Session #12 "The Aerie" Report

General Summary

Meeting with the Sky People of the aerie, and they managed to get the blessing to take the test of the "tower". There is just one obstacle to overcome that is retreave some Griffin Eggs, potentially killing some Griffins. Griffins who seem to be the greatest enemies of the Sky People live on the highest peaks.

Character(s) interacted with

Zilda - the Time Keeper of the Sky People, whom preformed the initial test to let the Adventurous Five start the trial of Vindbjorn.


The Song of Vindbjorn
High in the clouds where the wind grows thin, Where the earth meets the sky, and the world wears thin, There lies a peak, a whispered name— Vindbjorn, the Mountain of Wind and Flame.   Few are the feet that have touched its path, Few are the hearts that have faced its wrath. For the wind there sings, a haunting refrain, Of a love betrayed, and an oath in vain.   Snow sweeps the peaks, a shroud of white, A veil for the secret, a cloak for the night. For those who dare the climb so steep, Must give what they hold, and what they keep.   They scale the stone, hands torn and bare, Eyes full of hope, yet shadowed by care. They hear in the wind a voice unknown, A murmur, a whisper, like a cry from stone.   "Seek not the top if your heart is frail, Turn back, turn back, while your limbs prevail. For the storm does not care for love or lies, And the mountain knows all that the heart denies."   Still, there are those who will not yield, Who face the storm and the ice-choked field. They rise through the mist, to the place unseen, Where the sky is dark and the air is keen.   The Keepers watch, with their wings unfurled, Guardians of the sky and the unseen world. They see the seekers, with eyes like the sun, And they weigh their worth, one by one.   No words are spoken, no challenge cried, But the heart is tested, and none can hide. For the mountain sees, with eyes of stone, The love unbroken, the sin unknown.   Those who ascend find a gift most rare, But not all leave with their burdens bare. Some see the truth, and some find despair, For not all paths lead to what is fair.   And high on the peak, where the wind runs wild, There lingers a name, both lost and reviled. A prisoner bound, with wings unfurled, Once loved by a Valkyrie, a light in her world.   He dared the gods, he defied the throne, And now stands alone, carved from stone. His wings spread wide, but they cannot fly, For his fate is sealed until the sky will die.   She waits no more, she watches no longer, For his love was bold, but his folly stronger. Odin's wrath, cold as the mountain’s breath, Bound him here until the world meets death.   So climb if you will, and face the storm, But know that the wind is cold, not warm. And the Keepers wait, as they have before, To guard the truth, and to keep the score.   For high in the clouds where the world grows thin, Where the earth meets the sky, and the world wears thin, There lies a peak, a whispered name—
Vindbjorn, the Mountain of Wind and Flame.

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