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Portents of Prophecy

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Wildemount
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Supporting Cast
Wildemount, home to the Dwendalian Empire, and the Kryn Dynasty. Also home to the Menagerie Coast, but more importantly home to Crenda, a small village on the edge of the Tyodan river. The Tyodan floods each year, and with its floods come fertile lands. Crendan brewers have become famous for their rice based alcohol, and with fame comes parties and revelry. You have come to Crenda for the opportunity this revelry brings... whatever that may be. Tonight is the night the parties have been leading towards, bards pack the streets performing for the crowds, as the renowned wizards prepare their magical celebration display, aided by gnomes and their ‘fireworks’. Regardless of your reason for being here, it promises to be a night like no other!

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Dick Punch

Arjhan Norixius

Balor Kegthane
