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Devredalm Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Devredalm
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  • Devredalm
Supporting Cast
  • Commander Artimesia Faulistus
    Commander Artimesia Faulistus was an able naval commander who hunted pirates on the savage seas for many years. Pirates grudgingly respected her for her dogged persistence. Her last task as a sea captain was to capture the pirate Captain Ironguts. However, because of the pirate’s magical abilities, he was always able to elude Commander Faulistus. She only caught up with Ironguts’ ship after the pirate’s death in a mutiny led by his oncetrusted first-mate. Commander Faulistus captured the mutinous first-mate but lost her legs in the process. Commander Faulistus retired after her grievous injury and was given Captain Ironguts’ ship for her years of meritorious service. She renamed the vessel the Grand Shanty because of the singing ghosts who arrive each dusk and dawn to care for the ship. She converted the boat into the permanently docked, floating tavern it is today. During the day, Artimesia travels the ship, ensuring all is in order. When not touring the boat, she enjoys watching the sea from the poop deck (A1) or reading in her cabin (A3) with Hoots Magoo. During the ghosting hours at dawn and dusk, the commander is usually joined by the ghost of Captain Ironguts, with the two often engrossed in conversation on a bench atop the quarter deck (A2). Appearance: In retirement, Artimesia still proudly wears her commander’s regalia. Despite needing to rely upon her wheelchair most of the time, she remains as strong and confident as ever. Her wheelchair is compact and mobile. She had handrails installed on all stairs throughout the ship, allowing her to lift herself and her wheelchair between decks. As a result, she has developed powerful forearms and can likely win arm-wrestling competitions with most of her crew.
  • Basil Faulisitus
    Basil Faulisitus is Captain Garious’s older brother and the ship’s cook. Most call him Sticks because of his rail thin physique and the walking stick he uses to help with his sore knees from years spent lifting heavy pots in the kitchen. Sticks is always willing to try cooking something new. If the characters bring him fresh meat or seafood, he can turn it into a delicious feast. He’s heard giant hull worms can be mouth-watering but has never had the chance to work with them. Sticks is a human berserker. If forced into combat, he wields a massive cleaver (treat as a greataxe). Sticks spends most of his time in the galley (Area L9). He has a private cabin (L11) but tends to sit near the bar talking with Shark Bite Sam (Area M4)
  • Bob
    Bob is one of the many ghosts haunting the ship. He typically manifests in the hold, bobbing up and down as he scrubs the deck. Bob is slightly more aware of his surroundings than the other ghosts tied to the enchanted feather. He is aware of the giant hull worms infesting the hull’s front section (area H1). Though unable to speak, Bob can respond to questions by bobbing up and down for “yes” and left to right for “no.”
  • Captain Garious Ironguts
    For many years, Captain Garious Ironguts was the pirate captain of the Pig’s Whistle, which would eventually become the Grand Shanty after his death. He is now a ghost, cursed to serve whoever possesses the enchanted feather he stole long ago. Garious is one of the few ghosts with a strong enough personality to understand his fate. He has grown very fond of Commander Faulistus, spending his ghostly hours with her every dusk and dawn, sitting on a bench atop the quarter deck (A2). He is protective of Artimesia and will do everything in his power to protect her. Limited Abilities. As with all the other ghosts bound to the enchanted feather, Garious’ powers are extremely limited and must obey its owner’s commands. However, once a day, the owner can request Captain Ironguts to manifest more strongly. If he agrees, for 10 minutes, he can gain the powers of a wraith. (See stats for Captain Irongut’s enchanted feather.) Appearance. When Captain Ironguts appears, he presents an imposing ghostly figure of six feet, with a handsome face and wearing a captain’s uniform. His ghostly form never wears a hat as a symbol of his lost captaincy since Bloody Gracie’s mutiny.
  • Hoots Magoo
    Hoots Magoo is the ship’s mascot and long-time companion to Commander Faulisitus. He is an awakened parrot who often acts as the Commander’s eyes and ears when she is elsewhere. Hoots likes to play dumb, pretending to be a typical parrot; however, he has trouble holding in puns and one-liners should the opportunity present itself. Once he becomes friends with someone, they will be forced to endure an unending barrage of bad jokes from the bird.
  • Knur Rockfoot
    Knur is a Copper colored Kobold who is the lead hunter for his tribe. He is one of the older kobolds and often interacts with the humans the tribe encounters. He is currently the defato leader while his tribe deals with the issues around the comet. He is scarred and clearly battle tested.
  • Mac
    Mac is a crotchety old dwarven man. He is bent and abrasive. He has a farm that is on the outer edge of the settled area bo9rdering the jungle. He tolerates the kobolds but went to town to get the soldiers to deal with the deformed kobolds killing his crops.
  • Ringers
    Performing most evenings is Ringers, a tiefling entertainer (noble). She got her name from the dozens of gold earrings embedded in her ears. She claims to have one for each of her lovers and may suggest she’s looking for an excuse to get another. “I’m not promiscuous. I just really like people.” Ringers loves to accompany the ghosts with her lute whenever they appear and sing. On her off hours, she rests in her cabin in the quarter deck (area A8).
  • Sharkbite Sam
    Sharkbite Sam is a gregarious dwarf missing three fingers from his right hand due to a shark. If asked about his hand, he says he and a shark got into an argument they had to settle with a bit of tussle. “You think my hand looks bad? You should’a seen the other guy.” Sam tends the bar most hours of the day. At night he rests in his cabin (A5). He is utterly loyal to Commander Faulisitus and will look for every opportunity to help his Commander.
  • Volda the Shamen
    Volda the Shaman is one of the few ghosts on the ship aware of their situation. While alive, Volda served Captain Ironguts as a spiritual advisor, helping him understand his enchanted feather’s limitations and its curse. Now in ghostly form, Volda sits on the forecastle deck (F1), watching the sun rise and set each dawn and dusk. If spoken to respectfully, she will answer questions about the ship, Captain Ironguts, his enchanted feather, and their history.

Session 14 -

Sessions Archive

15th May 2022

Session 12

Read the Report
8th May 2022

Session 11

Read the Report
24th Apr 2022

Session 10

Read the Report
17th Apr 2022

Session 9

Read the Report
17th Apr 2022

Session 8

Read the Report
13th Mar 2022

Session 7

Read the Report
6th Mar 2022

Session 6

Read the Report
27th Feb 2022

Session 5

Read the Report
6th Feb 2022

Session 4

Read the Report
30th Jan 2022

Session 3

Read the Report
23rd Jan 2022

Session 2

Read the Report
16th Jan 2022

Session 1

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Rin Coldgrain

Lightfoot Halfling (Charlatan )
24 / 24 HP

Shuly Tu

Half-Orc (Sailor)
Fighter 3
31 / 31 HP

Inva Norqumtor

CG Dark Elf (Drow) (Outlander)
Cleric 4
14 / 20 HP