Session 7L Through the Petrified Forest Report

General Summary

Descending down the shaft of light, the massive grotto lay before the group. A sprawling forest of petrified geometric shapes--geomorphs--stretched for miles before them. It was through this strange realm that the group made their way along the singular path available to them, a wide groove cutting through the stone "trees".   Soon the group came upon a camp of strange, viscious looking creatures. After failing to sneak up on them, the group managed to cow them with displays of magical power. Speaking to them in the strange language they learned from the arches above, the group learned that they had encountered Urulay, and held a deep grudge against her. She had killed half their number when they first encountered (and tried to eat) her.   The group struck up an uneasy alliance with the creatures, but sensing impending betrayal from them, forced only the leader to travel with them. As they went on, the group caught wind they were being distantly followed by the rest of the tribe, but chose to not act on this.   After traversing a wide basin of strange, black liquid by way of rope, pitons, and a strangely animated geomorph, the group came to a place the tiny creatures said they saw what might have been a weakness for Urulay. A strange bed of flowers lay before the group, a bed that, when they plucked them, came alive and attacked.   After defeating the strange flower creatures, the group harvested the flowers. In the mass of vegetation they found a strange, mummified form within an ancient set of armor filled with tek. Harvesting the tek, they found several useful cyphers and a relic which could nullify any device running on energy.   Taking all this, the group gathered together to face Urulay!

Rewards Granted

Cyphers: Clean Bright Motion Sensor   Relic: Energy Nullifier

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Recruited the tribe of Killiests, tiny murder goblins, to help kill Urulay.

Portal to Aramanth


Maul-Moir MacMaris

Lawful Good Dwarf (Far Traveler)
Cleric 3
28 / 28 HP
Report Date
15 Feb 2021

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