11/22/2020 - The Crooked Hills pt 1 Report

General Summary

After spending time at the Caracara fair, the group ultimately finds their way together with the united goal mission to investigate the catacombs beneath the temple of the Takarar cult, a splinter sect off of Exultism that was founded, and eventually dissolved, in the Crooked Hills near what is not Caracara.   The groups peaceful sleep was interrupted in the middle of the night however, when the strange Sleepwalker goblins attacked the town in masse and kidnapped several people, including Rodoria the group's initial organizer, and Nilliam, the now-deceased sibling of Kathra Synthfist who had just passed to become a Silent One.   In the aftermath of the attack Marta Iathrana will inform you that it looks as thought a total of 15 people were taken, with another 7 slaine either fighting back or attempting to aid those taken. Attempts were made on seven others, but they either fought off their abductors or managed to flee.   Based on a tip mentioned by the party, Marta confirms that nearly all those taken had traded tokens for a cypher at the fair.   By morning it is found that the goblins also made an attempt to gain entry into Urualay's abandoned house, but were rebuffed (and in one case, electrocuted) by wards put up by the Exult Priest Dunben. By all examination, they did not manage entry into the house, though it is unclear what they hoped to find there since any items of significance had already been removed to the local Exult Clave.   There is considerable distress and concern from fairgoers when morning arrives and it turned out several of them had been kidnapped. Head of the Noble's Council Aenry Kelia (he was the yellow sashed judge at the poetry/storytelling games) speaks publically at the center of the caravan campgrounds, assuring that extra militia security will be provided for both the fair and the camps. Rumors float about, however, that Kalia has expressed considerable frustration towards the Milita and Kathra Synthfist for not reacting effectively enough to more quickly rebuff the attack.   While Serafina Judge Marta has not spoken on these rumors, she has expressed nothing but heartfelt praise for the militia, stating things could have been much, much worse were it not for their bravery, and the bravery of many others who came forward to defend the town.

Rewards Granted

  • Anima/Kuno won gold at the fighting tourney.
  • Several players earned certificates and/or tankards
  • The best reward of all--Friendship!

Portal to Aramanth


Maul-Moir MacMaris

Lawful Good Dwarf (Far Traveler)
Cleric 3
28 / 28 HP
Report Date
23 Nov 2020
Primary Location

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