Episode 10, Lorelai and the Goat

General Summary

QuestsfinWhat is up with that?fin
Get paid for forge job Get Faenmetal inspected
Get paid for Serpent Lord Carthelian Family
Sell wine Big statue
Get healed Milich mines go deeper
Planeswalkers' Folly


Andy's nature proficiency (days) 6 of 35
Lorelai's medicine proficiency (days) 1 of 70


Iuil 9, 3032 though Iuil 15, 3032

Travelling south to Helorix, the party ran into a lost goat and shortly thereafter, its farmer. This will be important later. Settling down for the night, the group found an abandoned farmstead to weather the night in. Fixing up the space, the group prepared to spend a single night in the barn, but was surprised to find that they were caught in the first blizzard of winter; all but Amara were not thrilled. But, they settled in for the night, and it was relatively peaceful, save for a visit from the missing goat and a wandering pack of wolves. Prompted by Dorian, Andy used druidcraft to predict the weather and found that they were to be stuck in a blizzard for some time.

On the second day, the group debated the merit of trying to make their way through the storm, but ultimately decided to weather the storm in their cozy home. Lorelai went out into the blizzard to search for something dead that they might bury to create some DIY graveyard dirt for their feign death spell, but was faced with the none other than the missing goat. Taking advantage of the goat's naïveté, Lorelai lulled it into a false sense of security only to strangle it to death in the snow. After a gruesome death scene, Lorelai returned to the barn, cold and exhausted, and presented the party with the goat that she "found." All but Andy believed her.

However, the goat's sacrifice was not for nothing, as Ilya lifted prayers to the Wanderer and, assisted by Andy's druidcraft, was able to perform a ceremony that created graveyard dirt. The rest of the time in the barn was spent playing cards, regailing each other with theories about the end of the universe, and visits from the ghost of the goat, which spoke to Andy, introduced itself as Frederick, and ate Lorelai's disguise kit in retribution for its murder.

In Helorix

Finally reaching their destination, after far too long on the road, the group accomplished several milestones.
  • Made it through the city gate and parked their cart at the Praxean Adventurer's League headquarters.
  • While there, they made note of an alluring bounty for the Rat King.
  • Also reaquainted themselves with Marius, Darius, and Aquarius; the air, earth, and water genasi who staff the headquarters.
  • Were healed by Jav'ir Devrin, High Cleric of the Monarch.
  • Parted ways with Dorian, though they made plans to meet up once again so that they might investigate the Precursor ruins beneath Milich together.
  • Sold their wine to a very nervous Belarian Lyris.
  • Went shopping and made plans to go on a larger spree.

Rewards Granted

  • All
  • 62,500 gp each

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Get paid for forge job
  • This was a while ago, just getting it on the record
  • Get paid for Serpent Lord
  • Happened session before, just getting it off the quick sheet
  • Get healed
  • No more daily dose of deathly magical poisons! Well, at least until next time...
  • Sell wine
  • You're rich! You're rich! What will you do with all that cash?
  • Get Faenmetal inspected
  • Unfortunately, sending the Faenmetal back to Bedlam, you were unable to get it inspected by anyone who could give you more information on the strange material that was referred to as "the bones of the earth."


Report Date
03 Dec 2023
Primary Location

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