Session 6: The Cypherwight Attack Report

General Summary

As our session began a group of wights were barrelling down the hallway towards the group. Initially stopped by the blockade created by Kuno, a pair seemed to activate some power within their implanted tek to transport themselves, a fact the group discovered as they made their withdrawal back to the gallery tunnel and found the wights waiting for them. The group slew these wights, fleeing further down as the remaining wights pursued them. Maul-Moir made effective use of his turning ability, however, and caused them to flee from the holy power of his ancestors.   Inside the next section of the installation, the group found a room that had been left in utter destruction. Kaz entered first and was entrapped by the room's magic, transported to a lightless room filled nearly to the op with trash. The group searched for a way to extricate him as he quickly had to hide from another wight stuck in the room with him. When the group finally found a means to return him, it unfortunately brought all of the debris from the room along as well, nearly crushing the elf.   It would be in the next section, after finding a relic in a large basic with several strange bones, that the group had their first encounter with Urulay. She opened her attack with a fireball that bably scorched Raelyn and hurt the rest of the group. Their return attack, however, with the use of a powerful cypher, was enough to cause Urulay to flee using a cypher of her own.   Further in the group found a strange room with a shard of obsidian that seemed to hold several dozen creatures in a kind of temporal stasis, including several cypherwights. The group, perhaps wisely, decided to leave these creatures to their stasis and move north, where they found a room with a large shaft of light surrounded by hovering crystal eyes. Galdimere forged a communion with one of these eyes, and with the knowledge gained was able to provide passage down the shaft of light into the larger inner sanctum of the the installation, a grotto filled with stone shapes of increasing size all around a massive crystal pillar that seemed to be singing to them all.   The group has found the singing monolith, now the question remains whether they will be able to stop Urulay before she triggers it's rise.

Rewards Granted

Relics:   The Empty Hand

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The group had their first encounter with Urulay. Though she delivered a devestating first blow with a fireball, the group drove her off quickly through the use of powerful cyphers.
  • The group has descented through the grand gallery down into a realm known as the "Petrified Forest", a massive underground chamber with a "forst" of geometric shapes ranging from the size of shrubs to seemingly higher than mountains.

Portal to Aramanth


Maul-Moir MacMaris

Lawful Good Dwarf (Far Traveler)
Cleric 3
28 / 28 HP
Report Date
01 Feb 2021

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