Rodia To Rebellion

A Star Wars Narrative Dice (EoE/AoR/F&D) game In the world of A Galaxy Far Far Away
November 14th, 2020 | Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • "Kronn" Kronntaeksladd Wyoncaimlot Guff Neeteeff
    A Rodian Male researcher stationed upon the TSS-Aleph a Rendili Orbital Dock Station. Conducts research on materials and creates testing solutions in starship fabrications and technologies.
  • Assew Crentonn
    A Human security guard aboard the TSS-Aleph a Rendili Orbital Dock Station.
  • Beema Karada
    A Rodian Female, who is head researcher on the TSS-Aleph in charge of Starship research. She has 3 sons, whom all work in transportation and who she still tries to support financially.
  • Beeto
    A Kerkoiden Male, whom is the pilot of a group that flies in a Modified CEC YT-1760 Transport. Our heroes have sought transport with him to Chaleydonia.
  • Chema Sheeke
    A Human Female Lab Assistant aboard the TSS-Aleph a Rendili Orbital Dock Station.
  • Choth Tevvil
    A Human Mechanic employed on the TSS-Aleph Rendili Orbital Dock Station.
  • Essik Bopal
    This older Rodian Male was recently killed on the Rendili Orbital Station TSS-Aleph, as of 2/13/0 ABY. He was found dead, having been murdered by Kal Kesha in his research laboratory. He was head researcher with testing and development and a long lifetime friend of Ranem Tivv.
  • Flann Geer
    A Human Male dockhand aboard the TSS-Aleph a Rendili Orbital Dock Station.
  • Gena Tan
    A well-educated researcher working under the employer of Ranem Tivv, however, she fell victim to a clan of Tribal Longspine Rodians while on a scouting mission. She was unable to be rescued by our heroes, but her work was recovered and the data she was seeking, returned to Ranem Tivv and Tyrius Sysworks Systems.
  • Iziz
    A Twi'lek Female, who was encountered working in a seedy establishment on Tephon, The Maroon Chateau ,that was running illegal services from the back. She was given a large sum of money by Djinno Raxiel and has helped to inform him of current events occurring in the factional circles of the city itself.
  • Kal Kesha
    A Human Female Researcher, who stole a secret research device from Tyrius Sysworks Systems during her research stint there. She was a head researcher for Fabrications in the starship laboratories. She was caught escaping the Rendili Orbital Station with the device after murdering fellow researcher, Essik Bopal. She was caught and apprehended, last seen under the custody of Ranem Tivv.
  • Luke
    A Human Male who visited the Chekkoo Enclave around the same time as our heroes. He navigates across the galaxy in a very unique starship, a luxury Star Yacht, and when contact by the group, he signed off with Red 5. Later his name was confirmed to be Luke by a handheld comlink.
  • Nepo Meelnuls
    A Rodian Security officer on the TSS-Aleph a Rendili Orbital Dock Station.
  • Nulve Zsobi
    A Rodian Male Mechanic aboard the TSS-Aleph a Rendili Orbital Dock Station.
  • Oju
    A Rodian Restaurant Server employed on the TSS-Aleph a Rendili Orbital Dock Station.
  • Pluk Swiffo
    A Weequay Male, whom runs the underground Cantina, Crystal Nyri, a place of scum and villainy in the city of Tephon. He can usually be found serving patrons and ensuring there is no funny business had.
  • Ranem Tivv
    A Rodian Male, leader of the Tyrius Sysworks Systems, and employer of multiple outsiders. Currently runs one of the largest Syndicates in the Savareen sector in direct competition to Rodian Interfreight. Ranem Tivv has emplyed our heroes for multiple successful missions.
  • Setvaug Hougrog
    A Verpine Male arms dealer, whom works in the city of Tephon and frequents the Crystal Nyri, a seedy tavern. He smuggles weapons under the noses of the Imperials, whom run the city.
  • Stiirmm Opi
    A Rodian Drydocks Worker aboard the TSS-Aleph a Rendili Orbital Dock Station.
  • Taneetch Soonta
    A Rodian Female, whom lives in the Chekkoo Enclave on the planet of Rodia. Personal friends with a rebel alliance leader, named Luke, whom wished to learn about her uncle, Huulik and therefore visited her around 2/0/0 ABY. She seems to be a key figure in the future of the Rodians, when they come into contact with the empire's plans.
  • Tiree
    A Human Male, who has spoken to our Heroes with the promise to help them join the Rebel Alliance, should they find their way to Lothal.
  • Ty Yelliri
    A Human Male, who is the current head researcher of the Rendili Orbital Station, TSS-Aleph. He has worked here, under the employment of Ranem Tivv and owns his own ship, The Past Due.

Sessions Archive

27th Jan 2021

Episode IIIB: Battle Stations

The city of Tephon, under Imperial control, held more importance for our group of Travelers then they had initially expected. Following the ambush of an Imperial convoy and the stolen cargo, our group of spacers were brought to the city of Chaleydonia, where they spent time resting and seeking a job.   Our Heroes, needing to find their way to Lothal, find themselves under the employer of a prominent businessman. The Savareen Merchant Alliance plans to host an annual meeting and speak of deals with the Mining Guild. To ensure that the meeting goes off without a hitch, the leaders of this power conference look to a group of spacers to help protect this venture. In order to succeed in their security duties, this group will need to stay close to their battle stations…

20th Jan 2021

Episode IIIA: A Chance of Turbulence

The bigger the venture, the bigger the risk. Pirates and opportunists across the galaxy are drawn to rich targets like Jawas to a wreck. For many, if it means stealing from the Empire for those less fortunate or needing aid, the payoff is even sweeter.   Often, even the best laid plans can fail and sometimes things may not be what they seem. Rebels come in all shapes and sizes, but they all share one thing in common; their hatred for the atrocities the empire has conducted and the repression they practice. Every hit to Imperial personal or supplies is a win for those who would wish to see them fall, although often at a cost.   Our Heroes, needing to find their way to Lothal will wish to find themselves under the employer of a prominent businessman. The Savareen Merchant Alliance plans to host an annual meeting and speak of deals with the Mining Guild. To ensure that the meeting goes off without a hitch, the leaders of this power conference look out for a group of spacers to help protect this venture, but with a dangerous journey, there’s always a chance of turbulence…

13th Jan 2021

Episode III: Seeking Resistance

War! Under the oppressive rule of the evil Galactic Empire, its reach nearly boundless, rebels strive to make a difference by banding together to fight against the tyranny of the evil Emperor Palpatine and his minions. Hoping to contact an agent of the rebellion named Tiree, our heroes make their way to the planet of Christophsis to reach a long-range communication station.   Their transportation and plans are their own, but they should be able to find everything they need on the highly populated crystalline world that lies along the heart of the Corellian Run. Ultimately, we will see what lies in store for our mercenaries when they attempt to contact Tiree and what MESA 291, a long deserted Iidium mine, on a world deep in the Outer Rim has to do with it. Our travelers will surely need all the tools they can get if they are seeking resistance…

7th Jan 2021

Episode IIA: Turned Traitor

On a Rendili Orbital Dock, important research has been leaked to an apposing syndicate, one who has heavy ties to the empire. This data leak must be investigated, and the four suspects must be profiled, but our heroes must be careful not to alert them to the ongoing investigation. We have learned that every criminal has a means, has a motive, and has an opportunity. When these factors come to light, investigators can often distinguish those they can acquit and those who become main suspects.   When things begin to grow more dire and our group of off-worlders attempt to solve the case, will the pressure cause the suspect to crack or will they become alerted to the investigation and make a plan of their own. The suspect must be caught and apprehended, or Project Shadow’s Feather could be leaked, stolen, or worse destroyed. Follow our mercenaries as they try to find what could have led one of the Tyrius Sysworks Syndicate’s most valued researchers to be turned traitor…

28th Nov 2020

Episode II: Nowhere To Run

Every crime ever committed boils down to three things. From grisly, Hutt-contracted assassinations to a street urchin on Coruscant stealing credits to buy food, every criminal has a means, has a motive, and has an opportunity.   When the owner of a research lab in space suspects one of his employees is stealing from him, he has to turn to outside help to flush out the criminal. He’s hired a group of spacers to go undercover, investigate the situation, and ensure that the criminal has nowhere to run…

25th Nov 2020

Episode IB: The Lost Starship

The Offworlders managed to locate the scientists, Dr. Tan and her assistant, who had fallen into the hands of a primitive tribe of jungle-dwellers. Although failing to save either of the researchers, they did manage to retrieve the doctors work and recover evidence of her demise. A few datacards, now recovered from the Longspine Clan, gave the heroes direction to the goal of the scientist’s research – a lost Trade Federation Starship Development Facility.   Immediately prior to being captured, Dr. Tan and her team were en route to the lab to copy the data from its computer core. Outside of the facility, the Empire surveys the area and has called for additional trooper presence in the area, complicating attempts to leave into the surrounding jungle. Will these Soldiers of fortune find their way through the facility to the computer core, copy the data, and escape the facility to deliver the data back to their employer? Trapped inside the facility, there are secrets still hidden and the seeds of rebellion still have yet to be sowed, how far can a small group of mercenaries get when there is, nowhere to run…

18th Nov 2020

Episode IA: Across the River

The swamps and jungles of Rodia have proved capable to shroud secrets and enemies, but our Offworlders had stumbled upon the recently attacked and abandoned research camp. Set upon by a group Longspine Rodians, as untamed as the wilds themselves, the primitive Rodians quickly fell to the sounds of blasters and slugthrowers. A path leading north revealed an encampment of the Longspine Tribe and the peril of Dr. Tan and her research team.   With the Anthropologist and her assistant captured, our Soldiers of Fortune can only hope to save the researchers and secure their data cards, before they are lost to the cacophony of roaring water or blaster fire. Can the data be saved and the Doctor with them? Will the data cache be discovered, and its secrets revealed? The jungles still hide many mysteries and our Wanderers have yet to find what may be uncovered in, the jungles of Rodia…

14th Nov 2020

Episode I: Jungles of Rodia

The swamps and jungles of Rodia are no place for the timid. While the great cities of Rodia belong to the Rodians, the vast tropics of the planet remain wild and untamed.   When an anthropologist and her team, trekking into the very heart of the swamplands, fail to check in for three days, her colleagues can only suspect the worst. Her employer knows that chances for the team grow slimmer with each passing day, and so he turns to offworlders – mercenaries, wanderers, and soldiers of fortune – to venture out and see what they find across the river…

Read the Report
AGE OF REBELLION focuses on the action that takes place, during the time between Episode IV: A New Hope and Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, shortly after the destruction of the Death Star (0 ABY). In this era, the ragtag forces of the scattered Rebellion square off against the immense and extremely powerful Galactic Empire. It is a time when freedoms are drastically curtailed, injustice is pervasive, and those who do not obey the Empire are crushed beneath its heel. And yet, hope persists. Led by Princess Leia Organa, the Rebel Alliance fights to preserve what few freedoms remain and overthrow the shackles of Imperial rule. Small and scattered throughout the galaxy, the severely outnumbered Rebellion fights back the only way that it can—with subterfuge, espionage, ambushes, and rallying the spirits of freedom-loving beings throughout the galaxy. The Player Characters will have a chance to become some of the Rebellion's best and brightest. Their skills, abilities, and talents will be used to hit the Empire where it hurts the most, in hopes of regaining the freedoms and liberties lost with the rise of the Emperor. The challenges are enormous, and the effort required in overcoming them monumental, but the PCs are a cut above the rest. The PCs will find allies in and around the Rebellion— foot soldiers, commandos, pilots, gunners, medics, and spies— whom all toil, fight, cheer for victory, and sometimes die. The Rebel Alliance and its growing number of allies will serve as a backdrop for the Player Characters to shine and change the fate of the galaxy. No matter their backgrounds, skills, or methods, the Player Characters and their actions are vital to the war effort. The Savareen sector (R-16), the gateway to the Outer Rim, sits on the border of the Mid Rim and on the heart of the Corellian Run. Those that come in are taking their first steps into the true galactic outback, where the rule of law – and the hand of governments – is a little bit lighter, the technology is a little bit more suspect, and the danger is a little bit higher. EDGE OF FRONTIER The Savareen sector represents a blending of the cultures and responsibilities of the inner galactic planets with the wilderness of what lies beyond. While many planets, like Rodia and Christophsis, represent vast economic and social success, they had until recently, also remained independent of the goings-on of galactic politics. Despite being massively populous planets, they’re also bastions of dangerous wilds, with the jungles and swamps of Rodia home to fantastic beasts and the deeps of Christophsis home to untold creatures and sights. The Savareen sector also has planets like Nelvaan, places that represent the true wilderness of undiscovered worlds as well as how the galaxy interacts with them. Planets like this comprise much of the Savareen sector and the Outer Rim; worlds that few know about and more seek to discover. Players visiting the Savareen sector have a unique opportunity to explore new and isolated planets, planets that aren’t beholden to the destruction of the Galactic Civil War or the long arm of the Hutts. Although not a place of battle, by the time of the Galactic Civil War, Rodia had fallen under Imperial control. Many Rodians who opposed the occupation of their homeworld were recruited by the Alliance to Restore the Republic. This newly developing occupation combined with the emergence of several Rebel Sympathizers is quickly turning Rodia and the greater Savareen system into a place of a tightening Imperial grip and growing tension.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Skerwy Pacifica

Kadar Kurr

Eronious Cocious

Aiyla Avner

Feresk Tssat

Captain Jack

Djinno Raxiel