Shipwrecked Pt. 3 Report

General Summary

The party destroyed the froghemoth and found 450gp, a potion of invulnerability, and a potion of heroism. After a day's rest they moved north and encountered a group of grungs casting a protection spell on their spawning pool. They are the survivors of the village that was massacred by the gnolls, and are doing everything in their power to protect their tadpoles so they can repopulate their village. They tell the party that the main gnoll encampment is three days north of their spawning pool, and that if they kill the gnolls' leader the attacks should stop.   The party finds the shipwrecked treasure galleon that is in process of being ransacked by some weretigers. Elomira transforms into a tiger to fool the weretigers, and the party successfully convinces the weretigers that the kraken sent them to help. Elomira finds the Crown of the Forest Queen, which allows her to store one spell in its diamond that can be used while in animal form. In order to hide this discovery from the weretigers, Anton spills gold coins on the floor to create a distraction, and the party ambushed the distracted weretigers.   Rayuuv swore vengeance against the weretiger that almost killed him.  Somehow he knows their paths will cross again.    One weretiger was killed and two escaped after seeing the might of the party. The party finds 3,000 gp in the wreckage of the galleon.

Rewards Granted

2250 XP total, Potion of Invulnerability, Potion of Heroism, 3,450 gp, Crown of the Forest Queen

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