Faerun Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerun
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  • World Map
    The word "Faerûn" is a modified version of "Faerie", the name of the homeland of ancient elves. The term was coined by Durothil, prince of Tintageer, Faerie.  


      The continent included terrain that was as varied as any other. Besides the exterior coastline to the west and south, the most dominant feature on the continent was the Sea of Fallen Stars. This was an irregular inland sea that kept the interior lands fertile, connected the west and east regions of Faerûn and served as a major trade route for many of the bordering nations. Next in significance was the Shaar, a broad region of grasslands in the south that, together with the Lake of Steam, separated the area around the inland sea from the coastal nations at the southern edge of the continent. To the east, Faerûn was bordered by a vast region of steppes from Kara-Tur, and in the north were massive glaciers (Pelvuria and Reghed) and tundra. South of the continent, separated by the Great Sea, was the sub-tropical land of Zakhara.
Supporting Cast
  • King Connerad Brawnanvil
    Lawful good male shield dwarf fighter Ideals: Honor, respect (“A sturdy axe, a strong hand to hold it, and a straight fight are all we dwarves need to end this little problem.”) Personality Traits: Hot tempered, suspicious Faction: 12th King of Mithral Hall and leader of Clan Battlehammer, Lords' Alliance
  • Lord Protector Dagult Neverember
    Lawful neutral male human fighter Ideals: Moderation, responsibility (“The commoners need strong leaders to protect them—and to do what must be done even when it is distasteful.”) Interaction Traits: Honest Faction: Lord Protector of Neverwinter, Lords' Alliance
  • Chief Ranger Delaan Winterhound
    Neutral good male half-elf ranger Ideals: Balance, life (“In all good hearts is a spot of darkness, and in all tragedy is a glimmer of light.”) Interaction Traits: Quiet Faction: Chief Ranger of the Emerald Enclave
  • Sir Isteval
    Lawful good male human paladin Ideals: Tradition, honor (“Against Tiamat, we either stand together or fall alone. Who will stand with Cormyr?”) Interaction Traits: Honorable, wise, dour Faction: Representative of Daggerford and Constal of the Purple Dragon Knights, Lords' Alliance
  • Lady Laeral Silverhand
    Chaotic good female human wizard Ideals: Creativity, respect (“We cannot stop what we do not understand.”) Interaction Traits: Quiet, curious Faction: Open Lord of Waterdeep, Leader of Lords' Alliance
  • Leosin Erlanthar
    A Half-Elf monk from Berdusk, the master of Nesim Waladra, and a member of the Harpers. Friend and ally to players. Reports directly to Remallia Haventree. Faction: Brightcandle of the Harpers
  • King Melandrach
    Neutral male wild elf fighter/druid Ideals: Balance, nation (“We elves were once the greatest civilization to grace Faerûn, and my people are heir to that history. I will not squander our waning strength.”) Interaction Traits: Quiet, arrogant Faction: King of the Misty Forest Wild Elves, Lords' Alliance
  • Paladin Ontharr Frume
    Lawful good male human paladin Ideals: Responsibility, greater good (“The strong must defend the weak, whatever the cost.”) Personality Traits: Friendly, hot-tempered Faction: Paladin of the Order of the Gauntlet
  • Wise Owl Remallia Haventree
    Chaotic good female moon elf fighter Ideals: Freedom, respect (“Our failure would spell an end to all beautiful and honest things.”) Interaction Traits: Honest, friendly Faction: Wise Owl of the Harpers
  • High Mage Taern Hornblade
    Lawful good male human wizard Ideals: Logic, greater good (“Calculated risks are necessary to win this war, and no one is likely to emerge unscathed.”) Interaction Traits: Ponderous, curious Faction: High Mage of Silverymoon, Lords' Alliance
  • Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard
    Lawful neutral male human fighter Ideals: Responsibility, glory (“I am trusted with protecting thousands of lives, and I will not betray that trust no matter what my personal desires.”) Interaction Traits: Honest Faction: Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate, Lords' Alliance

Sessions Archive

7th Jan 2023

Draconic Council Commences

16th Dec 2022

Session 43

Read the Report
2nd Dec 2022

Session 42

The party has concluded the Second Council of the Lord's Alliance in Waterdeep. They return to the Pampered Traveler to await word about their reward from their reported deeds. Additionally, they await to hear from Elia if she has made her decision on who will act as ambassadors of the humanoid races at the rarely held Draconic Council.

Read the Report
26th Nov 2022

Second Council Session

Leosin has guided the players to the feast hall in Piergeiron's Palace in Waterdeep where the 2nd Council of the Lord's Alliance will be taking place. Nobles wandering about the palace courtyard have been heard ruminating on attacks of settlements, dragon sightings, Zhentarim activities, and the like. The council seeks to realign goals of the participating factions, discuss current issues each are facing, and debate next actions.   What will be asked of the party? What allies do they now hold?

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Alicia Rime

Ryan Scott

8 / 8 HP

Xath the Hammer