HH: Session 4: The Makeover

General Summary

The Return

As Argus, Beppy, Kai, and Munta pron stepped through the Infernal portal, they found themselves on the outskirts of Wheloon, a city once used as a prison, now eerily quiet and recently reopened. The air was heavy with the smell of ash and sulfur, the remnants of their recent journey lingering in their senses. In the distance, they spotted Elphariel and Feirah engaged in conversation with a figure beside a quaint boutique.   Without waiting for a plan, Argus, ever the impatient one, strode toward them, prompting the others to follow. As they approached, Feirah and Elphariel greeted them with surprise, noting how long it had been since they last saw each other. Kai, however, interrupted the reunion with a reminder that they could catch up when "the boss" arrived. At that moment, the third figure, who had been standing quietly, offered her thanks to Elphariel and Feirah for saving her, then disappeared into the boutique.   Feirah, noticing a new face among the group, asked about Munta Pron. Introductions were made, and when asked about Stevan, Kai casually lied, saying he had quit, though in truth, Stevan was burning in hell. Elphariel, curious about Munta Pron, inquired about his musical abilities, to which he bluntly replied that he played none. This revelation sent Feirah into a mild panic, but Munta Pron tried to reassure her by mentioning that he could dance.   As tensions mounted, the smell of ash and sulfur thickened in the air, and Vilus materialized before them, no longer hiding his fiendish nature. He confirmed Kai's story about Stevan’s demise, which only worsened Feirah’s anxiety. Vilus then revealed that he had resurrected Argus and Beppy, much to Argus’s fury. Unable to contain his anger, Argus berated Feirah for dragging him into this hellish situation, denying him a peaceful death. Vilus, unperturbed, reminded the group that they needed to perform for the queen, but first, there were steps to be taken.   During this exchange, Elphariel sniffed the air and realized that Vilus was no ordinary fiend—he was one of the most powerful devils she had ever encountered. Vilus then emphasized the importance of unity within the group, suggesting that they adopt a band name and a cohesive look to present themselves as a unified front. He introduced the woman who had entered the boutique as a renowned cosmetologist, capable of creating outfits for their performances. With that, Vilus vanished, leaving the group to their own devices.   The band members, already frayed, turned hostile towards each other. Elphariel was ready to fight Argus, Feirah sat in despair, Beppy struggled with her fragmented memory, and Kai and Munta watched from the sidelines as tensions flared. Eventually, the anger subsided, and they began to share their stories. Kai spoke first, revealing how a desperate deal with Vilus after a brutal beating by his gang had led to his current state, even costing him his horn. The others, moved by his tale, offered comfort, with Kai remarking that they could hardly mess up worse than he had.   Elphariel then shared her own story, recounting the death of her husband, a fellow musician who never had the chance to play before an audience. Her goal was to fulfill that dream in his stead. Feirah, struggling with her social awkwardness, admitted that managing the band was her way of overcoming her fears. Argus, less sentimental, admitted he wasn’t in it for the music but to escape the confines of the old people’s home. Beppy, her memory still foggy, recalled her loneliness after her husband’s death and how she had followed a black goat, which ultimately led her to meet Feirah. Lastly, Munta Pron shared his history as a Bladesinger from the Misty Forest, where his family was slaughtered or captured by the Cult of the Dragon. He had been on the brink of being sacrificed to Tiamat when he made a deal with Vilus, trading his soul for his life.   With their stories laid bare, the group entered the boutique, deciding that their color scheme would be green, a nod to Argus and Beppy’s preferences. While their outfits were being crafted, they brainstormed a name for their band, eventually settling on "80+ DB," a suggestion from Elphariel.   Clad in their new outfits, they made their way to the inn where Vilus awaited them. The smell of ash and sulfur heralded his arrival, and he seemed pleased with their progress. When he asked for the band’s name, they proudly declared themselves "80+ DB." Elphariel requested that Vilus be clearer in his instructions, to avoid any more misunderstandings. Vilus then took Feirah aside, transporting her to Hell to assign her a new task: she was to deliver two rings to Oriphaun Huntsilver, the noble engaged to Queen Raedra Obarskyr, during their performance. One ring was to be swapped onto his hand, the other slipped into his pocket. He made it clear that failure would result in dire consequences for Elphariel.   After the grim conversation, they all returned to the inn, where they found the owner, a man clearly suffering from withdrawal, who welcomed them and allowed them to rehearse. The inn slowly filled with patrons as the band prepared for their performance. Feirah, tasked with the ring swap, nearly exposed herself during the act, but quick thinking from Kai and Munta Pron saved her, with Kai’s special effects and Munta’s extravagant dancing providing the perfect distraction. Despite the close call, the rings were switched successfully, though Elphariel noticed Feirah’s suspicious behavior.   After the performance, the innkeeper approached Feirah, praising the band’s show as one of the best he’d ever seen and paying them handsomely. He also informed them that rooms were available for the night, providing the group with a much-needed rest.  
Thus, the band of misfits, now known as 80+ DB, had taken another step on their dark and twisted path. With each new challenge, they delved deeper into the web of infernal intrigue spun by Vilus, their fates bound ever tighter to his machinations. As they lay their heads to rest, the weight of their choices hung heavy in the air, the echoes of their stories lingering like the distant strains of a haunting melody.

Hellish Harmonies


Report Date
05 Aug 2024

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