Session 36: It Started in the Garden Report

General Summary

  • Savvy continued to explore the gardens and discovered a rose garden with a strange satyr statue in the center of it along with some interesting creatures. Mr. Ash Fox found an ax in a stump that Fennigan helped them retrieve. After checking out the roses, Fennigan decided to pick one and the others followed suit.

  • After examining the pond on the far side, a humanoid shape presented Savvy with a crown and a riddle. The group solved the riddle and Savvy investigated the broken towers on either side of the gardens. They met Wrath, the iron hart, and Envy, the iron lion. The crown is given to Wrath as per the riddle after attempting to procure the respective quest items for both of them, and the group was able to enter the castle.

  • In exploring the castle, the group finds white and black crystals that they learn contain Zybilna’s desires. Savvy scouts ahead and comes across a large room being blown apart, a man in armor suspended in time flying backwards over the spiraling abyss below. In another room they hear the muttering voices of Skabbatha and Bavlorna.

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