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2nd of Ruanost, 98 SE

The Day of the Protest

by Arnavun Wolfshout

What a fucking day it's been. First thing we did was head to the Hall of Justice in order to figure out more about that dead guy we found yesterday. The prince was real adamant about that. When we got there they tried to give us the runaround as beaurocrats do. Fuckers can never seem to give straight answers. We eventually talked to the dead man's boss. Magistrer Swiftgale was her name. She was alright enough, but she didn't seem to have any idea about the man or what the hell he was doing. Terrible boss if you ask me. She gave us the contacts of all the folks that he worked with around the Hall but most of them were no help. His office was a fuckin mess too. She said it's never like that but I don't really believe her. We looked around the place and the rogue dude found this real odd coin behind a map of the city. Real spooky thing, that coin. I asked around the office about it but no one knew what it was or had seen anything like it before. Well no one except maybe the Sage that deals with Magical Forensics. No such thing as a coincidence, I say. We heard he may be at the protest going down in Xian square so we headed over there and the fucking racist fucks fucking came right at us! I tried to be nice about things and put them to sleep instead of killing them but the other folks I was with didn't seem to have the same sensibilities. That human feller turned into a damned dire wolf. Definitely put him on my radar now. That's just the type of magic I need to get my hands on. We dispatched the mob quick enough and the constables showed up soon enough. They asked their questions and all and then we headed back to Ellies. Forgot to mention she granted us free room and board at her inn since we joined their little club. I'll get her to teach me some of that magic I tell ya. One of these days.

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  1. The Sage Alden Spellweaver
    3rd of Ruanost, 98 SE
  2. Adventure Guild Day 1
    1st of Ruanoth, 98 SE
  3. The Day of the Protest
    2nd of Ruanost, 98 SE