Session 11: Leafing on the Edge Report

General Summary

March 24, 2022  

  • Thanks to the musical stylings of Hrothran, the giant tree is convinced to stop trying to pulverize us. He then gives us directions to Illywig’s. We procure the heavy crate of goods and set off back to Bavlorna’s, where we end up disturbing the large wasp nest outside the front entrance.

  • Savrial and Hrothran defeat the wasps and everyone clambers inside to safety. Bavlorna is thankful for our help and gives us another task which, if completed, she will trade back what she took from Jinx and Clyde: the group has 4 days to find her sister Skabatha’s portrait and bring it back to Bavlorna.

  • Savrial makes a bargain to get Clapperclaw’s skull head back, trading all of the blue in his scales for it. We return the skull to Clapperclaw who gives Savrial 8 buttons as a thank you and agrees to take us to Tither.

  • We take the boat to Tither as that is the second fastest way. As we enter Tither, a huge lush forest where trees grow everywhere there is land, it feels to Fen, Savrial, and Skipper that whatever they have lost is here somewhere.

  • Mr. Ash Fox makes another purchase from Chester Cheeto (though he does lose some product to Skipper being sneaky and snacky) and even manages to score some premium Doritos as well.

  • We come across a group of pixies arguing over what a wedge of wood they found is, and ultimately we help them decide it is a slice of cake for a treant. It is handed over to one of the surrounding trees as a treat and the pixies give us a reed whistle to call them with if we ever get lost while in Tither.

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