Session 20: Owl-Bear-Pig? Report

General Summary

June 9, 2022  

  • Fen, Skipper, and Ash help Juniper hunt a deer. Savvy, Jinx, and Hothran watch the kids and intercept a message from Skabatha intending to warn the third sister about our group. Hothran forges an edited copy of the letter to send instead. We free Juniper from the empty cart they were hooked up to and the owlbear goes their separate way from us.
  • Savvy gives Skipper his wand back, and he regains what he lost! Huzzah!
  • In trying to find Little Oak, we end up in a cave that smells like cheese. We unlock further information about Cheeto lore, including some hints regarding the rivaling Cheezits, and Ash steals some sacred cheesy plants so he can become a cheese lord.
  • We finally reach Little Oak to return the children there. We’re told of a place that can get us back to Hither very quickly and make our way to the north atop a frigid mountain.

  • Fen and Hothran become exhausted from the cold, but we manage to get to the top safely otherwise where we meet Eskimo Joe and the group of…penguins! Skipper feels right at home. Joe is cursed by Zybilna with being extra hospitable so anything we ask, he provides.
  • After a much needed rest and relaxation, we take the J.E.S.S. (Joe’s Eskimo Super Sledders) down the hill. Skipper and Ash turn it into a race where Ash ends up victorious.

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