Curse of the Frigid Wrath (Campaign 1) Homepage | World Anvil | World Anvil

Curse of the Frigid Wrath (Campaign 1)

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Kindevion
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Empress Calaitha Zurat
    Empress Calaitha Zurat is the leader of the desert kingdom of Zakib. She has allied herself with the party in the interest of preserving her nation and her people. She has silver hair and tanned skin.
  • Frennan Shessad
    A wealthy man hailing from the Tarstan port city of Sharfa. Frennan amassed his luxurious wealth by trading goods from Sharfa to countries all across Kindevion. Frennan is flamboyant, extravagant, and ever so slightly obnoxious, always looking to add more chapters to his autobiography [i]How to Woo Fair Maidens[/i].
  • Grondark
    Grondark is a blue dragon who has inhabited Kindevion since before creation. His goal is to remain hidden and wait for an opportunity to restore the dragons to their former glory. He is allied with the party so long as they serve his interests.
  • Imperial Servant Jula Lazul
    Jula Lazul is the highest ranking Imperial Servant of Zakib and personal fiend and assistant to Empress Calaitha. She is allied with the party for the sake of serving her empress, as well as personal connections she has developed with the Helraisers.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Toland Silversmith

Pebble Klogndike