Session III: The Search Report

General Summary

The Report

The morning after the protest, the party reported back over breakfast to the Prince, Ellie, and Gavrael (or as Arnauv calls him 'mr alabaster'). They learn definitively that Narder was an investigator for the ministry of justice, NOT a reporter. They learned that Gavrael has some kind of time powers that allow him to search through time. He then remembered asking the party in that moment who had the list. Foust did, and proceeded to look at the list found in Narder's safe for the first time.  

Bade's Folley

  1. Balda Mesym
  2. Chamond Burge
  3. Iris Windwhisper
  4. Ewan Oakheart

New Moongulf

  1. Freda Wynn
  2. Bran Redwood
  3. Luna Starling

Xian Square District

  1. Celeste Nightingale
  2. Lydia Emberglow
  3. Rowan Thornbush

Old Town

  1. Felix Ironhand
  2. Symes Rewson
  3. Tobin Greyleaf

Embassy District

  1. Perrin Shadowfoot
  2. Kira Nightingale

University District

  1. Elara Thornfield
  2. Jarin Greyleaf
  3. Perrin Shadowfoot
  4. Mira Brookstone
  • Pan
  The party decided to then pursue finding Sage Alden Spellweaver, and returned to the Ministry of Justice.  

The Ministry of Justice - on the Weekend

When they arrived, they discovered a much quieter building than they had before, except they were greeted by Magistrate Swiftgale, who was rather upset with them and demanded to question each of them separately to find out whether any laws had been broken with the protest the night before.   Each character was questioned - and then they were released. She did agree to give the party two pieces of knowledge:  
  • It is not supicious for staff members to come and go in the ministry unseen, as there are many hidden passages.
  • Sage Spellweaver's home address in the University District

The Spellweaver Home

When the party arrived at the home of Alden Spellweaver, they discovered the house dark, the door slightly ajar, and a body laying at the other end of the house. A quick investigation indicated he was dead, seemingly with all the magic sucked out of him despite having the garb and staff of a wizard. There was a skittering noise coming from upstairs, which Tobby and Arnauv went to investigate. As that happened, Trox had a disturbing memory of creatures which could do that, and ran from the home screaming for everyone to get out. Of course they didn't (they really should learn to trust each other's instincts, eh?).   When Arnauv and Tobby reached the top of the stairs, they were met with a swarm of small creatures making a bee-line for Arnauv. They are a writhing mass of bizarre little creatures that swarmed across the floor, myriad tentacles waving like antennae. They were eyeless, their bodies little more than gaping jaws filled with teeth, yet they moved unerringly toward Arnauv.   Arnauv unsuccessfully cast sleep on them, watched them devour his spell's magical energy, then ran from the house screaming in abject terror. The swarm sensed this and took a shortcut out the window and swarmed him in the street. What can only be described as a perilous battle for their lives commenced, with magic users the preferred target of the swarm.   Upon the destruction of the last creature, they went back in the house and discovered that these were called Magerippers, extremely dangerous creatures which feed on the magical energy of sentient beings. They discovered this in a book which seemed to be some kind of forbidden tome. They also discovered another coin.  

Meeting Pan

The party investigating the body heard a thump and heard someone call for help from a trap door underneath the body - confirmed to be Sage Spellweaver. When they moved the body and opened the door, a 13 year old girl named Pan climbed out and asked if they were there to rescue her.   The team investigated the room where Pan was being held and discovered 20 dead bodies of elderly people in clothing that was torn and in shambles - however, there was no obvious cause of death. Arnauv took her to the Ministry to get her help as well as report the crime scene, which he found out was closed for the day, and decided (wisely) to take her to Ellie's.   Those who stayed behind searched the bodies and discovered:
  • A pocketwatch with a symbol of a watchmaker from Goldbreach
  • A stuffed animal
  • A bow and quiver of arrows
  • A slingshot
  They then waited for the ministry personnell to come and secure the scene and then joined Arnauv at Ellie's.   At Ellie's the party learned that Pan was an orphan from the slums who had been taken in by a local slumlord she called Mother who can get angry. That she had been kidnapped, and did not know what happened to those others. Ellie gave her a secure room to sleep in. The rest of the party decided to call it for the evening and regroup the next morning.

Aethersea Campaign Part I

Tobby Blike

Lawful Good Bugbear (Acolyte)
Paladin 1
12 / 12 HP

Trox Fraut

Lawful Neutral Variant Aasimar (Sage)
Sorcerer 1
7 / 7 HP
Player Journals
Mageripper's, Memories of a Previous death by Trox
Session Notes by Trox
The Sage Alden Spellweaver by Arnavun
Report Date
11 Feb 2024

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