Session 1: Grubs for Galleys Report

General Summary

Met while on the run, Alisha welcomed Artur into her crew. They left the crew behind (positive end) to pursue piracy. Turk: hot. Too big and strong for body, clumsy, drunk, smart, loyal. They/them/he/him. Mandragora: fidgety, nervous about pursuit. Hooded, really into archery. Quiet and introverted, trusts Turk and wants to make a good impression. Jerish: leopard tabaxi. Tiefling: violet-skinned tiefling. Jessamin. 5 silver for docking. Hank the decrepid cat. Stayed w/ him for one night. Brothel is next to the chapel. Turk is a Mugluck believer, his own philosophy (think Mormon). Just vibes. "It is what it is." Madame: sister to Jessamin. Jessabelle. Turk: large creature of any gender looking for a snuggle. Wilhelmina Mandragora: nervous and tense and overwhelmed. Jurg: fire genasi gossip.   Siphren's ship: Lion's Rage

Lords of the Windward Isles
Report Date
05 Oct 2023

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