Session 3: Let's go to Hades Report

General Summary

Arriving in Hades

The party hops on the train and arrives in hades with little incidence. After arriving they walk around for a bit and explore an open market, noticing in the background that a heavy storm appears to be on it's way.   In the market they approach a stall and see a variety of magical objects laid before them on Devon's Stand. After some questioning he reveals that the objects are all more than they seem, and Cyrus Akahoshi decides to purchase a pocket watch that is also an obligate carnivore.   As the storm continues to roll in the party decides to try and find a place to stay for the night, with Duke Hamilton offering to buy everyone rooms. However, upon looking for rooms they find that every Inn is full due to the oncoming storm, which town chatter is predicting to be Huge.   Out of options, the party decides to try the castle, which Worry Half-Pint has told them of. The only problem is that no one has every returned from the castle, and they aren't sure they will either.  

Hades' Castle

As they approach the castle at the summit of the mountain, a fine mist creeps up around their feet. Getting closer, they notice a wooden door, just wide enough for one person to get through. Ronan cautiously opens the door, and as soon as he steps through the door slams shut behind him. He tries to open the door, but finds it locked up tight. Looking around Ronan finds the castle to be in relatively good condition considering how long its been in ruins. As he walked the halls, feet sinking into the plush blue carpet with every step, he saw Ciodore Elevir slumped over against the wall. Continuing to look around he noticed the art on the walls was in good condition and not faded, the velvet blue drapes, while slightly tattered in areas, are still vibrant and elegantly hung. Most importantly, He noticed that all of the items of value are still hung on the walls and in their places on the various pieces of furniture around.   While Ronan explores, the rest of the party panics a bit, and Cyrus Akahoshi immediately followed, finding much the same with expensive green carpet and plush green velvet drapes adorning the walls. He attempted the door as well, but found it to be just as locked, and more importantly noticed that Ronan is no where to be seen. As he looks around he runs into Robin Woodleaf slumped over against a wall.   Worry Half-Pint is outside alone with Hamilton and has to decide what to do. Eventually, he comes to the conclusion he has to follow, but only panics more when none of his friends are to be seen in the strange pink castle. Eventually he finds Derthag Steelfang slumped against a wall and after brief questioning moves on exploring the castle.   As they player continue to explore they begin to notice that the castle is very odd. Ronan decides to take a nap in one of the guest rooms, however the other two continue on into what they determine to be a dining room. the food on the fully set table smells absolutely delightful, but they decide not to eat it, lest the end up slumped over on a wall somewhere like their previous acquaintances. Eventually, they notice that every time they enter a room, the decor changes color.   As Cyrus Akahoshi enters what appears to be a ballroom, he finds a person curled up in the corner chanting   "Blue, green, pink, purple 
The treasure, the treasure.
Not in the sea.
Not in the field.
Not even in the blossom tree.
Blue, green, pink, purple."
  A lot of doors and color changes later, the two realize they can hear each other through the doorway when they're both in the same color, and decide to try and find each other. Worry Half-Pint traverses the whole castle, eventually finding a hole in the wall of what appears to be a music room, leading an art room on the other side of the large gaping hole in one of the hallways. Along the way he happened to pick up some gear in the treasury and now has 2 swords and some studded armor. once he goes through the gallery back into the front hallway, he encounters @cyrus, and after a joyous reunion they both realize. They haven't seen Ronan this whole time.

Character(s) interacted with


Cyrus Akahoshi

Chaotic Neutral Centaur (Soldier)
Barbarian 4
41 / 41 HP
Report Date
05 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Hades' Castle

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