Session 4: how do we escape the castle? Report

General Summary

The party is reunited

As Cyrus Akahoshi and Worry Half-Pint find each other, they hear Ronan from the room next to them. They listen to Worry Half-Pint's instructions on how to go around, and eventually end up in the same room together, but now they still don't know how to get out!   As they traverse the castle, they remember the riddle from Session 3: Let's go to Hades Report and realize that there must be treasure in the purple rooms, and decide to simply check every purple room. When they arrive in what has been a room full of hats in every other color, they find in the purple version of the castle the room is occupied by a 15x20 foot hat who introduces himself as Roderick the Hat.  

Roderick the Hat 

Roderick the Hat tells of how he is so lonely in the castle and longs to be out in the world. He offers if each of them will tell a story he will grant them one Wish.    Worry Half-Pint goes first and tells of his raising Cyrus Akahoshi goes next and tells of his leaving Ronan  goes last and tells of his parents (and chick)   Worry Half-Pint wishes for a feat, gift of the chromatic dragon.  Roderick the Hat nods and simply says "your wish is granted"  Cyrus Akahoshi wishes for everyone to gain resistance to slashing damage Roderick the Hat nods and simply says "your wish is granted" Ronan  wishes for a weapon or item to appear in his inverntory once per day, with an increasing value up to 50,000 GP Roderick the Hat nods and simply says "your wish is granted"   The party looks around and finds treasure beyond their wildest dreams. The find a Bag of Beans, a Chime of opening, and a potion of heroism, along with 16 gems they estimate to be worth around 500 gp each. 

Leaving the Castle

The party divides the treasure, and decides now is the time to try and escape. as they'e about to leave, Worry Half-Pint turns to ask Roderick the Hat if he would like to join them on their adventures, to which Roderick the Hat agrees and shrinks himself down small enough to fit on Worry Half-Pint's head. As they continue through the castle they end up in a purple front hallway, through which they can see the front door is being held open by Duke Hamilton! he rushes them out of the castle and then they are on their merry way to Tarrander to see Emilia Hamilton Farrier.  

Arriving in Tarrander 

As they arrive in Tarrander they find a group of Kobold Bards arguing with a elven sorcerer. they listen in to hear that the sorcerer is tired of not getting his "fair share" (which is a larger amount of gold than the rest of them get) and he storms off. While the party would like to help, they decide they need to get Duke Hamilton to Emilia Hamilton Farrier's. As they approach Emilia Hamilton Farrier's house, they can hear screaming from inside and decide that it's probably best to leave Duke Hamilton there, as they seem to have arrived exactly on time. They get their pay, and Duke Hamilton heads into the house.

Rewards Granted

Worry Half-Pint

Cyrus Akahoshi
  • Five 500 gp gems
  • potion of heroism Potion of Heroism
  • resistance to slashing damage
  • 50 gp
  • six 500 gp gems
  • chime of opening
  • a new weapon or item every time he makes up
  • resistance to slashing damage
  • 50 gp

Missions/Quests Completed

Hades' Castle

Character(s) interacted with

Roderick the Hat Duke Hamilton


Cyrus Akahoshi

Chaotic Neutral Centaur (Soldier)
Barbarian 4
41 / 41 HP
Player Journals
Cyrus's Story for a Wish by Cyrus
Report Date
07 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Hades' Castle
Secondary Location

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