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New Hallow

The town of New Hollow is a town on the edge of true wilderness. The people who call it home have fought for the small place in the dark wood of Mosslock that they call home. The town is very tight packed situated safely between the shores of Arnlow Lake and the rocky waters of the Upper Arnlow river. The remaining edges of the town protected from the wilds by a tall wooden palisade and a few tall guard towers.  The town receives basic supplies on incoming river ships from the neighboring town of Wildehold, in exchange they send down lumber, herbalist potions, food and other resources foraged from the rich Mosslock forest. This has allowed a lively dock district to flourish with loading and unloading from river ships as well as the comings and goings of the local fishermen out onto the lake.  There are two major factions who have been instrumental in the founding of New Hollow, the Wood Cutter, and Herbalist guilds. Both of whom rely on access to the resources in Mosslock for their livelihood.  With the establishment of Mosslock a new road north has been established, providing what is generally considered a safer, albeit slower route to  The rest of the townsfolk are mostly traders, prospectors, forriagers  As darkness falls on the town the gates are shut the dock become quiet the dining room of the Cup and Barrel Inn comes alive. Many of the townsfolk let the toil of the day fade away with food, drink, gambling, music, and telling of tales. Meanwhile the town guard mans their posts on the perimeter towers and keeps a vigilant eye on the edge of the forest.


Most of the population is Human, although the people of mosslock are accepting of many races so long as you contribute to the prosperity of the town.


The town is overseen by representatives of the guildmasters and the Captain of the town guard. Petty crime is punished with labor sentences or fines, serious crime is met with expulsion or, rarely, capital punishment.


There is a sturdy palisade around the north and east perimeter of the town, its construction was a cooperative effort of the Woodcutter, and Herbalists. Its construction has allowed for the town to prosper and resist the threats of the wild. There are four watch towers along the wooden palisade which allow the guardsmen to watch the forest and road for approaching threats.

Industry & Trade

The Wood Cutters Guild export timber from Mosslock.
Herbalist Guild brew potions, politics, and herbal medicine which they distribute through their shops


There is a sturdy stone bridge to the south east over the Upper Arnlow, this connects New Hollow to Wildehold via the south road.  There is a couple community market stalls in town, where anyone can rent space to peddle their wares.

Guilds and Factions

The Wood Cutters Guild has a lumber camp up river from the town where they harvest logs and float them down river to be processed in the yard in town.
The Herbalist Guild have a large manor in town with a lab in the basement, they forage the forest for supplies.


The town was founded about 50 years ago, started as a beachhead for the woodcutters and herbalists, progressively developed and became the town that is now.
Founding Date
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