Session 37: Overcome with Desire Report

General Summary

  • Continuing to explore the palace, we come across a carriage pulled by glass horses, frozen in time as everything else is at the palace. We assume it is Zybilna’s. We then come across a door that can only be entered by taking a single rose from the vase outside of it, which of course prompted some rose-themed shenanigans before moving forward. More doors and some hallways later, we find a room with hooks on the wall and discover that if fabric is hung on the hook it turns the person invisible.

  • As Savvy found a large pool in the next room, we end up face to face with the Jabberwock and no way to kill it for good. Fennigan does their best to shield the party while we attempt to run from the beast.

  • We manage to knock it out long enough to try to outrun or lose it in the palace and find the other side of the room has other figures in it as well, all frozen in time. Some of us recognize two members of the Valor’s Call, while Fen and Jinx recognize the other figure to be Tasha. THE Tasha. 

  • With more questions than answers, the party still needs to find the Snicker Snack sword and try to fend off the Jabberwock until they do.

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