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General Summary

With their good friend Peyton Wheatbringer out of town on business related to the knighthood, the remaining friends gathered one morning for breakfast and the chance to catch up at their favorite establishment, Home Brew.

While enjoying some light fare, their relaxing meal was interrupted by a loud crash on the docks, immediately followed by the screams of people fleeing the area. A local Palathian called out that the city was being invaded.

As the cry rang out through Home Brew, several of the patrons started to run. One patron, a minotaur warrior, picked up his battleaxe and called out to no one in particular, "Let's go make some trouble". Along with the minotaur, the owner of Home Brew Flashfire grabbed a glaive that he always has under the bar.

"Everyone out! We're closed for invasion!"

Following the minotaur and the centaur, the party made their way through the streets to find a ship had crashed into the dock. From the ship came a wave of undead creatures. These foul creatures bore only a slight resemblance to what they were in life: sailors, sea elves, and other twisted, plague infested versions of other creatures of the deep waters.

Here, these creatures overran the dock, attacking indiscriminately anyone within reach. As the party made their way closer, they could see Flashfire dropping zombie with a swirling of his glaive. Nearby, the harbormaster Grogan Grimpate was surrounded in fallen bodies and covered in their ichor as he cried out, "Get off MY dock!"

"To the ship, that's where they all seem to be coming from!," the minotaur called out dispatching another zombie and moving forward. As the party made their way forward, the minotaur took on several more zombies with the hopes of keeping the path clear for everyone else.

"Name's Korgar! Nice to meet you. Dive in, don't let me stop you."

With that Kiara and Theta made their way on to the ship. Elsewhere, Derwin and Lias were still confronting creatures on the dock. Soon they too were able to make their way aboard, but took a short cut by jumping onto the crashed bowsprit.

From the top deck, they were able to blast through the cargo hold and make quick arrival on to the second level. And from there, clearing out more undead, they made their way to the bottom hold.

Down here, in the lowest part of the ship, they found a deranged creature, fanatically devoted to the Sea Witch, Sagarassi. From the power imbued within, this creature was able to animate the dead bodies all around through its own bloodletting.

As the party attacked, this cleric of the Sea Witch retaliated with its own arsenal of magics, calling upon infernal weapons and inflicting wounds at the merest of touches. With their combined forces, the heroes were able to defeat Sagarassi's latest minion, thereby ended the reign of terror the undead were inflicting on the city.

Rewards Granted

Missions/Quests Completed

Saved the town from invading undead

Character(s) interacted with

Korgar Mithian - minotaur ranger

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