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Out of the Abyss

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Underdark, Faerun
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Gu'roc Keenspear
    Walking with a staff to aid his slight limp, the elder half-orc is the ranking member of the Hunter's Lodge. Jobs may be acquired and turned in with the master hunter.
  • Ithnarude
    A Beholder with diminished power, it now works at the brewery as an enforcer of the rules. The rules change depending on how much it has had to drink.
  • Mon Ta
    A very stoic soldier, known for his reliability. Very little time was spent with this character and none made an effort to learn more.
  • Stool Myconid
    This seemingly young myconid sprout has great power flowing through it. Being born within the sapphire dragon's lair, the fungus was granted psionic sorcery. Armed only with a staff, its lone eye lights up whenever it cast a spell.
  • Trunk Gradunk
    At first glance, Trunk seems like a slow minded, unintelligent, hulking orc. In actuality, he takes his time to ensure the correct response, though with a chiseled physique. Though the Darklake Brewery is owned by the Deep King, Trunk manages the establishment with little to no interference from the Royal Family.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 27th December 2020 19:00


Though gaining new powers resting in the magical hut, they found themselves surround.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Lenny the Aboleth

Vayne Von Striker

Level 7 {{ variables.race }} Chaotic Good Fighter

Sardo Numspa

Chaotic Evil Drow Elf (Charlatan)
Bard 6
Warlock 2
47 / 47 HP

Donnie son of Yoshi Hamato

Huey Frognose


Bulgrim Stoner

Level 8 {{ variables.race }} Neutral Good LIght Cleric