Session #3 "Isle of Trees" Report

General Summary

The journey continues along the coastline towards Adea Hu
After the party looted and hid the bodies of the Syrkakar, their heads mounted on poles to deter other hostilites.
Narrowly escaping a weird phenomena of an "invisible" barrier a couple of miles of the coast, maybe it is a sign from the gods? Tryggve Seaspeaker decides that they should make camp for the day after only travelling for a half the day. The next day the weather gets better and Tryggve finds a good current and wind making up the time lost.

During one of the nights camping on the shoreline they also gets a unvinted visitor to camp in the form of an Ovir, they manage to bribe it with food and they can continue their travels.

After arriving at the river that should take them to the rumored location of the tower, they hide the boat and make ready to travel upstream into the mountains.

Rewards Granted

A soft leather pouch containing 11 metal "coins", each stamped with the image of a longhaired maiden.


Additional Experience rewards

In character roleplaying
Dolph Nason for playing to his flaws.
Tryggve Seaspeaker for adding flavourful stories and telling where she got her nickname from.
Alvar Skai for playing into his character strengths and adding some flavor to his character.

Saga of the Blue Light
Report Date
25 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Brya Sug
Secondary Location
Adea Hu

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