Session 8: Misfits Downfall Report

General Summary

February 24, 2022  

  • Wigglewog and Morgort were the ones responsible for causing the fire, trying to make a scene as they stole a balloon. Morgort was captured and imprisoned. The hot air balloons all belong to Bavlorna.

  • On our way to meet the king we come across a row of talking heads, each a previous king slain by the one after them to gain power. Jinx offers them all nose scritches for information. We also meet Clapperclaw, who had their head stolen from them by Agdon. We promised them that we would get their head back.

  • Upon meeting King Gullop XIX, he offers for us to join his court so that we can have an audience with Bavlorna. Everyone but Savrial rejects his offer, some of us figuring out that he's lying about it, and we are all imprisoned. We meet Morgort in her cell and she tells us about the resistance that is wanting to rise up against the king. 

  • The group decides to break out of the cells but we draw the attention of the guards and things escalate. Savrial rejoins the group after trying to distract the court and we all escape to find the resistance group.

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