Paradise Valley

A Mutant: Year Zero game In the world of Mutant: Year Zero
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Mon 9th October 2023 19:00

Session #11 - "King of the Forest"

Mon 2nd October 2023 19:00

Session #10 - "Convening the Council"

Sessions Archive

18th Sep 2023

Session #09 - "King of the Castle"

16th Jul 2023

Session #08 - "Lets Kill Ritler"

Read the Report
3rd Jul 2023

Session #07 - Spreading the word

Read the Report
24th Apr 2023

Session #06 - Like candy from a Dog!

Read the Report
27th Mar 2023

Session #05 - Badgers, Badgers, Badgers

The Tribe makes their way to the Badger Habitat a short walk from the Resistance Headquarters to try and drum up some help to make the mission of getting the Robot Killing Weapon easier.

Read the Report
16th Jan 2023

Session #04 - Truffaut's Lair

After a perilous journey "The Tribe" have finally reached their destination the Helicopter that doubles as the Resistance headquarters and Den of the leader of the Resistance Truffaut the Alpha of the Bear Tribe

Read the Report
26th Sep 2022

Session #03 - Across the River and into the Trees

After the total Domination of the Dog Patrol, they accept that the group is the stronger of the two and lets them pass through the area. They also give the Tribe directions of a safe path past the Watcher checkpoint.   After staying away from the main paths and the Watcher patrols the Tribe have a decision to make visit the Dog Outpost or continue towards the Helicopter. Continuing will force them to cross another fence or checkpoint.

Read the Report
6th Sep 2022

Session #02 - Ignite the flame within you

The following morning the reptilian council summons the group.

Read the Report
26th Aug 2022

Session #01 - The Wild Dance

Spring has come to Paradise Valley. This particular night is just as long as the day, and every year the animal mutants celebrate this moment with the Wild Dance. A huge bonfire burns in the middle of the outpost. Sparks dance up into the night sky, and around the fire you all dance, the whole tribe, young and old. During the Wild Dance you celebrate your feral ancestors. Talking is forbidden, as is the use of tools.

Read the Report
You live in paradise. Your home is a vast valley, surrounded by mountains so high the peaks are covered with snow all year round. Down in the valley there are wild moors, lush forests filled with game and cold streams where fish spawn in the spring. And you are never alone – your tribe is never far away. The tribe is your safe haven, your home.   But paradise is a prison. Walls and fences buzzing with lethal current block all paths out of the valley. Every attempt to tear the fences down or climb them is punished harshly by the Watchers. Your jailers. Nightmare machines. Drones in the sky monitor every step you take. Walkers march into your tribe without warning and force you to obey their metallic commands. Sometimes they abduct members of your tribe, and take them to the subterranean Labyrinth. When the victims come back they are forever scarred by the Watcher’s grotesque experiments, memories and personalities erased. If they come back at all. Despite never having tasted freedom, the dream of roaming free burns within you. You were not created to live like this. You know it. You feel it in every fiber of your body. Some day you will be free. Some day.   For generations, your tribe elders have advocated submission and cooperation. Doing what the Watchers say and participating in their experiments is the only way to prove yourselves worthy of freedom. To finally join the humans, your creators who left you and are waiting out there. You have heard this since you were little cubs.   But some of you are fed up with the sick games the Watchers play. You would rather fight, track down your machine jailors and confront them. Destroy them and take your freedom by force. You call your struggle for freedom the Resistance. But who is really on your side? Who is secretly serving the Watchers as informants and collaborators?   The day of reckoning is coming. The Resistance grows, and so does the oppression of the Watchers. Soon, no animal in Paradise Valley will be untouched by the conflict. Will you win your freedom – or be crushed by the mysterious enemies in Paradise Valley

This story is told by

The Protagonists
