Saga of the Blue Light

A Rolemaster game In the world of Shadow World
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Scheduled Sessions

Thu 24th October 2024 18:00

Session #13 "Griffin Hunt"

Sessions Archive

17th Oct 2024

Session #12 "The Aerie"

Read the Report
10th Oct 2024

Session #11 "Night of the Third Moon"

Two more of the Wyrm Hounds close in on the cave opening, as the Adventourous Five prepare to fight for their lives against these other wordly beasts of myth,   Cant they survive the night of the third moon to see the dawn?

Read the Report
3rd Oct 2024

Session #10 "We ride at dusk"

The adventurous Five set out in the cover of darkness to escape any more problems with the servants of The Order of Iron and Flame. The trusty steeds they borrowed (Skjóthestr, Náttfari and Stormr) makes the trip faster and more comfortable.   Ithuriel will guide them through the treacherous mountains and show them caves that they can seek shelter in.

Read the Report
26th Sep 2024

Session #9 "Buyer's remorse"

Read the Report
19th Sep 2024

Session #8 "Should we stay or should we go now?"

The Adventurous Five face a hard decisions stay behind in Bjarkan, potentially facing off with the Priests on their home turf as Night of the Third Moon approaches.   With Azgul gone, it leaves only Ithuriel left with the group, it seems like he has knowledge regarding what Dolph called his dream quest.

Read the Report
12th Sep 2024

Session #7 "Bringing Ithuriel Home"

Read the Report
5th Sep 2024

Session #6 "cul-de-sac "

The Adventurous Five are at a bit of a crossroads, do they keep going or start tracking down the Syrkakar?   Following Fustir-Gost traditions they follow the wishes of their Sage Norna and hunt down the Syrkakar. Tryggve that was reluctant to do this elect to stay behind with their friend Azgul and set up a camp as the rest starts traveling to catch up with the Syrkakar that is heading deeper up the mountains. After a couple of hours of fast travels into the mountains they come across a cul-de-sac while following a blood trail. They notice what looks like a body of a small child, slumped over unmoving…   There is where we start tonight’s session

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8th Aug 2024

Session #5 "Friends are just strangers you haven't met yet "

After meeting a lost traveller called Zagul, definitely not from here. The Adventurous Five finds tracks of another group travelling the same direction roughly a day ahead.   During the night Zagul keeps you company during your watches with light hearted banter, you all feel confident that you all made the right choice to help this stranger that most certainly would have perished without your help.

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1st Aug 2024

Session #4 "Did we meet Odin?"

The journey continues, who or what are camping on the cliffside? What have the gods in store for the Adventurous Five, we will find out as the night of the third moon approaches.

Read the Report
25th Jul 2024

Session #3 "Isle of Trees"

After dispatching what looked like a Syrkar coastal patrol, the Adventurous Five need to decide if they should track down the survivors that got away or not?   Judging from the lack of survival gear and rations they were carrying there must be a camp set up nearby.

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18th Jul 2024

Session #2 "The Journey Begins"

As the winter is coming to an end the Adventurous Five have finished their preparations. They have been rationing food all winter to have enough supplies for their trek to Adea Hu in the center of the Syrkar Kingdom to find the tower of the ancients and hopefully bring about a new- era of prosperity for the Fustir-Gost.

Read the Report
11th Jul 2024

Session #1 ""

One of the forgotten coming of age rituals that the tribe since has forgone, mainly due to the ritual location has been lost. The ritual mainly used to send especially the most gifted youths to claim the sky and touch the light.   Stories tell of a tower built by the ancestors to get closer to the gods and their divine light, if you manage to climb the tower and touch the sky and be deemed worthy by the gods you will be empowered with great power and return to your tribe a hero and champion of the gods.   Stories tell of the champions returning and accomplishing great feats and bring the tribe prosperity, some of the more recent notable people of the tribe are said to be descendants of the champions and a smidgeon of the power has been passed down the bloodlines.

Read the Report
4th Jul 2024

Session #0

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Norna Windseeker

My DM Character

Knut Egilson

Tryggve Seaspeaker

Alvar Skai

Dolph Nason