
A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Nesmer
12/16/2021 | Full
Supporting Cast

Sessions Archive

3rd Nov 2022

Session 38: Run You Fools

You moved around the castle a bit, with very little signs of active life. In fact, the only life you managed to find has been pretty hostile. There was a librarian who did not want to talk, and a dragon that only wanted to enjoy a meal with you... as the main course...

3rd Nov 2022

Session 37: Overcome with Desire

The misfits have figured out some of the initial safeguard Zybilna put in place to protect the palace in her absence. With that out of the way, you entered the palace and discovered some of the desires Zybilna seemed to be bottling up. A quick recon revealed that you are not alone in the palace, and a few Hags might have followed you there...

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13th Oct 2022

Session 36: It Started in the Garden

The Misfits have finally made it to the Palace of Heart's Desire, home to Zybilna. You made it through the pearly gates and happened upon a Tea Party. You found it odd, but not as odd as how eerily quiet the rest of the palace appears to be...

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6th Oct 2022

Session 35: Beyond Fae Bacon

You finally freed Gleams sister, Glisten. They informed you they plan on going to the Witchlight Carnival via an ancient teleportation device known as the Fey Beacons. When you arrived, there was an Elven Prince slowly making their way to each of the beacons being heckled by some birds. They put a play on for you, but some harsh reviews turned them hostile...

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15th Sep 2022

Session 34: Cleanup Crew

You breached the 3rd floor of Motherhorn and launched your assault against Endelyn. You made it as far as her bedroom. All that remains is a prison break, and it's time for the Palace...

8th Sep 2022

Session 33: Assault on Motherhorn

You have come fully equipped with The B.E.E.T.U.S., you have a plan, time to take this hag down...

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1st Sep 2022

Session 32: Sweet Tooth

The party procured the Unicorn Horn from the dismembered corpse of Skylla the Warlock, former member of the League of Malevolence. You re-united it with the rocking horse and freed the unicorn who was trapped by the Hourglass Coven's magic. After a long discussion, you figured out a new plan of attack on Motherhorn. But first, you need to find a way in. Luckily, there just happened to be an air ship nearby.

25th Aug 2022

Session 31: How Convenient

After meeting a couple "prophets" you acquired a legendary artifact known as the Fortuneteller 9000. Whose power is only surpassed by it's mystery. Using this device, and some fate altering intuition, you found the current owner of the missing Unicorn Horn. There was a brief scuffle that resulted in a 5 way JAM session on her face. That's going to leave a mess...

18th Aug 2022

Session 30: Crossroads

You just left Motherhorn having made your deals with Endelyn. You just regrouped and are trying to decide what to do next.

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11th Aug 2022

Session 29: Let's make a deal

You made it to Motherhorn and put on a spectacular play. Unfortunately it did not meet the criteria of "good" or "enjoyable" by Endelyn's standards. Savvy, Hothran, and Ash Fox luckily had tickets to meet with Endelyn, so they are going to meet her now...

4th Aug 2022

Session 28: The Show Must Go On

You have dealt with Maddy, the Medusa who turned out to be Tina-Lynne. After turning in the Embigginer to Phil, you made your way towards Motherhorn. We will see what awaits you inside the looming abode of Endelyn Moongrave...

28th Jul 2022

Session 27: Don't get stoned

You encountered your first Medusa and negotiations did not go so well. You decided to instead pursue other threads, and happened upon a merchant. After procuring some Basilisk eggs, you decided you might have some leverage that could aid the bargain for the Embigginer.

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21st Jul 2022

Session 26: Embiggin... Things

You met Phil McKrackin, owner and purveyor of the Cheez-it Empire. He entered into an arrangement with you to obtain the "Embigginer" some sort of powder, wand, potion, or something that makes things bigger. You were directed to a cave filled with Basilisks and a Medusa, and are in the midst of an encounter trying to avoid being turned to stone!

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14th Jul 2022

Session 25: Worth the Hype?

You dealt with Mudlump, assisting Amidor in the process. In return, he has promised to bring you to the palace of Heart's Desire. In the meantime, you are still headed towards Lockbury Henge to meet one of the races which are native to Yon. You are waylaid by a vendor claiming to sell the best Cheese Its...

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7th Jul 2022

Session 24: Fraggle Rock

You finally made it to Yon. Upon arrival you met a talking dandelion named Amidor who has joined your group. He asked for your aid in assisting an elf named Gleam. You decided to approach one of the establishments belonging to natives in Yon in hope of getting a good night's rest.

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30th Jun 2022

Session 23: Sentience? Maybe over Yonder

After a quick trek through the swamps of Hither, you made it back to the Inn at the end of the Road. You were discussing how to get to Yon when Ash Fox was propositioned by an odd entity. Events have escalated, and the Inn has become homicidal...

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23rd Jun 2022

Session 22: Post Portrait Happenstances

You finally made your way back to Downfall and completed your Portrait chore! Only one last sister to visit...

16th Jun 2022

Session 21: Look at this Photograph

You approached an odd Eskimo hut run by a group of penguins. They seemed very helpful, maybe a little tooo helpful if you ask Skipper. Either way, they had a fast way to get back to Hither. You just made it down the mountain and are back in Hither. Next stop, Turn in the picture!

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9th Jun 2022

Session 20: Owl-Bear-Pig?

You finally were able to escape Loomlurch with all of your gotten and ill-gotten gains. You are heading back to Little Oak when you came across a Hungry Owlbear. Fennigan is currently talking to it, but you fear that it may want to eat the children you are currently travelling with. Decisions Decisions about how to proceed...

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26th May 2022

Session 19: Fallout

Things seemed to go well, and kind of according to plan? You managed to make some great progress while in Loomlurch. The group is still split, now it is time to regroup and figure out your next move.

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19th May 2022

Session 18: Cunning Plan, the re-plan-aning

You all decided to return to Loomlurch to hopefully retrieve Skabatha's painting, and if there is time maybe the kids too. You have arrived south of Loomlurch ready to execute your cunning plan.

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5th May 2022

Session 17: Let's Split Up Gang

After at least one of you finding one of your missing items. You are all split up, and trying to regroup with each other after a narrow escape from Skabatha's Lair.

29th Apr 2022

Session 16: Tea Party

You have made it to Loomlurch and tried creating a distraction which worked a little too well. Tin soldiers showed up to escort the majority of you to tea with Skabatha. Clyde and Savvy are trying to harvest some Boggle oil in another part of the downed tree.

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21st Apr 2022

Session 15: Bad Blood

You are at the Wayward Pool when a figure from Savvy's past showed up. After meeting with Lamorna the Unicorn, you agreed to help Will of the Feywild with his plan to free the children trapped at Loomlurch.

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14th Apr 2022

Session 14: Double Barrel Trouble

You continues travelling down the river, and eventually found some rough waters. Savvy stuck to the boat, and forced you all into a chase. You are now BARRELING down river after Will of the Feywild. Jinx is in the water, Skipper is trying to spin a barrel, chaos and anarchy is being had by all. I wonder what would happen if Clyde or Ash showed back up mysteriously?

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7th Apr 2022

Session 13: Buttons down River

You just met Captain Morgan captain of the Flying Dutchoven. You paid the price to keep your vessel, but were warned that sailing it would result in your death. You are still trying to make your way north to either steal a painting or get help to steal a painting.

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31st Mar 2022

Session 12: Nibbing and Flowing

You are finally in Thither. You just met with a group of pixies whom you helped settle a dispute. You are headed towards a cave supposedly inhabited by an old miser named Nib. You were told they could provide equipment that might help with your quest!

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25th Mar 2022

Session 11: Leafing on the Edge

You are still trying to complete the tasks for Bavlorna, and you came up with a cunning plan to retrieve the crate she seeks. While coming back down from The Hags hut, Clyde managed to piss another creature off. You are currently in a battle with a sentient tree named Big Barkless.

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17th Mar 2022

Session 10: Chores

You finally made it to Bavlorna's cottage where she gave you some chores to do. The group has split to take care of them. Cleaning the pool is the first one to tackle, looks like there is a Gelatinous Cylinder blocking the well.

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3rd Mar 2022

Session 9: Viva le Resistance?

The Misfits just escaped captivity and made it to the south bank after a minor misunderstanding with King Gollup. You have Teamed up with Morgort who instructed you that the resistance might be a good way to achieve your goals.

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24th Feb 2022

Session 8: Misfits Downfall

You have made it to the Bullywug city of Downfall. You have been instructed to meet with the King. Along the way, Clyde is trying to steal a balloon, and the rest of you actually helped put out a fire (some more than others, let's be honest Clyde was the least helpful).

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17th Feb 2022

Session 7: Tollway Trouble

We last left off with the Misfits being provoked into a fight with Agdon Longscarf in the Brigand's Tollway.

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10th Feb 2022

Session 6: Brigands Downfall

You finally Freed Sir Talavar, and left Telemy Hill. You are on your way to confront Bavlorna, when you spotted a large moving building heading towards you.

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4th Feb 2022

Session 5: Freeing Sir Talavar

You have just found a Faerie Dragon named Sir Talavar. They are locked in a cage and asked for you to help free them. You made a bunch of noise trying to bypass silly things like keys, and might have awoken some giant snakes sleeping nearby.

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27th Jan 2022

Session 4: Hither, Part 1

After a full days jaunt at the Witchlight carnival, you have made it to the Fey-Wild to investigate the dissappearances. Welcome to Hither, the swampy bog of Prismeer.

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13th Jan 2022

Session 3: Heist at the Carnival

You have been approached by Burly to carry out a heist of the Watch carried by Mr. Witch. We last left with the group chasing down a kenku known to have been making trouble at the carnival.

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6th Jan 2022

Session 2: The Witchlight Carnival Part 2 (electric Boogaloo)

You have been at the carnival for a few hours and are beginning to unravel the mystery surrounding the Mystical place.   You find yourself at the Snail Races.

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30th Dec 2021

Session 1: The Witchlight Carnival

You have just arrived at the Witchlight carnival, a place most of you have not seen since you were a child. You have been beckoned because of something you lost the last time you visited. The carnival calls to you, and you can't help but feel that that which was taken may be found in the carnival.

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Wild beyond the Witchlight campaign set in the Humblewood Campaign Setting

This story is told by

The Protagonists




Jinx Morrowgaze

Fennigan Dapplefoot

Hothran Steelbender

Ashton Mr. Fox