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Sun 11th Feb 2024 01:16

Session Notes

by Trox Fraut

The Aftermath of Revelry
The morning greets Trox with the unwelcome light of day, the remnants of last night's heavy drinking with Foust lingering as a testament to their burgeoning friendship. Despite the discomfort, Trox finds solace in the bond forged through shared stories and laughter, a bond that seems crucial after the tumultuous events at the protest. The realization that they would need to regroup with their patrons weighed heavily on his mind, marking a pivotal moment in their journey.
Ellie's Inn: A Meeting of Fates
The meeting with the Prince, a crucial juncture in their quest, was set against the backdrop of Ellie's Inn—a place as unassuming as it was vital for their clandestine gathering. The inn, known for its warmth and the discreet nature of its proprietor, Ellie, served as the perfect venue for such a delicate discussion. It was here, amidst the inn's modest charm, that Arnav eloquently recounted the events that led them to this moment. His narrative spared no detail, including Trox's moment of vulnerability before the Gargoyle, laying bare the raw emotions of that encounter.
The Coin's Arcane Examination
The focus of their meeting shifted when the Coin was presented, drawing the attention of Gavrael. His examination, steeped in arcane knowledge, unveiled layers of mystery wrapped within the Coin. This led to the receipt of a list of names and districts, a parchment that hinted at a sprawling intrigue across the city:
From Bade's Folly to the University District, names like Ewan Oakheart, Kira Nightingale, and Jarin Greyleaf marked points of interest, weaving a complex tapestry of connections and potential leads to follow.
The Mention of Pan, underlined with question marks on the list, stood out as a poignant mystery, suggesting a deeper significance yet to be uncovered.
Unraveling the Dark Tapestry
The investigation into the disappearance of human children revealed a sinister plot, leveraging these tragedies to fuel anti-nonhuman sentiments. The University District emerged not only as a nexus of academic pursuit but also as a focal point of socio-political tension, with cheaper housing hinting at the economic disparities at play.
A Gruesome Discovery
The narrative took a grim turn with the encounter against mind rippers, culminating in the discovery of a hidden tragedy in the basement of an apartment secured by Arnav. The items found—a stuffed animal, a pocket watch from GoldBreech, and a quiver—served as silent witnesses to the lives abruptly ended.
The Slums of Pan and the Shadow of "Mother"
The journey brought them to the slums overseen by "Mother," a figure whose neglect has cast a dark shadow over Pan. This area, marked with question marks, hinted at unresolved mysteries and a potential key to understanding the broader implications of their investigation.