

Helorix, also known as the City of the Sun or the Throne, is the seat of the Aurelian Emperor, the capital of Aurelia, and the political epicenter of the world. Growing from the small farming village Monarch's Rest, tactfully positioned near the delta of the Alphidon River, when Valus Aurelius "raised the gates" of the city as described in The Aureliad, it quickly blossomed into the sprawling metropolis known today.   At the turn of the century, more than 777,000 people made their home in the city proper of Helorix.  


Situated at a central harbor of the continent, Helorix is a highly influential cosmopolitan city of political and economic importance to both empires for its connection to trade routes by both land and sea. It lays claim to approximately 100 miles beyond its walls and maintains a well patrolled guard presence along trade routes within that radius.   Various roads to Helorix are well paved major trade routes, including:
  • The Stone Road, the northern trade route that connects Helorix to the Red Mountains. There is a high military presence on this road, as it connects to the Storm Road, the only paved road that enters Aurelia from Fulminaria, near the Red Mountains.
  • The Grass Road, the northwest road that sprouts from the Stone Road and connects the capital city to Falkwood, Solheim, and the Rose and Gloam roads.
  • The Captain's Road, a short road that only takes about four hours to traverse by foot that connects Helorix to Diopolis, the port city the capital uses for its trade needs.
  • Geographical Features

    As Helorix grew, it spilled over to cover each side of the river, spliting into the original western Sun District and eastern Crescent district. The Crescent District required an incredible feat of mundane engineering and arcane spellwork to make it suitable for living; once a marshy lagoon, it required the islands therein to be strengthened and stabilized to create the network of canals it is known for today. After the construction and popularization of these canals, several sections of road within the Sun District were carved out and flooded to create a continuous canal system.   The Grand Canal is the main thoroughfare of the city and the widest point of the river as it flows between the districts. It serves as the main means for transportation as well as the sanitation system for the city. The lands beneath the Sun District are riddled with passages and tunnels of the old sewer system, which is still sometimes used during heavy winters that freeze tributaries to the Grand Canal. Because the network of tunnels spends much of its time unused and is rumored to connect to the Faendark in places, it harbors a number of denizens who seek solace in its halls and use the sewers connections to run illicit activity throughout the city and hold various Night Markets for any brave or desparate enough to attempt to find them.   Due to its marshy nature, the walls outside of the Crescent district are far less populous than the area outside the Sun District. Backing up to the Wasting Swamps, it is generally ignored by all but the Gray Watch who patrol the wastes. Conversly, the area outside the Sun District and the Western Gate are the staging ground for festivals, trade fairs, and the airport.


    Though the emperor rules with absolute authority across Aurelia, the mundane day to day upkeep of the city and surrounding lands is entrusted to two appointed consuls and a twelve-seat elected Green Council. The Council is seated by one member from each ward and while a disproportionate number of the Green Council come from the upper economic classes of the city, general sentiment to their guidance is generally positive.   Green Councilmembers serve three year terms with elections occurring every year with four seats up per election. New consuls are appointed as deemed necessary by the emperor.  

    Law & Order

    The Golden Gauntlet acts as the local police force within Helorix. Their duty is to capture criminals, settle petty disputes, give directions, summon medical or priestly aid, generally perform duties that promotes a welcoming environment within the city for those who know how to behave themselves.   Rulings on the city's laws are issued by Wardens, clerics of the Judge. Throughout both empires, the Wardens are respected arbiters of impartial, divine justice, using their connection to the Tribunal to exact fair judgement. They have the duty of running the courts and justice system, which operates out of temples to the Tribunal. Those wishing to face justice outside of the courts may request a trial by combat, but both parties must concent to its use and may choose a champion to represent themselves.   Wardens, councilmembers, members of noble houses, and the emperor themselves are protected by the Praetor Guard while in the city. The elite honor guard is sworn to lifelong imperial service and can be requested by these parties throughout the empire. Influential individuals are rarely seen without the protection of at least six Praetor Guard while traveling the streets of Helorix.  


    Though Helorix holds itself on a pedestal as the seat of the empire and home of all major temples within the empire, as with any major city, crime blossoms in the darker corners of the city. Petty criminals, thieves, and cutpurses walk the streets as you would expect in any city of this size, and heavier crimes like murder and battery are not unheard of. The international Black Sun Syndicate has its talons set in the city, using its geographic benefits to the same effect as more upstanding businesses do. However, the local thieves guild the Claw, works to push the Black Sun out of the city, sometimes even going so far as to work with the Golden Gauntlet at times to undermine their operation. The Claw controls the sewers and runs the Night Markets from the central hub of the network.   Varous other criminal groups are active in the city but to little repute; followers of the Rat King, the Order of the Fallen Sun, the Stabbins Club, to name a few.


    Helorix, via its port city of Diopolis, is the main trade city along the southern coast. In the Sun District, the capital holds colossal stores of grain imported from across the Fertile Steppes of the empire proper that serves as both emergency food stores as well as the cities main export. They also deal in any number of everyday necessities, luxuries, magic items, and other exotic wares. The Port Authority holds responsibility for regulating trade through the cities docks; weeding out smugglers trafficking illicit goods in addition to their work maintaining the standards of trade.   While airtraffic to Helorix is uncommon, airships are welcome to land at the airport, called the Sunport, or seaport, whichever is more suitable to the ship's construction. Airtraffic arriving at the Sunport is required to make contact with the Port Authority via semifore or signal mirror on approach, but airtraffic coming to the seaport is only required to land at the mouth of the Monarch's Harbor and sail in the rest of the distance.


    Naturally defended to the east by the Wasting Swamps and to the south by the Monarch's Harbor, Helorix is tremendously difficult to physically assault. In addition to the Golden Gauntlet and Praetor Guard, Helorix benefits from a large standing army and maintained navy. Members of the Golden Gauntlet staff garrisons within the city, acting as patrols, gate guards, and constabulary inside the walls of the city. More delicate missions enacted in the name of the emperor and undertaken by the Praetor Guard, in addition to their regular tasks protecting the city's high profile individuals. In the wilds surrounding the city, a high concentration of the Gray Watch can be found. The Gray Watch are a sect of rangers who are based out of Grayhall in Helorix and rove in groups throughout the empire.   The city is surrounded by walls on three sides that encircle it and the port city of Diopolis. Regular watch towers and defensive positions dot the walls, and the three gates of the city, the Sun Gate, Stone Gate, and River Gate, are under constant watch. From its position in the Sol Ward, the Lighthouse is an enormous tower that monitors the airspace above and around Helorix and houses a modest griffin cavalry.   At the mouth of the Monarch's Harbor, Helorix has also erected two towers known as the Dioskuri Felicitus and Faustus, named for the moons. Also called the Sea Gate, these two citadels run an enormous boom between the two of them that can be drawn up to seal the harbor. This adamantine chain is etched with arcane runes that allow the defenders to fully seal the harbor and two cities within the same arcane ward.   Aside from this, Helorix also benefits from a large population of adventurers and the sheer number of powerful individuals in the city; the Sovereign, leaders of divine hosts, and the emperor themself act as a strong deterrent for action against the city. As a point of pride, the city itself has never been laid under seige. Though this does mean that more often than not, threats come in the form of spies and assassins rather than open warfare.


    Helorix is characterized by its curving, busy canals and elegant, broad walkways that span them. Their heavy traffic, a constant during the day and into the night, is monitored by the Golden Gauntlet. The streets and boulevards of the Sun District are well maintained and labelled.   Public transportation is available through several different options:
  • Gondolas are the most popular option for transport, both for their convenience and the romanticization of gondola fare in recent years. They hold 2-4 people and can bring you most anywhere in the city far quicker than any other form of transportation for an affordable fare of 2cp per ward passed through.
  • Barges travel in and out of the city by the River Gate through the Grand Canal. Starting at 1cp per mile, you can secure passage up or down the Alphidon River. Some barges will be of higher quality than others, and some might ask you work your way instead of paying, but they are by far the safest and most economical means of travelling the Alphidon.
  • Carts can travel throughout the Sun District wards, but are greatly limited within the bridged walkways of the Crescent District. They can carry 1-6 people through the wards for 1cp per ward.
  • Palanquins make an elegant alternative option to carts and gondolas and are favored by the nobility of Helorix. They are more mobile than carts and can cross the pathways of the Crescent District with ease. They are however inhibitively priced, costing 2gp per city block, and only fit 1-2 passengers.
  • Carriages are the preferred long distance mode of transportation for the nobles of the city, but, at 2gp per mile travelled and a capacity of 2-4 passengers, are considered a luxury by most.
  • Notable Locations

    When originally etablished, Helorix consisted of only a small village on the west banks of the Alphidon River. At the turn of the 20th century, it was deemed necessary to expand and construction on the Crescent District began. Construction finished in the late 21st century and when the Crescent was deemed habitable in 2113 GW, the city was officially split into the Sun and the Crescent districts, each divided into six wards.  

    Sol Ward

    The foundation of the city, the Sol Ward is the heartbeat of Helorix and by extent, the entire Aurelian Empire. It is the middle ward of the western bank.
  • The Sun Gate. Facing the setting sun in the west, the Sun Gate opens to the rural roads that line the coast. It is by far the quietest post a guard can have, as most traffic from the coastal citites of the empire arrives by boat.
  • The Halls of Aurelius. The grand Halls of Aurelius, renamed after his assassination within, are the enormous audience chamber in which the Peace Accords meetings are held every four years. Outside of the Accords, they are used as a concert hall and performance center, or a podium for the speeches of important orators. It is also the palace in which the imperial family lives.
  • The Lighthouse. Sprouting from the Halls of Aurelius and towering above the city, the Lighthouse can be seen from miles around the city, reminding anyone in the surrounding countryside where the seat of the empire resides. It holds a modest aerie of griffin riders and monitors airspace around the capital. Rumors circulate that there is a clandestine boardroom that one can only enter through teleportation at its height, but these rumors have yet to be confirmed; especially since teleportation magic was outlawed with the Accords.
  • The Embassy. Saddled at the border of the Sol and Trade wards, the Embassy is a tavern widely renowned for its lavish amenities that are tailored for each guest. It has four wings that stretch in the cardinal directions, each modeled in the style of the nation it faces. For this, it is the favored residence for visiting diplomats, especially during the Accords meetings.
  • Trade Ward

    Home to both the River Gate and the Stone Gate, the Trade Ward is by far the busiest of the wards in its position as northmost ward on the west bank. The ward has canals dug into it, forcing businesses to build atop one another, but allowing them to bring supplies in directly from the Alphidon.
  • The Stone Gate. The most trafficked gate in Helorix, the Stone Gate is the mouth of the Stone Road which leads directly into the Red Mountains.
  • The River Gate. Sealed by a fortified watergate, the River Gate remains open to allow barges to traverse the river at all hours of the day and night. However, in an emergency, there are two sets of portcullis that can be shut, and in the case of a true emergency, a set of stone doors can be conjured to completely block the waterway and flood the surrounding fields, creating a moat.
  • Fairmarket. Built into a rised platform and encircled by canals on all sides, Fairmarket is the economic center of Helorix. Merchants come from across the empire to peddle their wares, selling anything from spice to textiles to wonderous, exotic items.
  • The Arcane Sanctum. Once the foremost location for the exchange of magical items, Arcane Sanctums across both empires have been shuttered since Inquisitors of House Devereaux in Arcanus attempted to arrest the chains owner and proprietor Beedle Derebin, claiming that each storefront across the continent opened to the same store through illegal teleportation magics. After the ensuing conflict, ever Arcane Sanctum closed its doors and have not reopened since.
  • Sky Ward

    By far the nicest ward, the Sky Ward is the southmost ward in the Sun District, built into a rise in the city that overlooks the Monarch's Harbor. The noble and upper class call it home, filling the district with their estates and luxurious hanging gardens. Several mages also hold city homes within this ward and can be found here when not holed up in their towers far afield.  

    Salt Ward

    In contrast, the Salt Ward is by far the most unpleasant ward to find yourself in. Set to the north on the east bank, it is home to tanners and abattoirs, processing plants and factories of industry. Some say the stench that eminates off of the ward repells any curious creature from the Wasting Swamps that would think of making a meal out of citizens inside the walls.  

    Green Ward

    Named for its incredible display of flora, the Green Ward is where most of Helorix' population lives. Though most merchants and businessfolk make their homes above or within their place of business in other wards, the Green Ward gives a home to those who do not have a storefront attached to their profession; scribes, actors, off-duty guardsmen, adventurers and the like.  

    Fae Ward

    Also called Carnival Row, you can find any worldly delight that you desire within the Fae Ward; and even some otherworldy ones, too.
  • The Sea Gate. The head of the Captain's Road, the Sea Gate serves less of a defensive role in the cities system of gates, but rather gives a means to regulate traffic between Helorix and Diopolis as well as levy the proper tariffs on merchants as they bring their wares to the Fairmarket.
  • The Captain's Road

    Connecting Helorix to Diopolis, its port city, the Captain's Road is a well-paved thoroughfare that takes about four hours to traverse. It is dotted with various merchants, taverns, and inns whose clientelle value the discression and privacy that the more isolated location on the road offers.
  • Sirinn. Once called the Siren Inn, the Sirinn is a tavern of some renown along the Captain's Road, but for what it is known, who can say?
  • Diopolis

    While not technically part of Helorix, the capital is slowly but surely growing to engulf its port city, which is little more than a portico lined street filled with merchant stalls and food stands. Several
  • Seamarket. Filled with fishmongers and travelling peddlers who don't wish to pay the fees and tariffs required to trade in Helorix proper, the Seamarket is an excellent place to find wares that the Port Authority might otherwise confiscate.
  • The Hobbitsong. Run by Belarian Lyris, the Hobbitsong is a tradepost with a reputation to be willing to "forget" to file some of the necessary trade paperwork or "mishear" names as they are given. Though, the average patron would never guess it from the outward demeanor of the store, which is otherwide a fairly successful post. Unless asked, the halfling attendants will feign ignorance and treat a customer as normal. Besides, what is a reputation if not a rumor with roots?
  • Other

  • The Nightmarket. An illicit gathering of the denizens of Helorix and the surrounding area, merchants peddling in contraband and dark magics meet in the sewers of the capital to exchange their wares.
  • Inhabitants


    Numerous guilds that dot the countryside of Aurelia have their roots in Helorix. Guilds and unions within the city exist to lobby the Green Council and beseech the emperor, advocating for their various trades; The Seafearers' Guild, the Bakers' Guild, the Masons' Guild, to name a few. The guildhalls of Helorix have a voice that resonates throughout the empire, as what guild advocates are able to accomplish in the capital radiates outward to affect their compatriates abroad.  


    The Sky Ward is dotted with the estates of the noble houses. Nobility in Helorix consists of nearly 150 families of varying degrees of power, though only about half of whom can trace their lineages to the founding of the city. Major nobles from Illemnor, the Rose Protectorate, Arcanus, the outer reaches of the empire proper, and even Fulminaria hold property within the city to maintain a place to stay when they visit to attend to business in the capital or participate in the Accords.  


    While most every merchant within the city is a member of the Tradesmens' Guild, there are still several free agents within the merchant population who wish to avoid bending to the guild's guidelines. Beedle Derebin of the Arcane Sanctum, Belarian Lyris of the Hobbitsong, and Baeris of Spellbound Bindings are a few of their number.   Though this does lead to a major influx of shops offering a variety fo different goods. Caravan and coastal operators see Helorix as the trade destination along the southern shore.  


    Helorix has long been a haven for adventurers. The Praxean Adventurers' League, founded by Praxis within the city, has its first and most populated outpost within the city, and from that has sprung a number of adventuring parties, both official and unofficial, and likely a few secret societies as well.
    Alternative Name(s)
    City of the Sun, the Splendor
    Included Organizations
    Owning Organization