Session II - The Quest Report

General Summary

The Tollmaster

The party was guided to a room with a stone gargoyle in its center. To allow passage, it required each person to speak on truth about themselves. The truth must be worth enough to pass. Each person did offer up one truth about themselves, until Trox came and offered up a truth so deep and powerful that it crushed the stone gargoyle, exempting Foust from having to offer up one of his own.  

The Team Meeting

When the party arrived at the door the kobolds described to them, they found a door with six coin slots sized perfectly for their coins. When they had all inserted them, the door opened up to reveal the Prince Ascendent, Ellie, and a man named Gavrael sitting before them.   After explaining the plot against Ellie's life, Ellie created a portal and ushered the kobolds through it. The Prince then welcomed them, introduced the party to his compatriot - Gavrael, who issued a dark warning:   "With thirst sated and traps now baited, fate has spun its thread. Deaths embrace nought ripe old age, beware the green star's dread."   Immediately after which, an old man fell through the door, dead. The prince recognized him as a much younger operative named Narder Sige, and that some kind of time magic was used to age him causing him to die of old age. The party learned he was investigating a recent rash of missing children throughout the city. The Prince charged the party with continuing Narder's investigation and discovering what connection, if any exists, it has to Narder's death.   The party then took a long rest and got started again in the morning.  

The Ministry

When the party arrived at the Ministry of Justice, they found an imposing building made of obsidian - a very rare material for buildings to be made out of. It is a magic dampening/amplifying material, which can selectively be tuned to specific spellcasters, spells, etc. One of the spells the party discovered was a permanent zone of truth on the inside.   They were greeted by Clerk Jasper Greenbottle, who after some confusion over who/what the party was looking for, agreed to take them to see Magistrate Elenora Swiftgale. When given the news that Narder had died, she was devastated. She provided the names of her and Narder's team and explained that the entire team was focused on figuring out what was happening with the protests springing up around the city. She lead the team to his office, which they discovered was in disarray - it had clearly been broken into (which should not have been possible given the strong wards on the building).   The party split, with one group searching the office for clues and the other talking to various of Narder's coworkers. The group in the office discovered:
  • A map with pins in various places around the city
  • Behind the map, a safe with a magical coin and a list of names grouped by districts in the city.
  • A folder with Foust's name on it, which included his rap sheet in some kind of code.
  The group who talked to Narder's coworkers:
  • Retreived copies of the latest investigation into the protests around the city from Clerk Greenbottle
  • Discovered that the back door to the building had its warding stones cracked and weakened, and had been used to gain entry
  • Could not locate Sage Alden Spellweaver when they tried, the only clues to his whereabouts pointed to the latest intel on the next protest happening at Xian Square that evening.
  Now convinced Sage Spellweaver was the culprit behind the break-in, the party decided to check out the protest in an attempt to find him.  

The Protest

Upon arriving at the square, the protest was in full swing. The protesters were shouting anti-non-human garbage, and the moment they spotted the party's non-human characters, they attacked. A battle commenced, and the party defeated the protesters. They discovered two more coins identical to what they found in the safe in Narder's office, then returned to Ellie's before regrouping the next morning.

Aethersea Campaign Part I

Tobby Blike

Lawful Good Bugbear (Acolyte)
Paladin 1
12 / 12 HP

Trox Fraut

Lawful Neutral Variant Aasimar (Sage)
Sorcerer 1
7 / 7 HP
Player Journals
Conversations at The Inn by Trox
The Magister's Office and "Protesters" by Trox
The Day of the Protest by Arnavun
Report Date
11 Feb 2024
Secondary Location
Ellie's Inn and Tavern

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