Session 8: Exploring the Spire Report

General Summary

The Blue Chamber

As the party enters they find what appears to be nothing but an empty chamber with a chest in the center. As they approach the chest, two zombies come out of the shadows and are immediately handled with little to no fight. When they open the chest they find a ring and a wand. Cyrus Akahoshi doesn't recognize the ring, but does disappear from veiw when he puts it on. Ronan recognizes the wand as a wand of magic missiles [see notes below]. 

The Cathedral

The party decides the next best move is to move the lever to red and explore the Cathedral. The door opens to reveal a long, cathedral-like room. There are murals painted on the walls and 10 large red focusing crystals lining either side of the room, two of which have been shaken loose from their housing structure and are strewn about the floor. At the end of this chamber, full of coffins in various states of disrepair, is a large sarcophagus, and beyond it a throne built from bones. Sitting on the edge of it is a gaunt man, all knees and elbows, drinking from a silver goblet. He peers at you through a curtain of stringy silver hair, his green eyes glimmering with an unearthly light. In a silken voice, he says, “Ah yes. My saviors. Thank you for securing my exit from this wretched place. I’ve been trying for decades to figure a way out of that cursed contraption...” He lazily kicks the coffin below him. “Earthquakes. You’ve gotta love ’em. Of course, if it weren’t for a chance thunderstorm and a bit of lightning I managed to divert from its path, who knows how long I would have been trapped in this purgatory?” He looks around at the party lazily, a bit of wine sloshing down the front of his moldy silken blouse. “You did come to save me, correct? And pledge your service to me in return for the secrets to eternal life? Or am I going to have to kill the whole bally lot of you?” This is Lord Tiresome Belovaar who is determined to make sure the party helps him out of his prison, willingly or not. When the party refuses to help, Lord Belovaar starts spawning his undead creatures to attack. The first skeleton crawls out of a coffin and Lord Belovaar commands it to "go for the stones!" and it immediately heads for the nearest crystal, attempting to topple it off its pedestal. Before it has a chance Cyrus Akahoshi dashes across the room and beats it down with his hooves. While this is happening Worry Half-Pint suddenly grows to over twice his normal size, and picks up the nearest upset stone, placing it back on its pedestal. Ronan pulls out his Javelin and, after hexing it, throws it dramatically across the room, hitting Lord Belovaar Squarely in the shoulder. He then pulls out his bow and fires another shot across the room, missing Lord Belovaar by a hair. In retaliation, the skeleton then attacks Cyrus Akahoshi, failing miserably before dissolving into a pile of his own bones on the ground. Lord Belovaar then summons a blood ooze which immediately upsets the nearest crystal. Cyrus Akahoshi swipes it with his sword, and then gives it a good beating with his hooves and kills it almost instantly. Worry Half-Pint comes by and then sets the crystal back into its pedestal. Ronan pulls out his wand of magic missiles and uses it to fire 3 missiles at Lord Belovaar, all of which hit with a satisfying "thunk." Then Lord Belovaar summons a zombie....     to be continued...

Rewards Granted


Wand of Magic Missiles
Item | Nov 7, 2021
Cyrus Akahoshi  ring of invisibility?


Cyrus Akahoshi

Chaotic Neutral Centaur (Soldier)
Barbarian 4
41 / 41 HP
Report Date
22 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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