Session Forty Six: Hag-gling with Higher Powers

General Summary


  With Dozen's quest in hand and a meeting planned for this evening and get ready to set off into the Marshes.  

Which way?

The group discuss where to go to get Dozen supplies. Griff points out there are two options. One area lit up like a Christmas tree and one area was larger but the ingredients were more spread out. The group decide to go for the lit area and to rent a boat to go there while Griff flies along on Godric, leading the group to the area in question. Emir takes half the pastries along in his bag of holding and the group leaves the tavern.  

The boat house

It’s run by an old Dwarf who rents them a boat for 5 silver each. Before setting out, Silmer inspects the boat and deems it worthy of the trip.  

Row, row, row your boat

Tristan and Silmer both take up rowing as Griff and Godric keep an eye out from above. Tristan and Emir sing in canon. There are a lot of birds and bugs flying above the boat.   At one point Griff and Godric spot something “froglike” quickly approaching the boat and alert the group. Silmer and Tristan put the oars back into the boat to avoid losing them in the increasing turbulent water.   Griff freezes some water in front of the creature but, what turns out to be a Giant Frog, uses it as a platform to leap over the boat and catch some bugs. The boat rocks so heavily that Emir falls out of the boat. Griff asks Godric to pick him up and drops him back on the boat where Malak uses prestidigitation to clean him up.  

Arrival on the island

They arrive at the island. Griff sends Godric to scout from the top and joins the group on the ground. Tristan pulls the boat onshore and secures it. It’s not a large island, about 50 ft in diameter. There are loads of berries and flowers, the ground is mossy and muddy. Very slippery.   Silmer and Griff look around and notice that it seems like nothing has been here recently. Silmer finds this very suspicious as they encountered animals on the way here and it looks like nothing has touched this island. He suggests that Griff perhaps ask the plants why but Griff does not have the spell prepared.   Malak decides to use the slippery surface to slide and nearly falls, saved by Emir trying to stop him from sliding off the side of the island. Tristan sits down, his but is now wet, as it always is.  

Godric spots a Lady

Godric calls Griff and tells him he sees a naked Lady not to far away from them and that she scares him. She’s in the direction of where. So its hard for them to not run into her. She seems to be cooking. As the group discusses what to do Griff steps forward and loudly mentions that it smells good.   As they approach her they smell burning wood, which seems out of place on the very wet island. She is singing "Let no man steal your thyme". When Emir notices the song Lady shifts in. Both Emir and Tristan vaguely recall the tune but not from where.   As Griff sees her, he tells her that he likes her signing. She’s naked, soft olive skin, green hair and brown eyes. She appears human and is not alarmed by Griff approaching her. She greets Griff and calls him handsome. She asks him why he is here. Griff mentions he is here for baking supplies. She shushes him by touching his mouth. Griff asks her is she isn’t cold. She asks him if he can’t warm her up.   Malak and Lady move out to the sides, Malak with a hand on his slingshot and Lady takes out Crystallini getting ready in case something is wrong. Tristan steps up besides Griff and Silmer stays a little in the back.   Griff explains that Balinor sent him here and she offers some of her soup. Griff tells him there is a chef with them, perhaps they can exchange some recipes. The group all come into clear sight and Tristan asks if she was expecting them. She smiles and tells them this is her island and if they want to take things they should at least ask.   Griff notices she is not a regular lady, much older than she looks. She might be under some illusionary magic. Griff explains again they are here to get baking supplies. She asks him what he can give her in return. Griff mentions she does not seem interested in gold. She tells him he did not ask.   Malak recalls that her description matches those of hags. They are not all evil but one should always be cautious around them. Lady takes out a pastry and Griff offers to exchange a pastry. He also tells her about Dozen’s skills as a party planner but she is not interested in that. She accepts the exchange as the surrounding lights up for a moment and asks who of them is the Chef. Silmer picking some flowers and berries   Griff points at Silmer and the hag stalks up to him, mentioning that he’s very young. She asks him what he knows about edible plants. Silmer mentions very little. He is shown a few plants and is explained that one can be used completely, one on part of the plant can be used as an ingredient and one is very poisonous.   He ends up picking a Lotus, realizing that due to his recent experiences in the kitchen he has learned how to identify what type of plants are edible. He says that the Sacred Lotus the he selected are the most nutritious of the options the hag had given him as the entirety of the lotus can be used.   The hag tells him that it was a good choice and gives him 4 lotuses. Malak uses detect poison to check them and they seem to not be poisonous. There are a lot of poisonous things around. The soup is not one of them.  

Pride silk for a vial of Sporing

Wondering if 4 flowers would be enough for Dozen Griff takes out his pride silk and offers her to trade it for more. She feels it and accepts it, but tells Griff that she can’t give more flowers. She tells him that the 4 flowers would be sufficient and giving more is bad for the ecosystem of her island.   Griff apologises that he had not thought to prepare Plant Growth. Otherwise he could have helped with her ecosystem. She flirtatiously tells him that he can make it up to her once the others leave and he agrees to occasionally come to visit. She then explains that her island will not be there in the morning. So it’s now or never. Griff ponders this.   In return for the Pride Silk she fills a vial with some water and gives it to Griff. She explains that is very sought after.   The group enquire why the water is sought after and the hag explains that. She says that there are multiple things that this vial can be used for. But it seems to mostly be used for dropping on the ground and making a mist.   Silmer asks if she can also arrange portable kitchens. The hag explains he needs to trade something that is of personal import for that and it does not have to be something physical. Tristan asks her why others are coming here for theses vials. She tells him it is not her business to share, she does not kiss and tell.   Malak asks Griff for the vial and uses identify to inspect it. He realizes its filled with Sporing. He does not share this and hands the vial back to Griff telling him to be careful with it and not to break it.  

The Hag and the Lady

Lady asks if the hag was in the Karoran region or Drooam. The hag simply replies with “might have”.   The hag then leans in and asks Lady why she’s traveling with this group. Lady boldly replies that she’s making sure that they do not get themselves killed. She asks Lady if they’d do the same for her. Lady assumes they would.   The hag warns Lady that men always ending up turning on women. Lady says that “everyone is paranoid” but the hag explains that men have tried to kill her multiple times merely because she did not give them what they wanted.   Meanwhile, Tristan raises a flask to Lady’s “paranoid” comment. The hag tells Lady to take note of her friend as he might get ill from drinking so much early in the morning. But all things considered, Tristan is doing ok. He feels that the medicinal herbs around him might be helping him keep his head clear too.   Closing her conversation with Lady, she teaches her the song she was singing before. Afterwards, she explains that many women she’s crossed paths with have learned this song. It comes in useful.  

Late introductions

Malak apologizes for being rude and the group introduces themselves. The hag mentions she’s called Azirssa and that she is from Droaam. She has two other sisters called Morganna and Greensong. Meanwhile, Griff pulls Godric into the crystal again.  

People try and trade stuff

Silmer looks in his belongings and takes out a bag he got from April. It’s filled with potions and things, all labelled. She tells him she would trade the entire bag for a kitchen but he refuses.   Lady asks about a friend of their’s had an encounter with a hag. A man named Gobby or Jagob Leen. She asks if Azirssa would be able to help Gobby retrieve his memory. The hag does not seem to see why she should do that but the name is rather familiar. Griff suggests that Gobby doesn’t really want his memory back. Rather, he’d want to find his son. Lady then asks if the hag would help find Gobby’s son. Azirssa asks why. She is not just going to help for nothing. She’s not here for charity.   Lady explains that she does not have anything that the hag would want. Vence shifts in and offers to trade the abacus in exchange for information on Gobby’s son. It’s worth a lot of gold, was very useful and a good friend gave it to him so he’d be sad to see it go.   Azirssa looks over his shoulder and tells him that she’s more interested in the girl standing behind him as she seems very attached to him. Vence looks around but doesn’t see anything. Tristan asks what the girl looks like. Azirssa mentions that she must have died young. Malak asks her if she wants a dead girl from Vence’s past. Azirssa confirms that she wants the girl’s soul. She has no use for it anymore after all. Vence mentions that her soul isn’t his to give. The hag then says that she doesn’t have anything to him then.  

What is life without a few risks

Malak asks Griff if he’s sure he’d want to sleep with her giving what just went down. Griff was not paying attention. Lady shifts in. Azirssa asks them all to leave (except Griff). Lady gives Griff a bottle of wine. She tells him to put in the effort and that hydration is important.   Griff agrees with Lady that effort is required and tells Azirssa that her song rang true to him. Azirssa is quite impressed with Griff. Most men don’t usually listen to that song.   Griff promises the rest that he will won’t be late. Malak mentions that he’s about to make a big mistake. Azirssa asks what is life without a few risks. Malak says “long”.  

Tristan tries to make a deal

Tristan loiters behind asks ask her to make deal but asks Griff for some privacy. Griff asks him if that’s smart. Tristan tells Griff he’ll make his own dumb mistakes. Griff tells him they are brothers, and that he does not need to hide from him.   Azirssa mentions she won’t be here tomorrow. Griff asks Tristan if its something so bad he can’t ask it in front of him. Tristan tells him it’s none of his business. Tristan decides to just drop it and leaves for the boat angrily.   Azirssa tells Griff he can also leave as he scared away a client. Griff tells her to at least keep the wine which she refuses. He then says that he’ll live up to that song. She says good and to have others do so too.   He explains that he would have wanted to trade with her too. She explains that he doesn’t allow others to trade with her so she’d prefer him to leave.  

Row, row, row your boat back

Tristan arrives at the boat annoyed and pushes it in the water. They row back safely while Lady sings "Twiddles". Before they get back Emir shifts back in and they return the boat. Silmer suggests that the dwarf back at the dock investigate the boat. The dwarf is impressed by how well his boat is taken care of.  


Griff sits down on the island for a moment and leaves the bottle of wine behind. He gets Godric out and flies around a bit. Godric asks him where the rest is. Griff explains they went back earlier. Griff explains he’s just killing some time and that he felt Tristan was going to do something dumb.   Griff explains the song the hag sung and how it made him think of Merril and other past mistakes. Godric asks if he was a mistake. Griff hugs him and tells Godric he’s not a mistake. He also did not sleep with Godric’s mother.  

A soft prayer

Tristan does not join the group and goes to the secret ritual site. He takes out his guitar and sword. Puts down 2 cupcakes and 2 cups he fills with drink from the flask. He leans his head against the hilt of the sword and sings "A Hero Comes Home" softly.   He prays, mentioning that it’s been a while. He assumed that he was abandoned and apologizes. He mentions it’s selfish to reach out and could really use their wisdom. He stays there quietly for 10 minutes and leaves the food and drink.   As Tristan slowly heads back, Grace suddenly contacts him.   Grace: Tristan? Are you okay? Tristan: Hi? Nice to hear your voice. That sounds like a leading question.   Grace: Not a yes… I got a message yesterday to reach out to you more. And I had the feeling that I needed to Tristan: Yesterday? We only left yesterday. Who would… whatever. Rough day. Not great. Not sure what I should to be doing anymore   Grace: Trust your gut. Know that I trust you and I love you Tristan: I love you too. Learned a lot since we got here. Compiling it for you. Sending it to you. I wish I was there  

Silmer/Emir/Malak give Dozen the ingredients

They joke around a bit on their way to the bakery. Malak tries to open the door again. Emir and Silmer doubt he’ll be able to. Malak opens the door and is helped by dozen with the last bit. Dozen greets them and asks them what they got him. Silmer gives him the 4 lotus flowers. Dozen geeks out about how amazing these are and asks Silmer if he knew what he had. Silmer mentions he did not.   Emir ensures Silmer gets the credit for the flowers. Dozen gives Silmer the Dust of Deliciousness. He got if from a hag who really did not like it.   Malak asks Dozen if he ever heard of Azirssa and if she was the one who gave him a kitchen. Dozen tries to remember and mentions he believe he got it from Morganna but has heard of Azirssa. He also knows about Greensong and mentions that hags are good at parties.  

Altogether now

Back at the inn they all catch up again. Griff is also there but he’s clearly avoiding conversation. Emir, while in private, gets a message from Grace.   Grace: She misses you too. Emir: Words cannot express how much that means to me for you to have asked her. Thank you very much. We will take care of him.   Tristan tells Emir during dinner to not speak for him unless told to and asks him if he contacted Grace in his name. Emir says he contacted her in his own name. Silmer spends dinner to inspect his dust.   Emir “calls ahead” and tells Orillo when they are on their way. Emir and Malak guide the group to the place Orillo is staying.  

House of the Warforged

Malak tries a secret know at the door and its answered. A hooded person opens and asks themselves in a effeminate sounding voice why they just did that. Malak tells them it’s a standard secret know. They welcome them in.   The house is a log cabin with no furniture other than a brown hemp mug. It does not smell or feel like anything lives here. Inside they find 4 other hooded figures amongst which is Orillo. The group introduce themselves.   The hooded figures introduce themselves as Orillo, Mavith, Uthal, Vimak and Pahv. Orillo asks them if they are willing to assist. The group mentions they do. Orillo tells them the Silent Fane is full of traps and all they know is that silence is of great importance in traversing there. If you move in silence none of the traps should be set off.   Griff adds that the elder mentioned this place to him last night as well. It’s built on a convergence zone where you can speak to the dead. He was advised to go there if he would like to talk to his grandmother. He also tells Silmer it might be a place where he could talk to Chelon. Emir points out there might also be people Tristan would want to speak with.   The group discuss the dangers of the traps and undead and make some plans. The Warforged do not know anything about the layout of the building. It also seems the Gatekeepers haven’t been there in centuries. The group decides to leave in the morning and Orillo offers to be their guide. He will however not go inside with them. He offers to tell the group a story. Emir pulls out a spell shard and transcribes the story into it.  

Orillo's Tale

Were we created before this day... I.... cannot say for sure. I do not recall the life I led before this husk... The first memory I had, I was... on a battlefield. A larger battle I have yet to encounter. There was a light. A brilliant silver light that unclouded our minds. What were we doing there? what was our purpose? Why were we fighting? The silver light seemed to ask those same questions. And the people we were fighting did not seem to want to fight either.     We... did not hesitate. We turned around and left as soon as we were able to discern that this was not what we wanted to do.     Unfortunately for us.... we were... easily traced. Our footsteps are... heavy. And one by one they started to pick us off.... Until the mist came.     No longer did they hunt us. At first we thought they had died. But one of uor clerics confirmed that they were in fact still living, be it barely. They slept     Within the mist, we kept moving. A voice spoke to some of us... within us. Beckoning us to a safe haven. Mentioning places we could go, each bringing us closer to some final home. Some followed the voice... others... did not. We thought we were safe... so we stopped following a disembodied voice and settled down. We realised that some of us were able to work well with wood and metal. They did not recall why.     And then, they came. They were us. But not us. Burnt down our homes. Chased us. Or possibly herded us out of the mist.... and into the claws of House Cannith.   Now that we are free... or at least, on the run, the voice has returned to us. And they told us to go to the Lantern Tower. But to get there, we need a map. One that can be found in the Silent Fane  

Questions and Plans

Tristan turns pale and goes into the corner to think. Griff mentions he was already upset. Tristan tells Griff he can speak for himself. Tristan mentions he was there in the blinding silver light. One of the people who stopped fighting. It was not a good day. Orillo understands that Tristan must have lost people in that time and tells Tristan he’s sorry.   Tristan asks him if the people are asleep, could they still be alive. Orillo tells him that he does not know, and wishes to not give him false hope.   Emir asks Orillo if he can describe the voice. Orillo mentions it’s not like one of them (not Warforged). It’s like one of you. He talks firmly but gently and calls them child. Griff mentions they’ve met him, he’s a nice guy. He knows all the answers.   Emir mimic’s Almentash’s voice (with a 35 degree head tilt) and all of the Warforged suddenly straighten up and stare at Emir in disbelief. Orillo confirms that is him.   Malak insinuates they can call the Traveler to talk. Emir takes out his cup and slides it to Malak on the table. He’s not going to but Malak is free to try. Malak muses that he knows that there is a price. But perhaps the knowledge is worth the price. Emir points out that it’s not about the fact that there is a cost and more about what Malak is willing to pay. Malak agrees that they need to be sure.   Tristan asks if Malak has a question at the ready. Because simply asking for information is not going to be specific enough in this case. Malak wonders if Almentash would share answers about the temple. Tristan doubts that based on previous interactions. Malak agrees and decides not to ask.   Griff suggests that he could commune with nature when they are near the temple. He would be able to sense powerful undead and presences from other planes, as well as the general fauna and flora of the area. So he does not think that they need to contact Almentash for that.   Tristan thinks it’s a good idea of Griff.   Orillo is in awe that the group is able to communicate with Almentash and asks if he would be able to as well. Emir explains the process and the possible costs. That knowledge always comes at a price and they’ll never know what that price actually is. Orillo chuckles sardonically and explains that he’s a soul stuck in a husk. He has nothing more to offer.   Griff asks them what they know about religion. The Warforged mention they know nothing. Griff explains that the Traveler is helping them out. He’s ancient and his motives are beyond the group’s comprehension. But so far he seems to do good things and Griff mentions he’s also helping one of their friends. Orillo explains that if the Traveller lead the group to the Warforged then it’s only been good things for them.   The group agree to meet Orillo in front of the inn after breakfast. He will guide the group to the temple but will not join them inside.  

Back outside

As the group get outside Tristan turns to Griff who has turned into Griffy dog as they got outside. He mentions he wants to have a word but Griff just stares at him awkwardly as a dog. They all go their own way.   Silmer goes back to the inn and rests.   Emir stays outside and plays a few songs on his viol before heading to bed.   Malak stays at the dining area for a bit and talks to Kiasuh using his tomb’s Sending:   Malak: Flame. Arrived safely in Shadow Marches. Going to explore a Silent Temple tomorrow. Will take care and talk to you again tomorrow night. Love Malak Kiasuh: It is very quiet here, I did not think that I would miss it so much. It is different this time. Miss you   Malak: Miss you too, stay strong Kiasuh: Always, Flame. Please take care of them. AND DON’T DIE!   Malak sets up his couatl statues on the table (one big one and two small ones), using them to cast Divination. He asks the Silver Flame the below question:   Can we find one of the reliquaries in the Silent Fane?   The first couatl statue is engulfed in a silver fire. Then the second. Then the third. They burn consistently brighter, until they reach a pinnacle of brightness that is almost blinding. Then the flames suddenly go out. The statues appear to be undamaged and no one around him seems to have notices. Malak packs his stuff in and goes to bed.   Tristan wanders around the town humming “A hero comes home”. He sits down somewhere and rests his head on his sword, look up and say “thank you”. He then empties his flask into the swamp and returns to the inn to finish some letters to Grace before going to sleep.   Griff does not go to the inn. He goes to the Secret Ritual.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
06 Nov 2021

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