Session 10: Chores Report

General Summary

March 17, 2022  

  • After defeating the gelatinous cylinder, the well in the center of the pool begins to fill with fresh water again. Clyde does some investigating and is suddenly attacked by what appeared to be a hat. It turns out to actually be a dark mantle and we just barely manage to save Clyde before it takes him out.

  • Jinx casts detect magic and discovers that the mirror in the room is magical. Bavlorna comes down to thank us for fixing her pool and offers Jinx a trade to find out what the mirror does. Jinx agrees to trade her the knowledge of what oranges taste like and learns that the mirror teleports people with the use of an activation code. Savrial and Hrothran proceed to try to guess what the word is for far too long of a time.

  • While they made their guesses, Clyde constructed a hoist system to attach to the clotheslines and get us back to the other side of the mist. We all go over one by one across the water but the sprites residing in the tree the clothesline is attached to start heckling everyone.

  • Clyde eventually has enough and nails a list of complaints to the tree, thinking it was the tree that was doing the heckling, and the tree fights back.The tree knocks out Clyde and grabs Skipper, who was trying to get its attention.

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