
A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern game In the world of Hadee-Alard
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  • Vrata Ognya
Supporting Cast
  • Guildmaster Nanibu
    A silver dragon who prefers to take the appearance of the small races, usually as an elf. He is the current Dahaba guildmaster in Vrata Ognya, and has been since the branch's founding. Many kids
  • Svena
    Female Warforged Herbalist

Sessions Archive

19th Jun 2023

Chapter 1, Session 1: My first anomaly

The party takes on a request posted at the Seyo office. The request is for investigating a potentially defective ice-infused rune. Once there, the party discovers black market merchandise being destroyed by minor fire elementals.

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Goroka Stillsong

Virrik Stillsong