Session 9: Viva le Resistance? Report

General Summary

March 3, 2022  

  • On our way to the resistance leader we meet an elven bard named Octavian who had his heart stolen by Bavlorna and replaced with a goat’s heart. He tells us that Bavlorna’s hut is in the center of the town surrounded by fog.

  • The resistance leader is Illig. We help him come up with a plan to overthrow the current king and wait out his return. Illig is successful and becomes king Illig the First. He pardons us for our crimes and all but Fennigan accept his offer for knighthood. We sleep in the court for a much needed rest.

  • In the morning we decide to head to Bavlorna’s hut. Noticing four clotheslines connecting to the fog from different parts of town, Savrial goes to investigate and finds a way in through the water.

  • We enter Bavlorna’s hut where she is waiting for us and asks us to complete two tasks for her before she will do any further speaking with us; fix her pool and retrieve her package from Illig. We head to the pool to investigate where we find the well in the center to be stopped up with an oozing, acidic, gelatinous cylinder and it attacks us.

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