Session II: Adventures in Port Hammerclaw part 1 Report

General Summary

In the second session of our campaign in the Shattered Seas, the adventurers continued their journey in Port Hammerclaw. The group started by examining the community board at Goron's Grin, where they discovered various opportunities, including babysitting a sea serpent, locating lost pets, and a wanted poster for CEVIN, a figure from Æsch's past. They also noticed a wanted poster for Atlas, though he had already returned to Kiro's workshop to continue searching for something valuable to sell. Unable to ask Atlas about the poster, the group decided that their best course of action was to join the Unbound Claw.   At the guild's headquarters, they learned about the benefits and expectations of membership. To become full members, they needed to complete a small quest: dealing with a couple of undead in a nearby hamlet's graveyard. Upon arriving at the hamlet, they found it eerily deserted, with signs of a struggle at a nearby house. Inside the inn, they discovered a zombie locked in a closet.   Determined to uncover the truth, they headed to the graveyard, where they heard the ominous slamming of a nearby door. The graveyard itself was in ruins, with all the graves dug up. Damir prodded a body with a stick, causing it to rise from the grave. Soon, the group found themselves surrounded by zombies and skeletons. They fought valiantly and managed to destroy their attackers.   Despite their victory, they were left with numerous questions: Who had dug up all the graves? What had happened to the hamlet? And what awaited them behind the slammed door?

Into the Khaosian Seas
Report Date
11 Jul 2024

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