Lords of the Windward Isles

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Novorea
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Navigator Alor'isk Van
  • Captain Baxtor Romphilimus
  • Billie Quiper
    Tall and gangly firbolg apothecary. Eager and earnest.
  • Correlei Tasck
  • Falkiri Longhorn
    Carefree and rough-around-the-edges minotaur owner of The Blowhole
  • Filomena Tasselwaff
    Human sailor hoping to become a pirate lord.
  • Flokkyr Wizzach
    Elderly triton shipwright.
  • Frederick Tasselwaff
    Human sailor hoping to become a pirate lord.
  • Hadrani Longhorn
    Professional and courteous minotaur owner of The Havening Arms.
  • Henk i'Denk
    Ancient, near-fossilized tabaxi who hangs out at Hangman's Hole and has a spare room available to let.
  • Jerimeah Falcon
  • Jerish Zamoray
    Leopard tabaxi gunner on the Lion's Rage.
  • Madame Jessabelle Belladonna
    Purple-skinned tiefling madame of Belladonna's Boutique.
  • Harbormaster Jessamin Belladonna
    Purple-skinned tiefling harbormaster.
  • Jurg Alloris
    Talkative fire genasi prostitute at Belladonna's Boutique.
  • Keluride Vyls
  • Quartermaster Larendar Diriaphosyl
  • Magnus Lachlo
    Shady, calculating, rude jeweler in The Maw.
  • Captain Old Skratch
  • Pauli Shuck
    Grumpy and crotchety lynx tabaxi spice farmer who frequents The Blowhole.
  • Randall Murderfoot
  • Ronn b'Droni
  • Rusty
    Mischievous pine marten belonging to Siphren Saltfang and living as the Chief Rat-catching Officer on the Lion's Rage.
  • Mother Rythria Syllanus
    Priest/cultist affiliated with the Order of Her Shining Stars, stationed in The Maw as an agent of The Order.
  • Captain Savario Fisk
    Short, easy-going snow leopard tabaxi who used to be a pirate.
  • Captain Siphren Saltfang
  • Captain Solem Weist
  • Bishop Tivond Syllanus
    High elven bishop of the Church of the Godking in Tacarigua.
  • Valixan Grint
    Corrupt customs official in Bry'kalis
  • Captain Vonegus Wrex
  • Warghax Gorefist
    Evil, cunning, ruthless shaman of Gruumsh
  • Wilhelmina Van'terholm
    Lively and graceful giff prostitute at Belladonna's Boutique.
  • Yugg'l d'Saleh
  • Yxnathromanius Gizzarion
    A proud and brash brass dragon wyrmling enslaved by the Edjet mercenaries in Bry'kalis.

Sessions Archive

24th Apr 2024

Chapter 06: Diego's Dirty Doubloons

Read the Report
28th Mar 2024

Session 05: Bounties and Deities

Read the Report
14th Feb 2024

Session 04.4: Spicers and Swashbucklers

Read the Report
31st Jan 2024

Session 04.3: Dragons and Assassinations

Read the Report
18th Jan 2024

Session 04.2: Secrets and Spice

Read the Report
30th Nov 2023

Session 04.1: The Spice of Life

Read the Report
9th Nov 2023

Session 03: The Dead Tell No Tales

Read the Report
18th Oct 2023

Session 02: The Ruins of Empire

Read the Report
5th Oct 2023

Session 1: Grubs for Galleys

Read the Report

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