gisleia asks about if Piesk knows she's here and how she can get out. Piesk doesn't know, but did ask for help finding her. Malak says he was able to use magic to find her based on what Piesk had told him about her. Gisleia doesn't want to return to the nightmares and asks Malak how long he can stay, he tells he'll stay all night and that they'll get her out, just have hope. He lets her know that Piesk was looking for her and followed her to Wroat. She can't believe he remembered her, but is happy at the news. Happier still when Malak tells her, "Your name alone makes him smile."   Eventually Malak properly introduces himself as Malak Isham, yes, Myrrana's father. He explains she is also trapped in a dream, but in Dal Quor. Gisleia asks about how much Malak can control the dream? She wants to make lots of muffins and cupcakes. Malak transforms the space into Dozen's Bakery, which makes her so happy she wants to dance. Conjuring a dream Vence to play the piece from Corrine's wedding the two dance and bake pastries as birds flutter around them.  

A Puzzling Question

  The next morning Tristan goes to Vence's room for help, but not musically. Tristan explains he got a letter from Elizabeth via Briar. He has solved some of the hidden messages but is struggling with two of the codes and needs the help. Vence is given a copy of the letter as reference and is touched Tristan thought him capable. Vence also gets the okay to enlist Malak's help if needed.  

I dream of Breakfast

  At breakfast Malak explains the events of his evening, that he had an idea how to reach Gisleia and what he learned. He tells them she is probably still alive and not like Hawk. Tristan finds Malak's gesture to bolster her spirits admirable and agrees she is likely alive, they need to feed on her. Malak relays he told her about Piesk and she was surprised he remembered her.   Griff says they need to find her, but what to tell Piesk? Vence says they need to tell him, it'd be worse not to. There is some discussion about following the tracks Silmer found last night and prioritizing finding Gisleia over their other plans. Everyone is onboard with anothe rescue. Vence then sets out to bring Piesk over. Malak uses the opportunity to flex his Platinum member status to get his wife sweets in dolphin and other local shapes as a gift.   Walking Piesk back Vence tells Piesk that he has less than great news, but the good news is Gisleia is alive. A very confused Piesk arrives as Malak fills him much more gently than Vence did. First working to assauge Piesk's worries that she was with someone else and had forgotten all about him and told him she felt similar but made sure he set the record straight! That Piesk did not forget her and was infact looking for her. Malak then explains about Il-Lashtafar being the realm of nightmares inside Dal Quor.   Piesk inquires about her dream and Malak tells him he made her a pleasant one. One where they made muffins, cupcakes, danced, and had fun all night. Piesk embraces Malak and thanks him. Tristan asks what it was like before. It was a black void, a description which Silmer has heard one before from his former master. Malak tells Tristan and Griff she also had a red thread coming from her wrist and Tristan shows his. Chantilly for the first time realizes the danger Griff is in and stares at him wide eyed. Malak mentions there are ring version of well at which Vence shows the one on his necklace, Piesk thinks him mad.   Malak continues to explain some of Myrrana's situation to Piesk as well. Piesk wants to know how to free Gisleia but is also curious how Myrrana came to be there as well. While Malak isn't sure on freeing Gisleia he explains he normally just spends time with his daughter but will ask her next time he sees her.   The group begins to discuss various plans on what to do. Malak discusses w/ Tristan the possibility getting Briar the evidence she needs via dream, but they'd need to discuss it with her first. Discussion turns back to going to rescue Gisleia during which they realize they have a problem. Even if they can rescue her body they have no idea how to free her spirit. They brain storm and create a short list of people to ask for help. Ranging from Corvus, to Corrine, to the Dodos, and even asking the Eye prisoners for a start.  

Plan: Follow the tiny animal

  Discussion then falls back to possibly following the tracks. There is much back and forth us had about how they'd optimally split teams. Ultimately though they end up back at their original plan. Going into the tunnels and following animal messenger to Gisleia. She is the priority…but they really do want to follow the tracks in the tunnels.   As they exit the Gold Dragon Inn with a well formed plan they hear a town crier exclaim, "Princess of Thrane to visit within the next day."   Piesk, wishing to do something, is told by Vence he can certainly join them. Malak even offers to send Piesk to Gisleia's dream tonight to raise her spirits.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
08 Oct 2022

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