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Aenax Tales

A Pathfinder 1e game In the world of Aenax
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  • Aenax
    Aenax is largely temperate with several dense forests and tall mountain ranges. Earthquakes often shake the eastern side of the continent through the Bronzetips. The western region known as The Wash, is flanked by dark almost black coastal cliffs. There is a dense rainforest in the central northern region of the continent known as Vaanalwood. It is mostly wild and inhabited by wildlife and a xenophobic race of wood elves.
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 2nd January 2022 22:00

Into the forest

Wed 10th November 2021 23:00

The Refugee Camp

Our characters have come to the edge of Wildeholde and come upon a camp of refugees from New Hallow.

Sessions Archive

10th Mar 2021


We get to know our characters and their new home.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Master of tavern hijinx Gugs Orivine

Hetane Enowet