Session #03 - Across the River and into the Trees Report

General Summary

"The Tribe" decide to risk travelling along the roads and go through one of the Watchers checkpoints and head for "The Lodge" and see what they can make of the Dog Tribes outpost.   The Watchers decide after having "The Tribe" waiting for almost 5 hours to start searching them and confiscate any artifacts they might have on them. With some quick thinking and Dolph's sacrifice of his cherriest armor they manage to get De Niro's artifact energy weapon through the checkpoint.     They have some issues getting into the Lodge but finally manage, and get some rest before travelling the rest of the way to the Helicopter.   The Dogs of The Lodge are well-fed and taken care off, the other tribes aren't as lucky as most of them are starving. Several Scavengers from other outposts have made the way to The Lodge but find it hard to trade for Grub if they don't have anything of value.

Created Content

The group encountered a Landshark, and Dolph managed to rip one of its fins off in the struggle. However the beast managed to get away.

Paradise Valley
Report Date
26 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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