
A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Requiem
9/15/2021 | Full
Supporting Cast
  • Coin
    A dashing, handsome half-orc thief who was recently turned into a squirrel by a witch coven for stealing from them. This process was reversed thanks to Ylldove, the new half-elf sorceress in town.
  • Cratchet
    One of the few druids in The Forest of Burning Leaves, Cratchet sits on the the edge of civilization and wilderness. He lives in his hut on the border of the forest and the small town of Fairwater, overseeing relations between the two. Things have gotten more complicated with the arrival of a certain young woman, though...
  • Nightshade
    Nightshade isn't one to speak much about himself or his past. What is known is that he is the son of Cratchet and part of Circle Evergreen. You're more likely to see him wildshaped into a flying creature than a human, though.
A young half-elf serf of outer Periçon has recently discovered magic flowing through her, and escaped her bondage, moving into the town of Fairwater, keen on becoming their town mage, thus getting their protection from the Blades.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Ylldove Silverpetal