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Session 8 Report - Two Donkeys' and a One Eyed Snake

General Summary

The party deciphered the following from Oser's book:

34.A.16 - R gave me control of the shop. I have full access to the "library". Not sure why now but keeping quiet for now.   38A.3 - R received a shipment of Taggit.   2.H.22 - Fight broke out in GnM, sent R into a fit. Barricaded in her office, armed, with Bar and Ke.   5.H.2 R sent the Taggit to W. I suspect kept some, shipment seems light.   9.H.23 - Alamein hit the Gnarled Woods. Sent a few requests upriver, took crates with magical tomes, cursed arms and armor, and tinkerers supplies. M delivering a batch.   14.H.12 - R met with Fav for skimming, gave him permanent vacation. Spread that I am his "nephew".   35.H.8 - R hit Val. Had some blackmail, something about a robbery Val committed. Seemed to spook him.   35.H.16 - R received a small box from Val. R locked it away but was quite happy.   1.P.17 - Aymon hired R to provide passage for a couple of his "friends". One was a drow, never seen one of them in person. 2 gnomes and an Orc. Sent on to Tranquil Court in Labrygg.   4.P.12 - R gave me an assignment, seems normal but it's off somehow. Alamein have a very specific target they need quick. R gave me one of her personal poisons and a description of the woman. Said she should be arriving today. This feels big, and R is off.   4.P.18 - The target indeed showed up in Noamurua's. Matches the description and seems rather carefree. Not like the usual type they send for.   5.P.8 - R is keeping her distance, finding excuses to keep me out of her sight. I am beginning to wonder if she suspects anything of that letter had something in it.   5.P.10 - The pages are busy today. Got ~30% of them.   6.P.10 - X want's me to stay, I'm watching R's moves closely. M delivering a batch to X.
    The party follows Rivers map to the underground Bar where they find Felix. Talbert recognizes them and goes to speak with them. Felix alludes that they have the info on Isaris's disappearance but needs a favor as payment, after all, information never comes free. He asks them to get ahold of River's books and bring him the information within so they can take it to the guild. The party acts suspect and 3 people in the room pay very close attention to their interaction, 1 dwarf woman, 1  tiefling woman and 1 human woman. The bodyguards watch the party closely. Gromp Gromp buys the bar several rounds and brings drinks to Felix's table. The party convinces Felix to meet them topside to trade for the stone (Rin claims they're selling it for 60K and Felix makes no move to correct that), citing a third party has it and they would like to meet in neutral territory. They depart the bar. Rin and Talbert follow the route to the disposal point while the rest goes back the way they came. Rin tells Rivers' hand that there's been a change of plans. Shuly goes off to follow up on the letter he received and Inva poofed.   Shuly went to the warehouse noted in the letter and was given a second letter at a fish market left by Felix telling him they have the info on Isaris's disappearance and to meet him in the sewer Bar. Shuly and Gromp Gromp went to the area they expected Rin to be. Rin and Talbert decide to follow up with River in person. Rin tells River about the plan to meet Felix's gang at the vineyard and asks if Felix would stay behind or go in person. River says it depends on the bait, and with a bit more explanation she says Felix would probably go personally if 60K is involved. Rin then tries to clear up the blackmail on Val and tells River that Felix said she had some dirt on Val and Rin would like to clear that up. River flew into a rage and kicked them out. As they left the heard several locks and River throwing things and yelling. Inva went to Aymon to finish his healing, asked about River and Felix. He asked Aymon's opinion on them and was told that from Aymon's point of view they were both necessary evils and that both had their uses. He told Inva that River was a smuggler who delt in illicit goods and people, but helped Aymon get people out of town quickly and quietly. Aymon knew less about Felix as he did not deal with him much, but he is an information broker.   The party went back and made the decision to attack Rivers place. Team Front Door (Shuly, Gromp Gromp and Talbert) went in the back door while Team Back Door went in the sewer. The front door team caused havoc in the warehouse while the back door team forced their way to rivers office. They killed the tiefling, intimidated the goliath and took the half-orc and River captive.    Retreating into the sewer Inva healed River just enough to wake her up. River gave them info on the Almein and Malzas, the captain. She asked to see Cresh to make sure he was alive and Shuly slapped his ass awake.  She also tells them Red has hired her to smuggle him items, most mundane supplies, some stranger than that. He was the one who wants Isaris because of her ties to the church of Tymora.

Devredalm Campaign

Rin Coldgrain

Lightfoot Halfling (Charlatan )
24 / 24 HP

Shuly Tu

Half-Orc (Sailor)
Fighter 3
31 / 31 HP

Inva Norqumtor

CG Dark Elf (Drow) (Outlander)
Cleric 4
14 / 20 HP
Report Date
27 Mar 2022

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