1.3 Along Came a Spider

General Summary

The party boldly enters the spiders cave, searching for the two orcs, and whatever useful supplies that may be found. The cave is full of webbed corpses and spider eggs, but Jorn also manages to find some useful armor and Cyril finds some alchemical supplies.    They are attacked by wolf spiders spiders, which they manage to slay. Finally, they find one of the orcs, dead, but manage to find the other alive and intend to take him back with them to the camp to interogate.    They are ambushed by the giant spider whose lair they invaded, and after a tough battle, manage to kill it.    With orc in hand, and having pillaged the spider den, they determine to travel north in the direction of Grujell the Conquerer.

Rewards Granted

Level 2   Rusty Platemail   Adventuring Supplies

Missions/Quests Completed

Along Came a Spider


Day 1

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