Sorrow Flew on Black Wings

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Shadow Realms
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  • Neverwinter
  • World Map
Supporting Cast
  • Abraxis
    A spectator (beholder) in the service of Eledin. Believed to have returned to its plane of existence upon the death of its master.
  • Amnon
    Handsome young Tiefling that runs the Cony Draft.
  • Bandit Captain
    A man leading a group of well equipped men in the sword mountains near Phandalin. May or may not have been associated with the city of Neverwinter.
  • Eledin
    A powerful necromancer who lived in the northern Kryptgarden Forest. Slain by Jorn the Paladin.
  • Elmar Barthen
    Runs the general store in Sorrowhold
  • Ethel Barthen
    Elmar Barthens daughter. Short shoulder length hair, green eyes, 17 years old, freckles on the right side of face. Lives in Triboar, was in Hildon until recently.
  • Grom
    A runaway orc fleeing from Grujell's horde. He claims he is "good orc" and no hurt nobody. A rock slinger and slayer of blights.
  • Grujell the Conqueror
    A feared and powerful orc warlord. Slayer of blue lizardmen and king of Kryptgarden.
  • Jimmy the Tooth
    An ugly man with one tooth.
  • Kratos
    A huge dragonborn warrior.
  • Kryptgarden Banshee
    The spirit of a murdered woman who sought revenge on her killer. Was slain by Jorn the Paladin.
  • Linene Graywind
    Formerly a weapons merchant in Phandalin. She is now the defacto leader of Sorrowhold.
  • Lord Galathrax
    A demon lord, sworn enemy of Mistress Melanthia.
  • Mistress Melanthia
    A powerful greater succubus who rules a part of Avernus.
  • Toblen Stonehill
    A friendly barkeeper. Keeps up his good spirits even in dark times such as these.

Sessions Archive

4th Dec 2023

Session 31

27th Nov 2023

Session 30

20th Nov 2023

Session 29

14th Nov 2023

Session 28

The strangers find demons in Neverwinter. Chaos ensues.

6th Nov 2023

Session 27

Cyril learns at the House of Knowledge, Jorn gets an axe and makes new friends, and Kravek climbs a chain.

Read the Report
31st Oct 2023

Session 26

A sudden explosion in the chasm district allows scores of monsters from the under dark to swarm the city. The strangers race to save the city from the grips of a mindflayer arcanist, slaying everything they can find along the way.

24th Oct 2023

Session 25

A psychic creature, recently expelled from Jorn and Kravek, attempts to invade Cyril’s mind. And three friends do some shopping.

17th Oct 2023

Session 24

Jorn and Kravek wake up in a dream world made of their greatest fears, and struggle to stay alive and slay the beast invading their minds before it kills them both.

Read the Report
10th Oct 2023

Session 23

The strangers have an audience with the Horned Prince.

Read the Report
3rd Oct 2023

Session 22

The strangers meet many of the denizens of The Docks and visit the Moonstone Mask. The proprietor has a proposition for them.

Read the Report
26th Sep 2023

Session 21

Read the Report
19th Sep 2023

Session 20

12th Sep 2023

Session 19

5th Sep 2023

Session 18

29th Aug 2023

2.17 The Woman upon the Water

The party travel north along the river and behold the face of evil.

Read the Report
22nd Aug 2023

2.16 A New Quest Begins

After defeating Grujell, the strangers prepare to travel to Neverwinter with Tara, a ranger in the service of the king.

Read the Report
8th Aug 2023

1.15 The Heart of the Bluescales

Grujell’s army assaults Sorrowhold, and Kravek at long last, crosses blade with the warlord to extract his vengeance.

Read the Report
1st Aug 2023

1.14 Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War

On their journey back across the Sword Mountains, the party battles a chimera as the fate of Sorrowhold and the souls that dwell there, remains unknown.

Read the Report
25th Jul 2023

1.13 Of Devils and Demons

In hell, Jacob learns more about Lord Galathrax. The strangers attempt to cross the mountains to reach Sorrowhold.

Read the Report
18th Jul 2023

1.12 Emerging from Darkness

Jorn, Cyril and Kravek escape from the mines after the disappearance of Jacob.

Read the Report
11th Jul 2023

1.11 Fighting with Shadows

The strangers meet a servant of the demon lord Galathrax, sworn enemy of the Mistress Melanthia.

Read the Report
27th Jun 2023

1.10 Through the Mines

Through a mine determined to kill them all, the strangers attempt to make their escape.

Read the Report
20th Jun 2023

1.9 Damned, and Back From Hell

Roy becomes a Hellbound fiend and returns to the party in the service of the devil Melanthia.

Read the Report
13th Jun 2023

1.8 Fireside Chat with a Spectator

Roy and Kravek talk to a spectator, Jorn and Cyril talk Eledin, and everyone tries to avoid dying... with mixed results.

Read the Report
6th Jun 2023

1.7 Howls of the Dead

An old man named Eledin asks the strangers for help, but all is not what it seems. Jorn meets Hoar, god of vengeance and battles a spirit.

Read the Report
23rd May 2023

1.6 New Friends, or More Enemies

Dangers abound in the dark woods of Kryptgarden as the strangers seek to learn more about the orc camp and how to defeat them. They meet an owlbear, a pacifist Orc, and an old man.

Read the Report
16th May 2023

1.5 Kryptgarden

The strangers explore the northern region of Kryptgarden Forest, looking for Grujell's war camp.

Read the Report
9th May 2023

1.4 Lets Hunt Some Orc

The strangers journey north in search of Grujell.

Read the Report
2nd May 2023

1.3 Along Came a Spider

The party searches a spider lair for two orcs that may know how to find the warlord Grujell.

Read the Report
25th Apr 2023

1.2 I Am Kravek

A new hero joins the party.

Read the Report
20th Apr 2023

1.1 Into the Fire

With nothing but the clothes on their backs and surrounded by enemies, the party makes a daring escape.

Read the Report
It is a time of great darkness for the people of the Sword Coast. The Lord's Alliance, once a strong symbol of peace for those that call this place their home, has dissolved and many years of rule by weak, petty tyrants, each seeking their own desires, have schemed, plotted and double-crossed their way straight into a calamitous war that has scarred the land. Of course, the common folk pay the highest price for it, as they always do. Thousands have died upon the battlefields, and thousands more have died from famine & disease. In such desperate times, many with nowhere left to turn will seek help from anywhere, even from a fiend's bargain, and with such misery abounding, there are many bargains to be made. All manner of evils have descended upon the land, with demons and devils eager to lay claim to mortal souls and spread their influence across the material plane. Evil beckons evil, so it seems, and the vile and the deranged now descend upon the coast. With the nation's armies in ruins, and the people starving, there is none to stand against them. The crisis has spurred an uneasy truce between the warring powers, but it matters little against the forces that now plague their land. And the greatest of evils has yet to arrive at their door. One night in the north, beneath this canopy of suffering, a group of strangers from disparate backgrounds awakens to the dim light of campfires and the gaggle of strange voices. Each of them came here from a different place, for a different reason, and all have scores to settle, pains to bury, and dreams to achieve. Before they can begin any of that however, they have to survive this night, and being bound, gagged and tossed into a cage is going to be a serious problem....

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Jörn Monrer


Kravek The Last Bluescale

Cyril Svarog