Session 19: Fallout Report

General Summary

May 26, 2022

  • Jinx and Hothran make it back to Little Oak but when they see the painting transform they know something is amiss and head back to Loomlurch. The group comes together in the room with all the paintings and thorns. Mr. Ash Fox learns that if someone gets pricked by the thorns, their family is the one that shows up in the paintings. After some shenanigans, Fen’s family is the last to be depicted by the time the group leaves the room.

  • We investigate a room and find it filled with tin soldiers, but Clyde acts quickly to cast major image and pretend to be Skabatha. The soldiers stand down and lead us to where the remaining kids are.

  • Fen and Ash Fox convince the creepy doll in the sewing room to let them take the two kids while Jinx, Clyde, and Hothran find Brothar, who is poisoned. Fen goes to heal them and in their absence, Ash Fox gets into a fight with the magic carpet. We manage to defeat the rug and peace out with the rescued kids.

  • On our way to bring them back to Little Oak we come across an owlbear pulling an empty chariot looking for food. They tell us their master was snatched by a demon from the sky, and we decide to help the owlbear hunt for food before continuing forward.

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