Chapter 06.1: Diego's Dirty Doubloons Report

General Summary

Roland mentioned trials in 2 weeks (Turk asked) and mentioned a referral fee if Turk referred their "friend".

Mandragora's dragon's name is Murphy.

Yugg'l joined the gang on their trip, they learned that Diego was crazy and had been rumored to find the fabled treasure of Captain Verdain. Allor'isk asked them to bring back Diego's Seeker Compass. Jessabelle asked them to hold Percival accountable for reneging on his debts to her Boutique.

Mandragora saw a Sister of Gentle Repose helping Henk i'Denk outside the Chapel of the Blessed Lady and rebuking the Blessed Mother, who had thrown him out. She gave Mandragora a wooden token and named him a friend of her Sisterhood, and promised him aid if he gave the token to a fellow sister.

The gang met up with Yugg'l on the docks, and watched the massive casino ship drop anchor outside the Maw. A longship rowed to shore and a leonin named Percival welcomed them aboard and took them to the deck. There they met the pirate lord Diego and his sea otter companion Noodles. Diego offered them 1,000gp apiece to serve as security for the next day and a half, and Noodles stole a magical item from Turk, only dropping it when offered a treat. Cottonball and Noodles seemed alarmed by each other, and Percival guided the gang down and gave them a tour of the ship.

Mandragora and Turk began their shift, with Mandragora spotting several shifty characters: a human man loitering by the bursar and a goblin working on one of the slot machines. The human noticed Mandragora's attention and slipped away, but the goblin broke at the first sign of trouble and Mandragora and Yugg'l grabbed her and took her to the brig to interrogate her. After determining her to no longer to be a threat, Mandragora let her go.

Turk talked with some fellow staff members (female dragonborn cashier and hairless tabaxi card dealer) and learned that Percival is pretty universally hated amongst the staff. Turk also won nearly 300 gold playing Leira's Gambit.

Lords of the Windward Isles
Report Date
24 Apr 2024
Primary Location
Diego's Dirty Doubloons
Secondary Location
The Maw

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